USB 2 or 3 for any of the new DD bases?

I don't know if I'm searching the wrong places, but I can't seem to find a clear answer for this question.
Do the newest DD bases require USB 2 or 3?
I currently run the GT DD Pro and am considering the Clubsport DD or DD+ for a future upgrade.
i remember hearing someone say that the full force (not currently implemented game side) required a powered usb. 3.0 or newer I guess. Could of been Will from boosted media but I’m not 100% I’d have to watch that YouTube video again
Usb 3.0 is requiered for normal use as it needs inputs faster as its bassicly more fps interms of detail.
usb 2 max speed is 480 Mbps, by default you not need usb 3 yet for fanatec devices
also if they use usb 2 chip at base, you do not get any advance with usb 3