FanaLab 2.01.45 Release (prev .35 rc) - Post your Feedback here



  • edited July 2024


    can someone tell me if the version is backwards compatible with fantec driver 4.55?

    Many thanks

  • I recall Maurice saying it is.

  • 2024/06/29[10:45:43.871] [000420][014456] WindowMain::PrivateUnhandledExceptionHandler | Message: The invocation of the constructor on type 'PodiumControl.UserControlTabDynamicFfbMenu' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception. From: System.Object Load(System.Xaml.XamlReader, System.Xaml.IXamlObjectWriterFactory, Boolean, System.Object, System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterSettings, System.Uri) HResult -2146233087

    i think that caused for me a fanalab crash. not sure how that digger

  • Hello,

    I have Fanalab, Maurice's profiles and a BMW M4 GT3 wheel.

    Does revled configuration is included in those profiles ? It doesn't seem to work in iRacing. Do I have to activate something in game or in Fanalab when the game profile is loaded ?

    Thank you

  • I do not have this (imo useless) feature implemented im my profiles, only static Button LEDs and Telemetry based channel LEDs like Pit Limiter or Flags.

  • Ok Thank you Maurice for your answer and the work on these profiles, very appreciated :)

  • One additional question, I see in most DD+ profiles that natural friction is disabled.

    Does it means that there is still a bug in the driver for DD and DD+ which make natural friction weird ?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to download Fanalab onto my Windows 11 PC, but every time I try downloading the latest packages from the official website and from the forums I always get error codes 2503 and 2502 and the install stops.

    I have been to the support page on the main site and was instructed to come here and ask for more support. Can I have help please?

    Thanks again

  • Your Windows Installation is broken.

    Google the error codes and try some fixes explained there.

    Also bunch if stuff available on Youtube, like this:

  • edited July 2024


    i have a problem with the fanalab software on my pc. i have the fanatec dd pro 8nm and the pc driver 455. When i am starting fanalab, it is connecting to my hardware but a view seconds later the window is closing without doing anything... i have already tried several versions of fanalab and reinstalled it several times. i also tried the 457 pc driver, but nothing is working... what else can i do to get fanalab running on my computer? without the fanalab software my led's on my steering wheel (podium f1 wheel) are not woring either in the games...

    thanks for your help!

  • Please upload your Log files, otherwise it is impossible to analyze why its crashing for you.

  • Hi Maurice,

    i now installed f1 24 on a pc and use the same components:

    I have the Fanatec CSL DD+, Formula V2.5x Wheel, QR1, Windows 10:

    • installed driver 457, updated wheel, base, pedals,
    • installed Fanalab 2.01.35,
    • set vibration for wheel spin & lock ups to 10,
    • enabled telemetry for f1 24 ,
    • left fanalb open while opened f1 24 (Patch 1.6) via steam,
    • switched in game UDP telemetry on, set UDP Broadcast to OFF, UDP port to 20888, UDP Rate 60Hz, UDP Format 2024, Telemetry to public.

    But i still dont get the vibration work on my wheel. The vibration motor of the wheels seems to work since it vibrates as a break indicator at 100% braking but never when locking up or having wheel spin.

    Is there anything i could do?

  • Do you use BLI?

    Because BLI and Telemetry based vibrations are not compatible with each other.

    To get Telemetry based vibrations you have to set BLI to OFF.

  • Good morning,

    I notice that the revleds do not correspond to the fanalab settings for LMU on the endurance module.

    Is this normal or is there anything I can do to fix this?

  • Most likely you did not clicked the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and Enable Fanalab support to disable native LED support from the game so they interfere with the ones you have set in the Lab.

  • Sorry I just changed rims from F1 esport v2 to GT3 endurance SPA 24H and I didn't check my settings. Apparently, I don't have to use the hardware display with the endurance module whereas I had to with the Esport v2. Thanks for the quick response and sorry again.

  • edited July 2024

    According to the Logs you are using 2.01.21. This thread is about 2.01.35. Please update your FanaLab and report back if the issue still happens.

    Issue itself seems to be either with the CustomGameConfig.xml and/or with your ProfileCarsList_ACC.xml file, if the issue still happens with 2.01.35 then please delete these two xml files from C:\Users\Gaming Pc\AppData\Local\Fanatec\FanaLab\xml. Most likely you copy/pasted the ProfileCarsList wrong or you edited it wrong with a wrong hex-decimal-value 0x00, at least thats the issue according to the Logs. In both xml files its in line 1 of each xml file.

  • I've just carefully applied the profiles as per instructions and I don't know if it's me or are you guys all super strong and have massive biceps?

    its almost dangerous with the dd2 and not just the turning strength but the sharp forces that are coming through are just crazy, I did everything correctly and double checked.

    id challenge anyone to do the spa 24 like this.

    Or am i just crazy? surely you dont race like this?

  • edited July 2024

    I do race like that - all the time... :D

    Any specific profile you think is too strong or does it affect all of them? :D

  • edited July 2024

    Hi Maurice. I have a DD Pro and still use driver v451. Everything works fine with my devices so have no need or desire to risk trying any of the more recent drivers up to 457. (so many people with so many issues) If it aint broke don't fix it 😉

    I would like however, to update my version of fanalab to this current version, for F124 compatibility amongst other things. Is this possible? Is this latest version of fanalab backwards compatible with driver v451?

    Thank you for all you do.


  • No, a FanaLab Version with F1 24 support requires at least driver 455, which is flawed on GT DD so if you want to use the Lab for F1 24 then you will need to update to driver 457.

  • Ok thank you for your quick response Maurice. Guess I am going without then lol Not going anywhere near 457 or anything inbetween.

  • edited July 2024

    May I ask, why not? There are no new issues with 457 on a GT DD compared to 451 and when you follow the steps of the Firmware Manager during the update process, there is basically no risk in updating...

  • edited July 2024

    On the various driver versions released since v451, I had read about people suffering different issues with their devices, e.g. xbox compatibility problems (I play on PC/PS5/Xbox), various ffb issues, MClaren wheel issues, connection issues etc etc.

    As I stated, except for loss of fanalab compatibility, I have no issues at all with driver v451. I have had my DD Pro since it was first released, and did the one update to to v451 which all went smoothly. In that time up till now I haven't had a single issue with my equipment, zero complaints.

    Knowing that, and reading about all the issues people are having on the latest v457 driver, also taking into consideration the horror stories about fanatec aftercare, ESPECIALLY in the current fanatec climate, knowing all that, why would I want to take the risk of potentially breaking something that isn't broken?

    There is so much uncertainty around what is happening with Fanatec right now, fear plays a role in any decisions made in regards for me what was a very expensive investment (I also purchased additional wheels/handbrake etc). So I am happy to wait and watch/read continued (hopefully) development of the drivers until I feel assured of the next properly stable and confirmed problem free release. 😊

    p.s. Fanalab compatibility aside, what benefits/changes would I gain by updating from driver v451 to v457?

  • You should read the various changelogs to see which benefits you would get.

    The "horror stories" you read are mainly from CS DD customers, there are almost no "horror" reports of CSL / GT DD Pro users. All the issues you mentioned are fixed with the firmware in 457.

    But if you dont want to take the risk, ok, then you have to stick with old FanaLab version as well as a consequence.

  • I have been reading said changelogs of every driver release since v451, and regards the DD Pro, all the drivers ever change is to fixes that the previous drivers broke in the first place! No real changes to FFB have occurred that I can see, which for me would be the main reason for wanting to upgrade the driver. In fact there are even now some issues that are STILL outstanding and constantly reported will be fixed in an upcoming driver.

    Known Issues

    • When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get cancelled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
    • Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)

    ^This is from every driver release that I can see since v451. How long does it take to "now apply the fix"? Many years it seems sadly.

    It's a shame about fanalabs compatibility, but I will wait for now thanks.

  • edited July 2024

    Those issues you mentioned are known issues also with driver 451 as they exist since the launch of the bases, so they exist in EVERY driver.

    The fixes are still supposed to come, either this or next year. Maybe thats then a reason for you to upgrade as of course FFB will never change itself with newer firmwares as the FFB is what it is and cant be improved any further other than fixing the known issues, which, as I said, exist even with driver 451.

    But anyway, we are drifting off-topic which should be discussed in driver thread instead of FanaLab thread, so keep with your old but gold software until sometime in the future you feel the need to update - at the latest this will be when you buy new wheels which require new drivers.

  • It seems to be all of them. I'm 53 but I've been doing this a long time, my shoulder does cause a bit of pain after a while but even if I was a lot younger id struggle, i think. I'm not a weak guy lol

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