Hi all, I need help PLEASE to know what could I do ...
Driver version latest 464
All firmwares updated to the latest version from driver 464 firmwares updates available.
I was racing with this driver during 2 o 3 weeks without issues with my podium F1 wheel.
The problem was after my recently Porsche wheel adquisition.
After attach the podium steering whell porsche 911 GT3 R recently buyed and install the last firmware for this wheel... during the update I received the message sucesfully update into text lines but at this point the software was blocked..and was needed turn off/on the base.. after that.. all look like works fine...
I was racing OK during 30 mins that first day after update that wheel... the second day after one hour aprox racing... suddenly the base turned off.... and now it doesn't turn on.....
When trying to turn on the power button turns white but turns off immediately. If I keep the power button pressed... it remains blank white and the ring rotates... and the force-resistance is noticeable but neither the screen nor the LEDs light up...device is NOT DETECTED FROM FANATEC SOFTWARE... and when I release the button there is no longer any force-resistance and it does not work. nothing...
You can see video attached, Could you please help me!!!
remove steering wheel and then try, there is actually allot reports that podium module may cause problems like disconnects in 464
i not even use my DD2 the 464 firmware after i saw odd behavior
I was trying the same operation without wheel and with the F1 wheel too but nothing happens different.
I was trying to install the same driver 464 on other computer and same results.. I do not know if should try with other driver version???
Should I writte this post into 464 driver forum?
Thanks Allan
you may need contact the customer support, and probably rma
Is there any option to try with older driver version?
there is bootloader mode, what allows install older firmware but by look your video, your base not want even turn on. so not sure how you able todo that
yes, there could be also power supply issue, like maybe some transistor blow up and now it simply not have en-oh Amps, but i can't guarantee for that.
i had the same issue while i was trying to install 464 and was somehow able to revive the dd1 through bootloader mode.
he not had issue with install, but that issue what he have happen nowhere
we both have/had the same issue, thats all what i am trying to say. working solution for me was to install new firmware through bootloader mode.
are the fans running at 100% when you try to turn the wheelbase on?
if that method works then its good, but user needs first install older driver for that
no... the fans are off
what driver version should I install for that? And to start bootloader is only required press the button during 8 deconds or it is needed press another button simultaneusly?
if you base not turns on anymore, i not sure if you can use bootloader, but you can try example 451
Boot Loader mode is initiated with pressing only the POWER BUTTON for 8-10 seconds from a Power OFF state.
When the Wheelbase is in Boot loader mode the power button will blink whilst it re-flashes the Motor/Base code, I doubt that you will even be able to enter Boot loader mode.
Your wheelbase isn't showing the classic symptoms with fan at 100% and in-fact not even powering on enough to do anything about the problem.
The issue will most likely be hardware related such as the Power Supply or internals of Wheel Base it self, Requiring RMA / Repair.
I need to check the power suply or try to connect other power suplly to resolve the doubt with power suply....
A cause of the problem could be the Porsche 911 GT3 Podium Steering Wheel that has the Podium Advanced Paddle Module, the Podium Button Module Endurance and the
Podium Hub... since something strange happened in the firmware update of this wheel when I connected it to the base for the first time
Could it be the cause of a problem in the internal controller of the base if the power supply is good?
Is the podium steering wheel Porche 911 GT3 compatible with driver 464 completly....?
I can't understand this bad coincidence... because for 3 weeks using the F1 wheel with driver 464... there was no problems...all was fine
but after installing the Porsche steering wheel everything came up!!😣😥😩
" Could it be the cause of a problem in the internal controller of the base if the power supply is good?"
Most definitely, failure of MOSFET power amps or capacitors drying out and losing their rated output and not doing their job correctly in either Power Supply or Wheelbase electronics can cause dead shorts (More resistance to overcome) or lack of constant high voltage / Amps.
The excessive resistance in a circuit can require more power/amps than the power supply can produce causing a protection system to kick in, usually turning off the power supply or wheelbase altogether to save either from any more damage.
" Is the podium steering wheel Porsche 911 GT3 compatible with driver 464 completely....?"
Should be totally compatible, but some people are having connection issues with the Podium Hub + PMBE + v464 drivers when using ITM data with Fanalab, so it may have other issues under certain circumstances.
" I can't understand this bad coincidence... because for 3 weeks using the F1 wheel with driver 464... there was no problems...all was fine, but after installing the Porsche steering wheel everything came up!!😣😥😩"
I understand the frustration, hence more likely a random hardware failure, However there could always be a problem with shorts or spikes when connecting wheels that damage electronics as your not the only one that had a failure of wheelbase after update to v464 or shortly there after.
Thanks so much to all for your time(MadDog-IC, Allan Lehtla, Erich Lamm...)
Today I will check the power supply anda come back.
I am waiting to Fanatec technical support too... I do not know how many time they will take to answer...
6 days since the mail sended to fanatec support... and no answers...🙈🙈
Does anyone know if the fanatec support mail is still [email protected]?
dunno, the higher issue is that DD1 is out off selling in EU at least. it's start look like they not even make DD1 anymore