Steering wheel disconnects from the base for a moment at random times.
I have a seemingly simple problem that I can't seem to resolve. As stated in the discussion title, my steering wheel (CSL Elite Steering Wheel WRC) disconnects from the base (DD1) for a fraction of a second at random moments. From my observations, this only happens in the game Assetto Corsa—sometimes after just a few minutes, other times after several minutes. The easiest way to reproduce the issue is to simply turn the steering wheel left and right while the car is stationary; in this scenario, the problem occurs almost immediately.
When the disconnection happens, the base displays the message "ATTENTION Enable torque," although this is likely a normal message when the base reconnects to the steering wheel. Once the issue occurs, the only solution is to exit the game, turn off the base, remove the steering wheel from the base, and then restart everything. However, this is only a temporary fix, as the problem reappears sooner or later.
I would also like to note that the pins on the steering wheel are straight, and the QR1 is correctly mounted without any play.
PC Driver: 464
- Wheel Base:
- Wheel Base Motor:
- Steering Wheel: 4
- Wireless QR: 7
Is CSL WRC steering wheel with QR1 Lite?
With QR1 Lite and Podium DD if you have a habit of pulling the steering wheel towards you can pull it out a few millimeters and break the connection with the pins, this happens because the ball bearing in the QR1 Lite that is supposed to keep the steering wheel from slipping out can press and crush the rubber and allow it to slip.
For this reason, the QR1 Lite is considered incompatible with the Podium DD and you need the metal ClubSport QR1.
Great, in that case, I’ll buy a metal QR1 and let you know if it solves the problem. In advance, thank you for your quick help! :)
Even better would be to update all to QR2 metal for both Base and Wheel, makes for a much more secure connection.
I'm not sure tbh. It started happening for me this last week: I can't race anymore and the wheel is unusable. Only owned it for 4months 😅
@Kado Damball - Quoted
I'm not sure tbh. It started happening for me this last week: I can't race anymore and the wheel is unusable. Only owned it for 4months
Your running a CSL DD + F1 wheel rim with QR2, different issues with that base and wheel combo, most common would be:
The wheel shaft pulling out of motor and loosing connection because of not tight enough clamping (mainly occurs with old QR1 system, QR2 with new clamp shouldn't be a problem, however re-seating the shaft may or may not have fixed this, not sure if the plastic motor side QR2 adapter is any good, to new to tell, I suspect it is fine).
Most likely failure it is to do with the Fanatec Driver v464 and FW for Motor/Base/WQR and Steering Wheel updates, numerous people with this issue, roll back to driver v455 and manually downgrade the FW that comes with it for the Motor/Base and Steering Wheel, try it like this and see if that fixes your issue, if you feel adventurous you can then try driver v464 again but don't update FW of Motor/Base or Steering Wheel to the new versions, then wait for a later driver update that addresses these specific issue you have.
Otherwise get Fanatec to sort it out under warranty.
Not a fan of the mounting system for the CSL DD with wood clamps ;-)