ClubSport Steering Wheel RS plastic noise

Hi everyone, is it normal for this steering wheel to make these creaking noises, or is it just my steering wheel that is defective? I'm sorry because it's a beautiful steering wheel
Hi everyone, is it normal for this steering wheel to make these creaking noises, or is it just my steering wheel that is defective? I'm sorry because it's a beautiful steering wheel
under normal use no. IF you are pulling one side of the wheel torward you then it might. You don’t say when and what you are doing to cause the creaking so hard to say.
Hex screws holding it together could be loose which might cause that noise
I use it on a podium dd2 base, with the force set to 12 Nm, it makes noise during normal use, the steering wheel is a month old, when it just arrived it didn't make any noise. the hex screws are screwed in, I don't know how to solve the problem and this noise is very annoying
So it creaks when you rotate the wheel left/ right? Or only using the shifters? The only other thing I can thing of is the shifters working against the plastic back cover if the mount is solid
Wheel rim plate is one piece, front screws attach it to a frame inside between the circuit boards, and the qr is screwed to that in back. Plastic cover is then attached to the shifter mounts
under warranty contact support is only thing you can do I guess as if everything is to spec it shouldn’t creak
Yeah, I have the same issue. The wheel is great but under a good load, it creaks like it is flexing and you really feel it as much as you heard it. It kind of interferes with the effect of the ffb and is really distracting. It makes me feel like its falling apart. all screws are tight and I have noticed the plastic back part plays some part in making the noise but it also is really clearly felt is the wheel.
UPDATE TO MY COMMENT ABOVE. I have found that, in my case, I just adjusted the tightness of the four screws that secure the QR2 to the wheel side a little loser/tighter until the creaking squeaky noise stopped and the screws were still not really loose enough to come out during use from ffb vibration. Now the wheel is 99% silent. I found that, having the screws fairly tight caused the plastics to rub on other surfaces they meet with, so when I found the sweet spot where they don't rub, they just stopped making the noises
Hope this can help someone. Now the wheel feels solid again.... Very reassuring!
I tightened the qr2 screws to 1Nm, so you say to try to tighten them more? thanks for your help
Not just tighten. In my case it was to loosen them to a point where the creaking stopped and the screws were still impossible for me too move them with my fingers. The QR2 is still firmly contacting the wheel itself but its now quiet as well as secured. I just kept playing around with this and trying to twist and flex with all my strength in different points around the wheel while the wheel was off the wheel base, until I found the best result and I am reassured now that it was just as simple as that for me. Job done. Hope you have the results I did. Good luck!
WOW! Ok.... Further update to the above... I found the noise returned and after taking the QR2 off, I found the sound was not to do with the QR2 at all and after examining all allen key screws back and front I was surprised and very happy to find the culprit. On the front of the wheel there are in totally 12 screws. Four around each toggle/funky stick AND... the other four bigger ones around the inner area. These four were REALLY LOOSE!... Sooooo tightened them and immediately got zero creaky plastic noise under extreme load testing.
Got there in the end and hopefully Fanatec do better with quality control in torquing there screw well.