DD GT PRO still disconnects and I can not receive support

Hi guys, its me again....

I am creating a new thread here, hoping to either get any suggestions from you guys or to get some attention from anyone at Fanatec....

So ever since I received my DD GT Pro bundle with 8nm boost kit last april my steering has kept disconnecting mid race. Sometimes every 5 minutes, sometimes 2 hours apart. After some research this seems to be a common issue and no one solution has helped me. I have reattached the shaft several times, I even bought the QR2, hoping that would solve my issues. So far nothing works.

Sometimes when I have a disconnect the wheel speeds up and keeps spinning until I unplug the power cord from the power socket. On other occasions I can just turn the wheelbase off and then on again before using it again. I have tried both direct to the wall, power strips, all different USB ports on my PS5. I suspect that there is an issue with the USB-C inside the wheel base, but I may very well be wrong.

Regarding drivers/firmware I have tried several of them. Right now I am using:

Driver 464

Wheelbase motor


Steering wheel 08


After trying a few different ones Ive noticed that nothing changes.

At the moment I can not even receive support because the website wont let me add the serial number under my products.

I am really tired of this now and I sincerely regret spending a single euro on these products when me and many others do not even receive an answer.

May be worth mentioning, I am using a Wheel stand from Next Level Racing and my platform is PS5. I have never used any USB-hubs but like mentioned above I have used both power strips and power cord directly into socket.

Any suggestions, apart from the obvious ones?


  • Have you tried downgrading to driver 455 and its respective firmware? Just make sure you follow the instructions on manual downgrades.

    I left my wheels and button modules on their higher versions, but both my CS DD+ and Podium DD1 seems to like 455 best. I had all kinds of disconnect, mis-shifts, and response related issues on the 46x versions so I’m hesitant to try them again.

  • Thanks, I will try the same as you. Hopefully it also works on my GT DD PRO base.

  • edited January 22


    I'm having the exact same issue with my device as you described.

    My Set is:

    CSL DD (8nm) + McLaren GT3 v2 + QR1 metal

    Initially, I only had problems with the shifter or a couple of buttons not responding. Then, over time, I started experiencing frequent disconnecting, and now my device is completely unusable. When I turn on the base, the Fanatec software doesn't recognize my steering wheel anymore.

    I've tried everything, but nothing has solved the problem. I've installed older drivers, 455 and 451, with the corresponding FW, but the issue always returns.

    In our case, it's definitely a hardware problem, and I suspect the weak USB-C implementation inside the wheel base.

    My product is still under warranty, and I have reported the issue multiple times, but I haven't received any response from support.

    Ideally, I'd throw away my entire Fanatec setup and buy from a different manufacturer, but unfortunately, it was too expensive, and I can't afford to buy a new one right now. I can't participate in the online league where I compete, all because of Fanatec.

    Does anyone have experience with hardware repairs?

  • edited January 22

    As I've read on this forum, quite a few people are experiencing this or a similar disconnecting issue with their CSL DD or CSL DD Pro devices.

    It's not an isolated case.

    Has anyone managed to get in touch with support and has experience with such a situation?

    Is it possible to send the device back to Fanatec for repair?

    Or should I really throw the Fanatec Set in the trash and save up the money again for a device from another, better manufacturer such as Simagic or Moza?

  • have you look if shaft is loose? that is most common issue in CSL DD bases

  • Hi,

    It's the steering wheel mate they won't admit though. Purchased my setup Nov last year GT Pro base with 8nm upgrade and CSL pedals, Mclaren GTS V2 wheel and a clubsport wheel spent 2k on this garbage. First three months the display stopped working on the Mclaren wheel had it repaired, after that it continuously disconnects when trying to use it, tried all the different ways to overcome this even in the last hour I put a new collar on the shaft and tightened to 15nm, it starts working then drops out with the famous color changing on the DD start button. Funny how the clubsport wheel doesn't miss a beat however the Mclaren is nothing but trouble and a useless waste of money. I'm thinking of selling off all my fanatec gear and starting fresh with Logitech pro, looks like they are coming out with a new ecosystem. Must say I am very disappointed with Fanatec and the way they treat everybody that has problems with their products not working as they should, seems like they skipped the concept development testing stage on this wheel and went straight to market.

  • Hi Zsolt, I would be more than happy to send my whole wheelbase back to Fanatec, but since they are ignoring me here and on my support page there is not much I can do Im afraid. Safe to say that I will never, ever spend a single Euro on their products again.

  • Hi again Jason, just to confirm. You use driver 455 with only the wheelbase using firmware from driver 455?

  • Hi i have similar issue with my MacLaren GT3 V2.... Shifters and buttons stopped to work and i need to power OFF/ON the base to restart using it. I've mounted the original wheel of my GTDDpro and everything was fine during 3 weeks. Last days i had 1 time the same issue like on the McLaren.

    I saw this on the last update (.464):

    Known Issues

    • We are aware of missed shifts and button inputs on the P DDs and are investigating

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