Fanatec PBME display freeze + "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware"
Hello Simracers,
since 2 Weeks I got a PBME together with a podiumHub. One week ago I got an error on my wheel on GT7 after I deattached the wheel from my DD+ and attached it back to it, the message "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" appeared on the PBME display. I had to rebbot the DD+ to get it working again, and that bug happens only a few times on PS5 palying GT7.
Today I managed to get the iTM display to work properly on my pc sims, and when I have iTM page #4 enabled (where you can see the time of your opponent ahead and behind you) and play some ACC, the iTM display and the LED´s are getting frozen. When I detach and atach the wheel back to the DD+ I get the "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" error again and this time I can replicate it. Nor now it happens only on the iTM presets page #4 and I will test the other pages too asap. BUT I read here and on reddit that this is a known Problem, and a few others got there PBME´s replaced cause of this :( mine iss freshly 3 Weeks old now.
Hi Jason! Thanks for reaching out, what firmware version are you using? Best, your Fanatec team!
Hey Marky ;)
thx for the answer I am using 464 ;)
Hi Jason! We're still working on a soon to be announced firmware update, some users have been able to bypass this issue by trying to downgrade to an older firmware using their PCs to update the Wheel and then trying back on their PS5s with the issue fixed temporarily while we do the update. Here's some info on how to update the drivers for your wheel base, you can check out our YouTube channel for tutorials on how to do it. We hope this works! Best, your Fanatec team
I was on 455 before I did the update, and on 455 I got the same bug the bug was the reason why I updated, my plan was to wait till a proper PBMR fw will be out. What I show in the video was ACC on PC and the bug is reproducible, you have to set iTM preset #4 (where you can see oponnent time ahead and in after) and drive for some mins, than the iTM and the LEDs are freezing and when you deatach and atach the wheel back to the DD+ the "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" error will come. The problem in GT7 was when I deatach and atach my wheel back to my DD+, I got the "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" error without freezing anything but that one is not reproducible and happens only 2 times... (till now)
is that a special fw ...?