Fanatec PBME display freeze + "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware"

Hello Simracers,

since 2 Weeks I got a PBME together with a podiumHub. One week ago I got an error on my wheel on GT7 after I deattached the wheel from my DD+ and attached it back to it, the message "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" appeared on the PBME display. I had to rebbot the DD+ to get it working again, and that bug happens only a few times on PS5 palying GT7.

Today I managed to get the iTM display to work properly on my pc sims, and when I have iTM page #4 enabled (where you can see the time of your opponent ahead and behind you) and play some ACC, the iTM display and the LED´s are getting frozen. When I detach and atach the wheel back to the DD+ I get the "Warning Steering Wheel not Supported Please Update the Firmware" error again and this time I can replicate it. Nor now it happens only on the iTM presets page #4 and I will test the other pages too asap. BUT I read here and on reddit that this is a known Problem, and a few others got there PBME´s replaced cause of this :( mine iss freshly 3 Weeks old now.


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