Mclaren GT3 V2 disconnecting from GT DD Pro

Can someone shed some light on this ongoing problem please? the disconnection only happens with the Mclaren GTS V2 wheel my other wheel clubsport works flawlessly. Please don't tell me to reset the shaft I've done this numerous times also torquing it to 15nm and trying a new clamp that everyone else tried. This wheel has been nothing but trouble from day one, first the screen stopped working, raised a ticket and drove 100klm to the repair guy to have it fixed, then I get home and this nonsense started. I have attached my most recent log files if anyone can interpret them please maybe give me some idea whether to toss the wheel in the bin or take it to the shooting range and use it for target practice?
does it run ok without fanalab?
Hi Allan,
No disabling fanalab makes no difference..
just needed make sure, in logs it show something that it lose connection with game self
It's weird that the clubsport wheel works flawlessly so that negates the GT dd. There are so many articles on google regarding this mclaren wheel and faults? Bad design..
Putting it out there, is anyone from Fanatec willing to comment and advise on my Mclaren issue?
How long have you had the wheel? I've read somewhere about people using bolts that are too long to attach the QR and they've damaged the inside of the wheel.
From a personal point of view I've had my Mclaren rim for almost 3 years. I even took it apart after a few months to mod the shifters and it's been faultless.
Wheel is only 14 months old, bolts used were the ones that came with it. I actually like the look and feel of it however very reluctant to purchase another because of this experience.
Anyone from Fanatec support able to look at these files and see if they can spot the difference, one is from this morning where the wheel will switch on, I start game and then turn off before the wheel crashes, the older file is whilst driving and the wheel stops functioning and the GT DD pro starts flashing different colors. Maybe there is something in there that may let me know why this keeps failing?
flashing different colors are something todo with steering wheel connection to the shaft
not necessary mean shaft self, could be pins, damaged cable inside steering wheel, or whatever bad connection
Thanks mate, but I can put the clubsport wheel on and it works great? I have QR1 metal on both wheels however its only the mclaren that disconnects all the time. So the shaft is connected fine.
I'm sitting in rig right now, the Mclaren is working however I know when I start racing it will disconnect, I then slide the clubsport on and have zero problems. Do you know what file I should be reading to compare? to see if it shows why it's disconnecting? As I am not holding my breath for anyone from Fanatec to respond..
to you try update your Mclaren GT3 ?
it shows something about updating.
maybe drivers/firmware are messed up and it try todo constant update, try use 451 or some other version instead maybe helps
that info is inside FwMotorAndRimUpdater.log
i look my hardware and it does not act like this at all
Just upgraded all firmware, still the same result Mclaren fails, clubsport works
Update, I have tightened the hex head screws around the pins. Actually they were already tight however I decided to overtighten them, low and behold the Mclaren wheel seems to be working again? just had two quick 10 lap races on ACC Evo and AC with no problems of disconnection. So my question to Angel from Fanatec support is why would this be? do the pins get an extra .02mm from this overtightening? and I get better connectivity? what's under the screws? must be something because I should not have had to tighten them so much.
Just turned it on again and it's F@3ked again, I'm sick to death that these thieves at Fanatec don't answer our questions. My last resort I've purchased a QR2 but not from these thieves, if that does not
work I'm going to take all my fanatec gear set it up at the end of my firing range and blast the shit out of it online. Then go and purchase a new logitech pro system.
Thought I would give an update for people having same issues, I purchased a knockoff QR2 usb-c set and installed on the Mclaren gt3 wheel and GT DD Pro. No disconnections at all? also purchased a fanatec V2.5 wheel in case the QR2 didn't work. Waiting for one more knockoff QR2 hub for my other wheel, compared it to the one that came with the fanatec V2.5 and there is absolutely no difference except half the price.