CSL DD stopped working after turning the wheel about 5 times

Hi everyone, this is my first Post here.

So I was playing ACC with my CSL DD (8NM) and after turning the wheel to the left about 5 times i heard a cracking sound and the wheel stopped working. It wont connect to the Controlpanel and the LED is red all the time. I tried reinstalling other Controlpanel versions a few other things. Does anybody has an Idea?


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited January 28

    depends what cranking sound but i feel like something burn out. you need rma

  • this can todo cracking sound when it burns out

  • The Cracking sounded more like ripping off a cable connection but there is no ripped off cable. It just confuses me that the Base isnt connecting to the PC anymore. So Ill guess i must buy a new one, or is there a chance of replacing this white electronic piece?

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited January 29

    well, perhaps shaft get loose

    that white thing, forget it. you just can't buy it, change that and pretend that nothing happened. when that burns out, there something else what cause this

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