Xbox sdk it's time to release it fanatec

Hey guys i already own my setup for 2 Years now and i'm starting to get inpatient , i did spend over 3k with you guy's and still the most basic options don't work !! I think fanatec sould offer all Xbox user's to sell back there incomplete equipment, how i and you ( the customer) did pay full price for a not working product as advertised to buy it back for the same price we did pay , it would only be fair since people are already waiting for it to work for over 4 years and most of them juste whent to pc or gifted up on the hobby and sold it with a loss fanatec/corsair get your shit together ! this is not 2005 anyone where you can pull and keep pulling such stunt's!! Tis is no hate to the normal hard working people but to your higher up's , they only think about profits what i can understand in some way, so it will be eazy release the SDK in februari and don't gift me that shit ( the game's Dev's need to install it in to there games , i know but why would they? If you , yes you fanatec need to install it to your software first biccus it will have no point if they do it or not biccus it still won't work until you work it in your software so why would they spend there time and money in something you yourself don't even do ) if not start giving people the option in March to get there money back!!
If i need to i will go further and take it to court , i know i don't have the money to fight you guys but i will still do it biccus the internet is full of lies from you guy's, only promise don't deliver !!
Good evening,
unfortunately I would venture to say its not coming, at the very least not for a long time. Someone will come on here and say how they are working on it and it should come this year but i have been asking for FOUR YEARS and every time it is the same answer. They also love blaming the developers, but they literally have the sdk done just not implemented. I felt for years i was among the only ones continuously asking but i have been seeing a lot of people on this forum start to speak up. I have noticed Fanatec has changed their tone about it since more and more have spoken up. Keep doing it until they finally give all of us what they promised.