Important Update: Free Shipping and Price Adjustments

Fanatec TeamFanatec Team Administrator
edited February 6 in Blog

We have exciting news! After the overwhelmingly positive response to our limited free shipping initiative during the holiday season, we’re happy to announce that free shipping is now the new default for the Fanatec website, effective immediately. This update simplifies the shopping experience, removing any guesswork from the final price.  

(Please note: We recommend logging out of your Fanatec account and back in again to see these changes.)


Key Details:

  • Free standard shipping is now available for mainland destinations.
  • Express shipping remains available at standard rates. (Some destinations may not be eligible for standard shipping.)
  • Free shipping does not apply to repair service shipping quotes or returns.

In December 2024, we reached an important milestone in the transition to QR2, making all our steering wheels equipped with QR2 by default. At that time, we noted that pricing updates for wheels would be necessary in the new year. These changes are now in effect, alongside further pricing revisions across our product range. These updates account for the move to the QR2 system, the introduction of free shipping to simplify the shopping experience, and operational price corrections which have been due for some time.


At Fanatec, we remain committed to delivering the best price-performance ratio in sim racing, and we're excited to continue growing with our incredible community!


Best regards,

Team Fanatec



  • So, "free" shipping in this case means that shipping cost built into the prices. Increasing prices on products with none of the firmware bug fixes is a joke. Also €40 for the brake performance kit is a joke.

  • QR2 price adjust is ok, but adding shipping cost to product prices and advertise free shipping is more like misinformation.

  • It s such a bad luck. Yesterday I ordered CSL DD R2R and paid 35 euro for the shipment and now i see this ;/ Is it possible to get money for the delivery back? Should I cancle previous order and place order again?

  • If state is not "handover to warehouse", cancel it and place a new order.

  • Thats the problem, it has that status. Is anyone from fanatec is here and can asnwer to that or they are only putting posts?

  • edited February 6

    It is important to recognize that shipping is not zero cost for anyone, this price has to be borne somewhere. Most of the price adjustments are quite reasonable, and many of the high value and heavy items did not change. As long as there is stock, you’re still often better off buying from Fanatec directly than from a third party where you would still pay taxes and shipping would still be buried somewhere in there.

    Overall, this is still a net positive change as most wheel sets have only gone up ~$20 to include the ~$100 standalone attachment. Keep in mind that both QR1 and QR2 sell quickly on the secondhand market.

  • Of course, i know that the price, even with the shipment cost in it is profitable but it could be more without it ;) I saw that the manufacturer do sometimes an exceptions in situations like this and return e.g. shipment money, i mean what a bad luck, i gave myself time to think: is it great deal or not, and now day after the purchase i see that the shipment is free, come on XD

  • what good is it if shipping is free when almost everything has become 20 euros more expensive? it's getting really ridiculous

  • Has GT DD pro R2R bundle also been updated to QR2? On site only CLS DD appears to be.

  • When I saw this, I was about to order the V3 brake kit, which used to be $19.95. I just didn't want to order that one thing and pay $10 in shipping. I went and looked and it was now $40!!! This is NOT free shipping! Before, if people bought multiple items, at least the shipping cost would come down per item the more items they bought. Now it would be like if they paid EXTRA for shipping AND paid to ship each item individually... People are already irate with this company and it's behavior the last couple years, now you guys pull this!?!? NO THANKS!

  • You should refund the shipping fee to those who just ordered within a week ago. To show good faith.

  • That's a scammy move. You jacked up the prices.

    And who not in us still pay for shipping + not so free shipping in mainland. So you f@$king non US buyers double.

    Would imagine same applies in other regions.

    Maybe time to sell fanashit and move on. Does not look you are trying change anything.

    You should call it golden shipping (for fanatec).

    I believe in Karma - good luck again!

  • J’ai acheté hier mon pédalier hier à 13h, mon volant GT DD Pro la semaine dernière, cela me fait plus de 40 euros de frais et là on te sort ça comme ça! je suis vraiment dégoûté! Comment ne peut-on pas prévenir ses clients ou futur client? Sera t’on remboursé? Pourquoi ai-je eu des frais hier alors que cela a été édité hier?

    J’espère que nous serons lu et écouter.


  • Why is everyone whining, jep they increase prices and erased shipping costs on the other hand, nothing else was stated in this post. Only thing they said was that it’s now no price game till you‘re at the exit of the ordering process.

    That‘s a nice step and guy‘s I’m sure some of u, me included, have sometimes paid more than 20€ for shipping. Anyways it’s a company that has to be profitable and not the caritas (which by the way has also to be at least as profitable as to cover their costs ). I‘m not aware that anyone of us would be happy getting our stuff for free but that’s not how the world works.

    For me it’s ok and they are on a good way, only thing is that I can‘t wait for the VGT wheel to appear in the shop;)

    so plz calm down and try to think before u spread hate…!

  • J’ai pour ma part été augmenter sur les produits et frais de port augmenter aussi en achetant hier, merci au personne remerciant l’équipe Fanatec ne sachant pas de quoi il s’agit de ne pas s’impliquer merci.

  • I might have just got a good deal then. I have been debating should i buy the GT DD Pro for 699€ plus shipping, while hunting for deals on second hand market (missed one that looked good). Haven't place the order until this morning after seeing the free shipping got it for 699€ minus the 40€ shipping. Some of the pheripherals have increased in price, like the CSL load cell brake add-on, which i still would like to get, but on the others prices are the same. (EU buyer)

  • No more qr1 in new wheels. For those have an "old" qr1 base it's impossibile upgrade their setup. Qr2 is out of stock, so they wont send your eventually order. Qr1 seems to be available in the shop for 50 euro, but not as option in wheels configurations. if you want to replace your wheel, you are forced to spend money and disassemble your base to put the qr2 on it. But you will not pay shipping fees. It seems a joke. In any case the "free" qr2, I repeat, is "out of stock". If you want a new wheel you must buy a preowned one.

  • "In December 2024, we reached an important milestone in the transition to QR2, making all our steering wheels equipped with QR2 by default."

    Yet there are many wheels that are still listed as coming with QR1?

  • Yes, some clarification about the whole QR2 thing would be great. The Website is not as clear as it should be about which connector is built-in to the various bases or wheels that you can buy. QR2 native versus QR2 adapter provided is not the same thing.

    And, since I am not in the USA, I just get the revised higher prices without the free shipping.

  • I have been with fanatec for years and purchased multiple products. However slowly but surely is becoming clear to me that I am not purchasing any more from fanatec. Competition is offering very exciting products and pricing seems better. I find fanatec wheels offering to be very stale , expensive and dull. I was thinking to replace my DD2 with the CS DD and keep the fanatec ecosystem. Is the company pricing, offerings and overall boutique behavior that are convincing me to look elsewhere. As an example i was looking last month to buy a podium wheel package and now when i look at the prices im shocked by the price hike. And to call it an adjustment for QR2 when QR1 was so outdated is absurd.

    There is something not right with this company internals. My sim racing future is moving away from fanatec, unfortunately.

  • I received my GT DD Pro 8Nm on 03-02-2025 and it's not yet updated.

  • You guys just straight up ignored my emails when I tried to cancel my order, then sent it to "handover to warehouse" for the past 5 days.

    I will be sending this stuff right back as soon as it shows up. I thought people were exaggerating the poor service.

    ....and they you make this move.

  • Roberto JymigRoberto Jymig Member
    edited February 8

    We have exciting news! Happy !! 

    What a way to treat FANATEC FANS.

    They raise the price of practically every product 10% 20% (this is not said anywhere) and announcing that they are... excited and happy!! 

    I think that the ways are not correct and what they are achieving is that the few of us who love FANATEC go to another brand.

  • Sunny GrewalSunny Grewal Member
    edited February 8

    This is a real load of garbage. You increased all your prices and still charge FULL + $5 EXTRA SHIPPING CHARGE for Canadian Deliveries. Tell me you're greedy without telling me your greedy?

    I am officially leaving the ecosystem after what feels like I've wasted my money on an untrustworthy company.

    Shady business practices, but what else would you expect from Corsair? Anyone but Corsair would have been an better buyer. They know nothing of sim racing and it shows on how they disrespect their consumers and did not take into consideration buyers would immediately notice?? Do you think we don't all smell the load of grabage your trying to sell us? I'm done. Buying fanatec over any other brand was a mistake considering that simucube is basically the same price as my dd2.

    Corsair doing Corsair things and being the most expensive on the market for one of the lowest quality products, typical.

  • Stone ParizekStone Parizek Member
    edited February 8

    So on one hand, I ordered the GT DD Pro 8nm bundle, with some extra stuff like the Clubsport Shifter and CSL clutch kit right before the price change, and my initial thought was "lol, that sucks that they removed paid shipping within a week of my order"...

    ...But then I got curious and decided to price out what my exact order was with the new prices, and compare to the subtotal in the invoice they sent me (for reference, I just got the standard FedEx ground shipping), and before tax there's a $5 difference in my favor compared to the old prices. Or if my math is correct, the new price is about +.44% more expensive compared to what it used to be (and to be clear, that is less than 1%, that's not a typo).

    On one hand, sounds to me like they're just baking the standard shipping price into everything and claiming "free shipping" rather than making things cost money.

    On the other hand, I have not priced out any other bundles or bases or anything. As I understand it from above comments (and as I'll learn myself soon when it gets delivered), the DD Pro is one of the few thigns still left on QR1, soo maybe that only prices out that evenly because it hasn't been updated yet? Time will tell I guess.

    I don't leave this comment to try to complain or bother Fanatec for any reason, and I have no reason to defend Fanatec or Corsair or anything, but at least in one case it seems like a wash with their new prices vs. their old ones right now.

  • I'm in Switzerland,

    If I order something, the price is higher and I still have to pay shipping?!

    Don't understand guys... What a disapointment!

  • Why not just partner with amazon and sell on there with their great world wide delivery service. The increased sales should compensate for the amazon fees.

  • Prices have gone up, but you still have to pay for delivery depending on the country you're in. How to piss on your customers abroad... apparently it's Deutschland über alles . I don't even want to talk about the RMA's that are still going on and where we're left with no news about the situation. Come on guys, change your policy and provide us with real support and interesting offers. Marketing is good for attracting new customers. Respect and putting your service first to keep customers it’s better. Your competitors aren't sleeping, Don't drive your customers out of your ecosystem!

  • will be for a limited time?

  • Hello;)

    So currently by default all wheels are coming with QR2_WS? and not QR2 Lite?

    I'm asking because i have base and MCLaren GT3 with old system. I want to but one new wheel and upgrade the old. In that case i just put new wheel + QR2 Bundle (Type-C)?

    So i total i would get 1 wheel, 2x QR2 wheel side (type c), 1x QR2 Base side (type c)?

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