Got my tracking number today. :-) My CSW V2 base order is shipped. Though, I won't be using this new base until I get an MS Xbox One compatible rim. So the wait will continue for a while yet.
I do hope that some of you guys who are all complain do eventually do your part to even the scales and leave a comment when you actually get the wheel.
If I'm honest, you guys all sound like children complaining they can't wait until christmas.
Fanatec has been as open as possible about their delivery times, I honestly don't really know what more people want with the exception of individual special treatment. Which let's face it isn't practical.
I'm waiting for my V2, just like everyone else. Yes, I'd love to get it tomorrow, but the reality is. I'll get it when it arrives.
Complaining on here isn't going to get it any faster. The expected delivery date has been expressed and they have announced shipments have started.
Amen Aaron. I understand being anxious about getting a new product, but some folks take it to an entirely new level of impatient. Fanatec is not going to "steal" your money people! You will get your product(s) when they are available.
Posting on here is a plea for more information. People are frustrated because shipping information is somewhat lacking in the Webshop and we are getting conflicting messages from the Webshop staff. It's not a case of having to show patience, most people have shown bucket loads of that already.
The last information was that US and EU shipments would be shipping this week. So far US shipments have shipped but none in the EU... All we really want is more information. Any kind of explanation just helps ease the wait.
> Randall Boren> ho preso e sembra grande, ma la guida pratica non vi dico molto dove posso scaricare il manuale per questo non mi sembra di trovare sul sito web
Ordered my CSW V2 on 2nd Oct, Contacted Fanatec to see when the shipping would be, Received a message back confirming shipping would be mid December :-( I live in the UK and paid extra for Priority postage, I still have my V1 base and love it so I can wait a little longer
So far I can tell you it is a very smooth wheel and I am really enjoying it but I have not had enough time on it to form a opinion. For one I have not found a owners manual all that came with it was a quick guide. Before this I owned a CSR Elite, a Trustmaster 500, a G-27 and I believe the V-2 to be superior to those rims Everything was well packed and set up easily, it does seem to be a bit noisey from the fans but nothing to complain about with out a manual it is a bit difficult to set the wheel up. Well back to some seat time and I will let you know more later.
So far I can tell you it is a very smooth wheel and I am really enjoying it but I have not had enough time on it to form a opinion. For one I have not found a owners manual all that came with it was a quick guide. Before this I owned a CSR Elite, a Trustmaster 500, a G-27 and I believe the V-2 to be superior to those rims Everything was well packed and set up easily, it does seem to be a bit noisey from the fans but nothing to complain about with out a manual it is a bit difficult to set the wheel up. Well back to some seat time and I will let you know more later.
I believe someone mentioned you need to goto the Support/Faq section of the main website, type in your serial and a manual might be in there? It's probably just because it's new, some time is needed before a proper manual is available unfortunately, hopefully by the time mine arrives in a couple months or however long it will take >_<
There is a pretty nice review here with some tips and pointers for setup/use.
Wooop Wooop look what I got lol Hope you all get yours soon
Awsome Randall, thanks again for the code.
Posting on here is a plea for more information. People are frustrated because shipping information is somewhat lacking in the Webshop and we are getting conflicting messages from the Webshop staff. It's not a case of having to show patience, most people have shown bucket loads of that already.
The last information was that US and EU shipments would be shipping this week. So far US shipments have shipped but none in the EU... All we really want is more information. Any kind of explanation just helps ease the wait.
If anyone has a code to share, please do
I should be in wave 2, but still no code.
I am in EU.
After all we did not pay a small deposit fee but the whole amount when ordering.
Looks like mine is shipping today.
Just got a UPS tracking number
My order is UK - ordered 27th Aug - Minutes after it appeared on the website.
Till now none infos about an delivery date.
As I ordered the info on the homepage told me estimate early november.
I really hope I dont need to wait till december or longer
Ok Thomas your mission if you choose to take it, is to get the Xbox one wheel ready before March 20th 2015 so I can play THIS.