Is the Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2 compatible with DD podium bases?

I have the Podium Wheel Base DD2. Will the Clubsport Steering wheel formula V2 work normally with the Podium DD2 base? No torque restrictions or anything as such?
I have the Podium Wheel Base DD2. Will the Clubsport Steering wheel formula V2 work normally with the Podium DD2 base? No torque restrictions or anything as such?
I have a Podium Wheel Base DD2 with a Clubsport Formula V2 wheel that doesn't turn on. Any suggestions?
Have you connected everything and upgraded the software?
Mine was doing the same with the porsche wheel. Was showing that it didn't even have a wheel on.
After updating to the latest drivers for all (base, wheel, button modules etc) it was ok.