Formula V2 + Formula F1 2020 + CSW 2.5 rev and flag lights do not work at all

I have quite a frustrating problem. Got my CSW 2.5, BMW Wheel and F1 V2 this month. Everything else worked nicely, but i could not get my Formula wheels stripes to work at all. They didn't even blinked in once. I tried every driver configuration, flashed firmwares fort and back and so on. Also got a contact to support and send video to Fanatec of my problem and we tried to solve problem together. They handled situation well and agreed to replace my wheel and I sent it back.
Well... I also orderd new cool F1 2020 Formula Wheel earlier and that arrived today... and had exact same problem.
So I am thinking it is something with my configuration or with base?
Everything else works fine, all the buttons, all connections, BMW Wheel works like a charm with rev lights, but those Formula Wheels rev and flag lights won't work.
I would be really greatfull (and maybe Fanatec would be also) if someone could help with this and point problem.
Thanks for your help!
Which Firmware do you have installed on your Wheel Base, which driver are you using, which firmware is installed on the Steering Wheel, which game doesnt work on which platform, do you use FanaLab to control the LEDs or do you rely on the native Game support?
What happens when you are in the driver and test the wheel leds there?
Which driver are you using? Also using Fanaled? What game are you testing it with?
I have tried all drivers from 346 upwards (including every firmware to base, motor and wheels) and have tried Fanalab on off, just relying to games native support. Games I've tried Iracing, ACC, Dirt Rally 2 and AMS 2.
Problem is that stripes all flags do not blink even once in Wheels Property page when I choose "Test LEDs". OLED works just fine including tuning menus etc.
I have tried different USB ports in PC also. Have also uninstalled drivers and firms several times and done testing.
Just what I have been doing with this kind of equipment, it feels now that I am really missing something or base is the problem.
You can test the LED lights in the driver?
I ask because I have the F1 2020 LE rim and while the rev lights work it doesn't do anything when I try to change them.
Hi. I have a csw2.5 and a f1 2020 wheel.
I didn't have time to test advanced led fonctions but you can start by using 365 driver (and new firmware attached) and the last version of fanalab. (the combo new driver/new firmware will improve ffb)
To be honnest I am not aware of how those oleds work, so I will follow this thread carefully.
Yes for me all lights lightup white during test via the driver.
In game ACC, iRacing, F1 2019 the leds work like I expect. That is on a DD1 with v356 and Fanalab v1.24.
That is main problem with my wheel, lights do not lightup even in driver page. Only that one white small led under bottom middle button lights up, nothing else wont work.
The small light in the middle is your problem. That indicates the base is in Xbox mode. Switch to PC mode and all should work.
You now use an Xbox wheel. After Firmware update it defaults to Xbox mode. Once you put it back to PC mode (is small light is off) it will stay in PC mode.
But the small led is not on constantly. It is only led that blinks when I press "Steering Wheel LEDs test" -button. Base have red led itself that means it is in PC mode.
Same Problem here. Any solution? Tried all drivers / firmware, but nothing works.
In driver page only the small led at the bottom middle button lights up.