Formula V2 Freezes and Stops Responding

My formula V2 arrived last Tuesday and after day 1 it began to start freezing mid race and the display would get stuck on whatever was showing before and the buttons and pedals would stop working. I cannot find a specific solution, does anyone have any advice? I tried the 361 (now 365 i think) drivers and the problem persisted. I also tried to adjust the connector pins as well but once again the problem persisted.


  • Sorry to hear - sounds like it might be a bad one - I would contact support.

  • Not necessarily.

    Drivers 352+ are known to cause freezes.

    You could try driver 346 and included firmwares or you use driver 365 with included base firmware combined with a special anti-freeze-firmware for the formula v2 which you can find in the feedback thread of driver 365 on page 20.

  • A new update showed up for me yesterday so I tried it out and have been testing out the wheel more. So far I have yet to experience a freeze but I am not getting my hopes up just yet. If it returns I will probably try this out and then give an update!

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