I've had this issue before and so have other people with this wheel... so randomly starting up the wheelbase, the analog switch on the Formula V2 gets EXTREMELY hot very fast, so fast in which I burnt a bit of my finger. If you have this issue, it's NOT software related. Stop using the wheel this needs to be fixed.
If you have this issue, please contact the support team
I already have its been 6 days since I have gotten a response...
They will respond however there are delays that can take up to 14 days.
Is it a firmware issue?
they aren't sure... I fixed it for about 3 days with reinstalling the software but it started again yesterday.
Are you running the stable release (346) or one of the betas? Just trying to narrow it down really.
I'm running the newer version, 352. The driver that goes with the newest fanalab.
Edit: Just updated to the newest driver 371 and nothing changed.
That's a weird anomaly (a few people have had it). Have you tried the basic 346 driver just to rule out firmware? Can't think why it would get hot unless it's a bad circuit board or something.
I have tried 346 before any other, issue still persists, and I tried to use that one after deleting the new ones and it was worse in a sense... so its most likely a circuit board issue.
Can't imagine this is anything other than a hardware issue causing the switch to draw excessive current. I'd be very reluctant to plug any such hardware into my PC to investigate if firmware changes affect things.