Regretting my purchased CSW 2.5 BMW GT2 - Not working - Random buttons presses - Not Shifting

I have had my wheelbase since mid-December and I initially had to fight the installation of drivers to be able to use my wheel. I was able to finally get the CSW working and had been running a lot of races in iRacing which was great while it lasted.
Now, I got a new computer for VR and now battling the same driver issues. Wheel being detected as a ps1 xbox wheel, random button presses, and not detected at all. I have uninstalled and reinstalled probably close to 20 times by now to try to get the CSW 2.5 working with the GT2 wheel. I even connected it back to the old computer and the wheel was not detected. I have tried A LOT of the drivers and none have been solid.
It's unbelievable I have to spend this amount of time fighting drivers for an $850 product.
I see the other posts in the forum and people have similar driver issues, but eventually are able to fix them. Waiting on support to respond since 3-days, but I'm sure they have an enormous backlog of tickets.
At this point, if I had the option I would send everything back and look into buying something without this much fuss. I just want something that works. -- End Rant.
Reinstalled Windows 10 and tried from a fresh start. Still the same problems. The wheel is being recognized, but none of the buttons are working now. I have 383 drivers installed currently. Tried USB 2.0 and 3.0. Tried a different cable and no changes.
now up to 30 times of installing drivers trying to get this working.
I would check to see if the pins on the wheel side are bend or missing (broke off in the base). And also check if the center screw of the quick release on the wheel side is on tight. If it’s loose it may cause strange things like this to happen.
There is something happening. This setup is only 1.5 months old. No pins, no lose screws.
But, I took it apart last night and moved the main connector harness around and things started working again except for the rotary encoder d-pad and button presses. Last night I was able to get the wheel to be recognized as a ps4 wheel again by moving the wires.
It appears this might have been a common thing because they used to hot glue the main wiring connector, but now use black epoxy or something stronger than hot glue. I'm just glad looking at all the other posts in this forum that the wheelbase seems solid and NOT drivers related.
It really sucks we have to do the troubleshooting for Fanatec while waiting on a support ticket to be answered. Going into the 5th day of an unanswered ticket. Considering getting another wheel just in case things break.
I have a 2.5, universal hub with pbme, all brand new, I have been running acc on Xbox flawlessly for a month or so Zero problems. Then last week I started experiencing random buttons presses and d pad engagement. The only workaround was to unmap those buttons. If you figure out what’s going on, please update post.