Filters and Latency

I've a DD2 and I'm curious as to what filters affect signal latency, such as damping, interpolation etc.

I'd also like to understand the time delay if known between certain filters.

I'm wanting to smoothen out the noise in ACC etc, but I'm also not sure if I'd be introducing a lot of latency in the ffb, due to reconstructing the signal (interpolation for example).

I'd love to hear any facts and figures on this, as well as opinions.


  • My simple take on this is if any delay is perceptible to you then it is worth worrying about. As soon as you notice it, revert your last change. If delay is not perceptible to you then you have nothing to fret over. Facts and figures may be of some academic interest but your personal experience is more important.

  • Is there any data though as to which ones cause latency, and to what extent in milliseconds etc.

    I'm a data driven person and don't usually rely on what I think I can and can't feel.

  • edited August 2022

    There is no such data, no.

    In general, lowering FEI below 80 or max 70 introduces the most noticable latency. Any other settings can be pretty much ignored as you cant feel it. And that's something you really need to judge by feeling.

  • Thanks for that reply. Exactly what I am after. I am guessing leaving FEI at 100 applies no filters to "that" the driver is just passing through the raw data on the FEI signal?

    I was running it at 80 in AMS2.

    My main reason for this was to reduce kerb sharpness in ACC and AMS2.

    And for smoothening, would I be better off using interpolation at 1 or something like this? I read on an SC board that damping introduces the most latency on their bases.

    And finally, am I right in thinking that the friction and inertia settings has no affect on FFB latency, as this is a constant force on the base side (or to assume the signal needs no reconstruction as these forces are from the base itself and not the game)?

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