Base de rueda DD1 no me funciona y lo he probado todo.

Mi base de rueda DD1 no me funciona y desde hace mas de un año me ha ido aumentando el problema y hasta hoy dia ya no tiene solucion ,lo he ido aguantando y cambiando drivers por si se solucionaba.


  • Please post in English according to the forum rules.

  • My DD1 wheel base does not work for me and for more than a year the problem has been increasing and until today it no longer has a solution, I have been holding it and changing drivers in case it was solved.

  • You should contact the support.

  • I have been contacting support for several months and they do not solve it, the last answer they told me to send the base and when they knew the damage they would send me the invoice to pay it. When in reality the device (Base) have still guarantee and I do not have to pay any repair, that are more serious with their articles and responsible please !!

    I only ask for seriousness and responsibility before situations to if with your customers who buy your items and once paid you do not want to be responsible, I have been a long time with these errors and changing drivers in case they are solved and I am already tired ... to be held accountable.

  • If you are rhe first buyer of the base and the base is still within the guarantee time, then tell that to the support or let them explain to you why it should not be under guarantee anymore.

    There is nothing the forum can help you here.

  • It is not because I pretend here I can help, in case someone has passed and has a solution before claiming, the Base has been giving me errors since I bought it, in the race in the middle of the races it left me without direction and not respsondia, having to restart it and sometimes look for new drivers in case the error was their own drivers. but today and during this year the errors are even more aggravated. I personally if they do not answer me and ignore me I must resume other ways ...

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