Handbrake 1.5 not working with DD1
Colin McNaughton
I've just plugged in my brand new 1.5 handbrake directly into the DD1 rear port. I'm using driver v3.56 as the newer beta couldn't recognise half the buttons on my universal hub.
I also have a Clubsport shifter plugged into it. Shifter is fine.
Handbrake only works in CSW mode - the analog bar in the control panel works fine.
Shifting the DD1 back to PC mode, the handbrake doesnt do anything. Shifter still works fine.
So it's not hardware, as the wheelbase can see the handbrake in 2.5 mode....
Anyone help here ?
Are you using ClubSport V3 pedals? If so, there is a port on the pedals to plug in the handbrake. I'm not familiar with using the DD1, but I do use the CS V3 pedals. The handbrake port is there and labelled. I'll be using it when my handbrake arrives. I hope this helps.