Real race car steering wheel rims on Xbox One!



  • Jason ShafferJason Shaffer Member
    edited May 2015

    Ohh Jason, you've made some rudimentary mistakes in your posts again. I'm sure many users can see them already, but I'll point some of them out for you 1 last time, and I vow to all that this will be my last post on the matter.

    As my post clearly stated, the issues that you specifically mentioned to Grimey advising him to hold off buying Project Cars (RE: Fanatec wheels on PS4) were in fact related to older wheels NOT the V2 that he owns.

    Therefore it's a non issue to him, as it won't affect him. I was talking within the context of the discussion at hand.

    I didn't post dirty times? I added them? They were not mine to post? A user posted HIS/HER dirty time and I "added" it to the sheet after a democratic vote, in which we all decided that it would be useful information, which it was/is as its PROVEN that users who previously hated FM5 (due to poor pad abilities) have a new found love for the game thanks to a specific device. Therefore, it's clear that a specific device has served its function and allowed the user to be more consistent. How do we know this, because we have the evidence in the spreadsheet! It's simple and good practice to retain as much data as possible, which we did.

    The "Joker" reference wasn't for you to get, it was for everyone else ;)

    Grimey spent less time in the PP900 (than you) be use he was using the default setups that we were running, case in point.

    4 hundredths of a second is not substantial, over a second is ;)

    I would love for you to beat my times, you keep saying mean things and telling how your going to beat me, but you never do? You just continue to say mean, nasty or aggressive things to everyone :(

    I'm fast on Nords, are you sure you want to open another can of worms :p

    And as for paragraphs.. perhaps you missed the part of my post that stated I had filled it with errors for you to enjoy ;)

    You appear to have also missed the very relevant "Glass Houses"

    Additionally, you continue to point out people's grammatical errors, yet seem blissfully unaware of the fact that your very own posts are both semantically and grammatically incorrect in many many ways. I intentionally added and left some in here for you too ;)

    We should have a new rule, the next person to reply to any of the unnecessarily mean/goading posts has to pay the "troll toll" << always sunny reference for those who watch ;)

    Have a great day :-*

    When don't you make mistakes, Natalie?  The ps4 version drops frames, it's full of bugs and there are only 16 players. Again, it was YOU who added dirty times, nobody forced you.

     Oh boy, a joke for all you little comic book people, how quaint.

    No, Grimey didn't spend less time in pp 900 and nice spin Natalie, can't admit you were wrong saying I raced VS pp806 when I didn't. FAIL. Yeah it is substantial and you can't run 2:20 with a gamepad, you had to wait and use a V2 with V2 every lap I run is consistent, I'd crush 2:19 using a V2. You're so full of it using your V2 time that was a day late and a dollar short to compare to a GAMEPAD time when we were ALL supposed to be using GAMEPADS, remember?

    I did beat you already right on day one, selective memory, eh?

    What do you mean am I sure? I said it didn't I? I'll own you like nobody's business on the Nordschleife and I'll do it with a gamepad too.

  • The FFB on the Formula cars isn't that bad on the PC version, I can feel the road and the bumps and to some extent the grip. On the road cars it doesn't feel as strong, the GT cars were OK, I could drift them pretty cleanly through California Highway which I wasn't expecting to be able to do, especially using the Formula Rim

  • Has any body else Noticed that the ABS feature on the V2 base does Not work with PCars??? i set the ABS on the wheel to 55% and the Brake Pedal nor the Rim motors Vibrate.
  • edited May 2015
    So...I finally have Project Cars running ;D (on XBox One) Now really really eager for the hub to arrive! ;P If anyone has some controller tips in the mean's quite horrible to control the cars atm ;)

    Btw I fully agree on giving (perhaps a certain female someone) Op status! ;)

    I've spent quite some time in Pcars bug testing and I have been switching between the XBO version and PS4 versions on the pad and Forza 5

    The closest I was able to get to the same feeling as Forza 5 on a PAD was this:

    Steering Deadzone 10 (I Normally use 0 but this game REALLY needs a dead zone)
    Steering Sensitivity 20 (I know it looks strange but stay with me here)
    Throttle Dead zone 0
    Throttle Sensitivity 50
    Brake Dead zone 0
    Brake Sensitive 30
    Clutch Deadzone 0
    Clutch Sensitivity 50
    Speed Sensitivity 75 (some times down to 65 depending on car)
    Controller filtering Sensitivity 50 (some times down to 35 depending on car)

    Controller mode 3
    Advanced OFF

    Now in some cars I have to change the speed sensitivity to 65 but otherwise, this feels as close to Forza as I can get.

    It's responsive on slow corners, not jittery on the fast straights and twists / turns.

    I know it doesn't looks right, but it feels very close to FM5 as I spent a good 7/8 hours trying to get it playable on the pad.

    I will say the PS4 defaults are actually fantastic, but the XBO defaults are shocking, almost unplayable.

    Give it a try, then maybe use it as a base line and tweak from there, but as a general starting point, that where I am now after hours of tweaking and comparing :)

    So I'm heading back home and looking forward to playing PCars. The controller problem I keep hearing about is due to a bug that they need to patch or is it simply the way the handling model is made? My Xbox One wheel won't arrive until August so I'll have to make due with the pad in the meantime.

    There are some known bugs with the Xbox One controller (  So any current settings that work well may need to be changed after the patch goes live.

    I haven't tested for nearly as long as Natalie (so her settings are probably better), but in my limited experience I have found that Input Mode 2 (defaults) is workable for karts and Input Mode 3 (defaults) is workable for road/GT cars.

    I expect that the patch will make things much much better.  Mostly this correction mentioned on the linked page: "XB1 analogue stick range corrected to use full extent".  Currently, full lock seems to happen at 20-30% stick travel.
  • So far PCars Does Not have good Curb feel.

    Does the CSW v2 have a problem with the Clutch in PS4 Pcars? it seems that when i do the pedal calibration that the pedals stop working and i have to restart the game to get them working again... is that the clutch pedal doing that ? i read that people were having problems because the clutch is mapped wron... idunno....Ive mapped the Clutch pedal to a diff function and i will see how it goes... I didn't bother to map a clutch button im not using it atm any way.
  • edited May 2015
    What is the input Mode feature in project cars Control scheme menu???

    What is the Advanced option in the control scheme menu???

    they are the last 2 at the bottom of the list... Does any 1 know?
  • edited May 2015
    So far im Not too impressed... wheel doesn't feel any better than it does on GT6.... We waited 3+ years for this

    I will say that i like the Track selection.
  • They have got to get these PCars FFB settings Right!!! I just Ran a Comparrison PCars vs GT6 and i get Better Road Feel from GT6 than i do with Pcars I was driving the BMW M3 GT
  • Has any body else Noticed that the ABS feature on the V2 base does Not work with PCars??? i set the ABS on the wheel to 55% and the Brake Pedal nor the Rim motors Vibrate.
    I haven't tried the ABS vibration yet, but the very first thing I felt on my first try was the vibration motors in the rim for engine rumble. I'll try the ABS feature later and let you know, it should work because it has nothing to do with the sim you're running. It should vibrate even with nothing loaded.
  • Hope pcars improves but I wouldn't bet on it being great. FFB has been lacking from day one and only progressed slowly. And how long has that been a couple of years.
  • Hope pcars improves but I wouldn't bet on it being great. FFB has been lacking from day one and only progressed slowly. And how long has that been a couple of years.
    I held off buying on launch. (I'm not buying any game at launch as I feel devs are shipping games that aren't complete. And using us the PAYING gamers to do final beta testing.) I'm glad I held off. When I get I'll be playing catch up to those who have it but I won't have to deal with the headaches. I've got enough of those already. Lol
  • edited May 2015
    Im Running PCars on the PS4 at the Moment... The ABS Feature Does Not work on the wheel with PS4 PCars and the Rim Motors Do Not Rumble for Engine Feel Either

    Im Going through the settings getting the FFB settings sorted there are alot of Damper settings that they have Realy High!!! I am setting all Damping settings to 0 its starting to feel better Now... Very tricky you cant set all settings to 100% or your FFB will start Clipping

    Im Making Good Progress i just Need to Find the settings that Control Wheel weight and Curb Feel and i will have a Good base FFB Set up
  • Hey Grimey, I'm playing pCars right now and the ABS function works like always, It should work without any game even loaded. I tried it before booting pCars and it worked and I tried it after booting and it worked, maybe you need to re-flash your firmware?

    I think I'm going to just stick to multiplayer the single player is annoying, the stupid AI just the drive the line no matter what, even if you're there. They could sure learn something from FM5 AI.

  • Jason im on the PS4... your playing it on PC probably... Ive checked the whell and the ABS and Rim Motors work on PC & GT6  but Not on  PS4 pcars.... Uuuugh!!! I cant believe we Waited 3+ years for this
  • edited May 2015
    It took All Day but I Came up with really decent FFB  settings for PCars on the PS4!!! they need just a tad bit of fine tuning but they are pretty good road feel weight Transfer, Tire chatter its all there and can be felt... im working on the wheel weight now gotta tweek the wheel to be a lil bit lighter.... curb feel can be felt but it is vey light... Looking for a setting that will bring out more curb feel... i can get more curb feel by turning the FOR up on the wheel but i gotta lighten the wheel up first by taking some of the Lateral Load off it.

    I Think these settings will work for Xbox Also... I will post them tomorrow if any one wants them.
  • edited May 2015
    They Have to come up with a Better/Easyer way for FFB Settings...Most of the Settings are
    Supposed to be Hidden behind a Slider Scale that you Move up or down to increase or Decrease Forces... I Have No Clue why they Made it like this!!! But its Not good and Has to be Done for Every Car and Every Track unless you do the Save to All Option.

    They Had Sooo Many Settings with Damper to 100 thats why the FFB felt Heavy and Muted.. they were there but they were all being Negated by all the High Damper Settings... Basicaly you have to go through the Settings and Turn every thing that says Damper to 0 then tweek .

    I find that the Most important Settings for wheel users are Lateral and Seat of SOP(seat of pants). Thats what Give the Road Feel and Weight Transfer feeling... I also turned up the Verticle settings to try and Give more Curb Feel.

    Pay Attention to the Master Scale Adjustment Setting you cant set that too High because you will Get FFB Clipping if its set too High. the Settings that are Ruled by that Master Scale you can Turn Up/Down to desired Level to Magnify/Reduce that particular FFB effect .

    Basicaly there are Settings within Settings.
    IE: Master Scale 50 =total output for all Settings within a Group
    Verticle 100 curb Feel
    Lateral 65 weight Transfer
    Even though the 2 Settings are Higher than the Master Scale Value the Settings are just Magnified within the Master Scale to Magnify/Reduce the FFB so you can Set it to your Particular taste... ETC

    This isnthe Biggest Reason i like Console i Dont like wasting a Whole Day Tweeking Settings!!! and I Still Have More Tweeking to Do... Uuugh... I Like Plug and Play!

    Theres Gotta be a Easier Way!!!

    Edit: The Longitud Setting i set to Off because that deals with To and Fro or Front and Back... i dont have a Motion Rig so i have No Need for Front and back Whip lash Forces.

    I will Be Reading up on the Scoup Knee Settings to figure out what they do and Tuning them as Needed When i get Off Work.
  • I have a question. I picked up project cars for ps4 and have a csr set up with clubsport pedals. When i start project cars my clutch will not engage. The car just sits and if I hit the gas it revs but there is no clutch engagement at all. I reconnected the wheel to my x box 360 and the clutch works fine but in project cars even if i set it to automatic transmission the car will not move 
    I had the same problem with PC version of PCars (GT2 wheel with CS pedals).  Remap the clutch to a button and it's happy days ... of course you'll have to use automatic clutch but at least you can decide when to change gear :-)
  • Just Set Automatic Clutch to on.
    I Mapped the Clutch Pedal to Request Pit Stop since im Not Gonna use the Cluch until i get a CSQ Shifter... By then they will Have it Sorted out.
  • Random thought... My CSR Elite is the Best Stand By Wheel in the world!!! Ive been Doing the GT6 Acadamy Tracks with the CSR E while my V2 was out for Repair... I was able to Run Good Lap times with it... I Got My V2 back yesterday and i was able to beat my CSR E Times within 2 Laps by .750 Easily!!! That just Shows What a Great Wheel the V2 is!!!
    i was Realy Focused to Run Clean Fast Laps with the CSR E but was Able to Krush my Times with Ease and wasnt even Trying to!...WOW!
  • Jason ShafferJason Shaffer Member
    edited May 2015
    Hope pcars improves but I wouldn't bet on it being great. FFB has been lacking from day one and only progressed slowly. And how long has that been a couple of years.
    I held off buying on launch. (I'm not buying any game at launch as I feel devs are shipping games that aren't complete. And using us the PAYING gamers to do final beta testing.) I'm glad I held off. When I get I'll be playing catch up to those who have it but I won't have to deal with the headaches. I've got enough of those already. Lol

    No reason to wait if you're getting the PC version.

    I can tell you all that the clutch works with the V2 wheel on the PC version as I pop it to launch when the red light drops!

  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator
    Ok this is unbelievable! Playing PCars on the pad currently is pretty much undriveable. I've tried many settings and the steering lock and sensitivity is horrible.

    Anyone have any suggestions or is it just sit and wait until the patch is released? Been waiting so long to play this and right now it's giving me a sick feeling 
  • Hope pcars improves but I wouldn't bet on it being great. FFB has been lacking from day one and only progressed slowly. And how long has that been a couple of years.
    I held off buying on launch. (I'm not buying any game at launch as I feel devs are shipping games that aren't complete. And using us the PAYING gamers to do final beta testing.) I'm glad I held off. When I get I'll be playing catch up to those who have it but I won't have to deal with the headaches. I've got enough of those already. Lol

    No reason to wait if you're getting the PC version.

    I can tell you all that the clutch works with the V2 wheel on the PC version as I pop it to launch when the red light drops!

    I'm getting PC and either X1 and/or PS4 version. The console games seem to be the worst about shipping with tons of issues.
  • So far PCars Does Not have good Curb feel.

    Does the CSW v2 have a problem with the Clutch in PS4 Pcars? it seems that when i do the pedal calibration that the pedals stop working and i have to restart the game to get them working again... is that the clutch pedal doing that ? i read that people were having problems because the clutch is mapped wron... idunno....Ive mapped the Clutch pedal to a diff function and i will see how it goes... I didn't bother to map a clutch button im not using it atm any way.
    Not sarcastic but for comparison what games do? I think your suggesting FFB feel in pCARS but we also get the games where it's touch a curb and spin. Also Fanatec was having problems with the curb rumble effects not shutting off until you hit the next curb(remember that one?)
  • Hope pcars improves but I wouldn't bet on it being great. FFB has been lacking from day one and only progressed slowly. And how long has that been a couple of years.
    I held off buying on launch. (I'm not buying any game at launch as I feel devs are shipping games that aren't complete. And using us the PAYING gamers to do final beta testing.) I'm glad I held off. When I get I'll be playing catch up to those who have it but I won't have to deal with the headaches. I've got enough of those already. Lol

    No reason to wait if you're getting the PC version.

    I can tell you all that the clutch works with the V2 wheel on the PC version as I pop it to launch when the red light drops!

    I'm getting PC and either X1 and/or PS4 version. The console games seem to be the worst about shipping with tons of issues.

  • Jason ShafferJason Shaffer Member
    edited May 2015

    I held off buying on launch. (I'm not buying any game at launch as I feel devs are shipping games that aren't complete. And using us the PAYING gamers to do final beta testing.) I'm glad I held off. When I get I'll be playing catch up to those who have it but I won't have to deal with the headaches. I've got enough of those already. Lol

    No reason to wait if you're getting the PC version.

    I can tell you all that the clutch works with the V2 wheel on the PC version as I pop it to launch when the red light drops!

    I'm getting PC and either X1 and/or PS4 version. The console games seem to be the worst about shipping with tons of issues.

    I'll eventually get the XO version to race with my friends on live, but no point getting a bug ridden version when I won't even get the hub until the end of the month and there could be a couple patches by then as well as the usual price reduction that happens when something ships full of bugs.

    It does appear the console versions have more bugs than a bait store.

  • Andrew Clark Assetto Corsa Has Great Curb Rumble Strip Feel... i Know thats on PC... I think once they get the FFB Settings Right that the Curb feel will be Better its there but its weak...The FFB in Game is Very Strong though... Strongest FFB on Console to Date... It just Needs to be Fine tuned and i think it will be Ok. in Tweeking FFB Settings as i Type.

  • Andrew Clark Assetto Corsa Has Great Curb Rumble Strip Feel... i Know thats on PC... I think once they get the FFB Settings Right that the Curb feel will be Better its there but its weak...The FFB in Game is Very Strong though... Strongest FFB on Console to Date... It just Needs to be Fine tuned and i think it will be Ok. in Tweeking FFB Settings as i Type.

    Grimey, the FFB feel might be different between the ps4 and PC versions. Hitting the karussell on the Nordschleife in the Formula A almost ripped the wheel from my hands the first time.
  • edited May 2015
    Almost there!!! Who Has a PS4 and PCars so we can Fine tune FFB??? Ive Got a Real Good Starting Point!!! Im Not Done I will Post them in a Bit
  • Ok this is unbelievable! Playing PCars on the pad currently is pretty much undriveable. I've tried many settings and the steering lock and sensitivity is horrible.

    Anyone have any suggestions or is it just sit and wait until the patch is released? Been waiting so long to play this and right now it's giving me a sick feeling 

    My current setting are fairly good, but could be improved.

    Steering Deadzone: 50

    Steering Sensitivity: 0

    Throttle, Brake, and Clutch stuff: whatever

    Speed Sensitivity: 80

    Controller Filtering somethingsomething: 0 (if still too twitchy, try 25)

    Going to work on throttle and brake tonight.

  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator
    Ok this is unbelievable! Playing PCars on the pad currently is pretty much undriveable. I've tried many settings and the steering lock and sensitivity is horrible.

    Anyone have any suggestions or is it just sit and wait until the patch is released? Been waiting so long to play this and right now it's giving me a sick feeling 

    My current setting are fairly good, but could be improved.

    Steering Deadzone: 50

    Steering Sensitivity: 0

    Throttle, Brake, and Clutch stuff: whatever

    Speed Sensitivity: 80

    Controller Filtering somethingsomething: 0 (if still too twitchy, try 25)

    Going to work on throttle and brake tonight.

    Thanks Luke. I have been messing around all day trying to find a decent working setup until the patch hits. I will post it tomorrow for anyone who needs.
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