Which driver is better? 352 or 373? For DD1

Just wondering which one is better for DD1 please help


  • 373

    346 was the last non-beta one and honestly that one was pretty good too.

  • Thankyou, running 373 now and works great!

  • I was wondering the same thing. I'm in the process of starting up my new DD1, and the three firmware selections that show as being available are 346, 381, and Fanalab V1 53. I'm VERY, VERY new at this stuff (I had to google what a driver even is), but from what I've gathered purusing this forum, it appears that 381 is still in the early phases of development, and probably isn't suited for a newbie like me. Is this still the case? If so, which is the recommended option between 346 and Fanalab V1 53? Thanks.

  • following....

  • I'm surprised recent comments added to older threads don't get moved up to the top of the list. How is anybody going to see this question buried something like seven pages deep? It seems innefficient, but I'm going to have to post a new thread with the same question, just to get noticed.

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