PlayStation compatibility UPDATE 2



  • My question was: Hello, Is there also full FFB support for Fanatec wheel users ? If so I'm willing to buy one right away ! His answer: For PS4 YES

    i love you
  • edited August 2016
    I've done gripeing about this, ... im loving iRacing and RaceRoom and RaceRoom....daayum son, the sounds.. ooh the sounds
    I have not done much racing on rFactor2 yet, but from what i have done. its sweet.

    Main gaming PC, inbound around Xmas.. ooowwwee cant wait  

    Don't get it twisted.. im still a Fanatec boy
  • I've ordered myself the latest ChronusMax plus. Full FFB support for most Fanatec wheels including CSW. F*** Sony
  • I've ordered myself the latest ChronusMax plus. Full FFB support for most Fanatec wheels including CSW. F*** Sony
    I am curious if that thing really works. I would worry that sony would find a way to make it not work with an update. Regardless, I am done with sony and fanatec.
  • Man this is really sad... Feel sorry for de csw-guys here. Because of the statement that has been made, the base has to be licenced by Sony. I think we now can see there are 2 reasons for this from the viewpoint of $ony. 1. They want the money. 2. We've seen that these issues are suddenly there. In the start of the ps4 live-cycle there was no problem. Now Sony has the market of consoles in there hands (with much more sales then Microsoft) they feel 'badass' and want a base which will not work on Microsoft. When someone has a base for PlayStation, he will not tend to jump over to their competitor. While this is a little sad, it is just ugly they do it during a live-cycle. Besides this, I am wondering. If Sony really wants a 'PlayStation licenced base', I would think it should not be that hard for Fanatec to make a CSW2 ps4 licenced, als the software can be implemented, just as they tend to do with the CSL. Maybe just an other color led light in the starter button?
  • I have the V2 wheelbase along with a custom cockpit I built, having everything been firmly bolted in place, becuase I had no intension on removing the base for another another one. Accumulating to over 2 grand, and many hours spent building the cockpit, I have no intension on downgrading hardware to be "Compatible" with Sony or Microsoft at this point. My PS3 worked beautifully with little issues, and bought the PS4at the current understanding that it was fully supported. I was wrong, on so many levels. I'm tired of the crap, and want to know my high end hardware is supported by people who want me to have the best possible virtualy simulated experience out there, and not  more worried about sucking more money out of my pocket. I'm not saying this is the case with Fanatec, but most certainly with Sony. I don't believe Sony, and gaming consoles, will survive many more years with these business practices, especially with PC's getting more powerful, cheaper, and relatively easy to build. Shelling out 600 bucks for a relatively decent computer, that can be upgraded as you go to handle more computing and graphical power, doesn't sound like a bad idea now.
  • I have the V2 wheelbase along with a custom cockpit I built, having everything been firmly bolted in place, becuase I had no intension on removing the base for another another one. Accumulating to over 2 grand, and many hours spent building the cockpit, I have no intension on downgrading hardware to be "Compatible" with Sony or Microsoft at this point. My PS3 worked beautifully with little issues, and bought the PS4at the current understanding that it was fully supported. I was wrong, on so many levels. I'm tired of the crap, and want to know my high end hardware is supported by people who want me to have the best possible virtualy simulated experience out there, and not  more worried about sucking more money out of my pocket. I'm not saying this is the case with Fanatec, but most certainly with Sony. I don't believe Sony, and gaming consoles, will survive many more years with these business practices, especially with PC's getting more powerful, cheaper, and relatively easy to build. Shelling out 600 bucks for a relatively decent computer, that can be upgraded as you go to handle more computing and graphical power, doesn't sound like a bad idea now.
    Totally agree. Consoles are only hurting themselves. I've got X1 and PC. I see myself using PC more and more. And I barely use my X1 now.
  • edited August 2016
    I've ordered myself the latest ChronusMax plus. Full FFB support for most Fanatec wheels including CSW. F*** Sony
    very interested how it turns out ... i have csw V2
    i ve been on their site nothing about fanatic ffb support maybe can you send a link 
  • I repeat my question in case no one in Fanatec has readed: Could somenone in fanatec give a good solution to all of those consumers that one day decided to buy the CSW V2 because of the compatibility with the PS4???????????????
    And when I say solution I dont have in mind to buy another periferial or the one "you can still use it in your old games such as Dirt o Project Cars"
  • It is so much true what Timothy Stovall said!

    And I can not understand stupid discussions about whose fault it is that the really good sim hardware (CSW) is not supported anymore with PS4. That is not the question.. the question is „who are the pissed ones???“ and that are customers who spent more than 2000€ in sim-hardware.

    Fanatec, do you really think those agree to buy some new stuff which can not compete with a CSW???

    Can any person, who is responsible for that ****, imagine how we are feeling?

  • I repeat my question in case no one in Fanatec has readed: Could somenone in fanatec give a good solution to all of those consumers that one day decided to buy the CSW V2 because of the compatibility with the PS4???????????????
    And when I say solution I dont have in mind to buy another periferial or the one "you can still use it in your old games such as Dirt o Project Cars"
    They don't have a agreement with Sony yet. That's been stated a few times already. So they can't give you a solution. You'll have to continue to wait. While you wait go and complain to Sony on every site they have. That will help your options more than anything. If Sony thinks no one is upset by this then they won't try to work with Fanatec. Sony will just dictate the terms.
  • I also got a reply from Cronusmax. New firmware supports full FFB for Fanatec wheels on PS4.

    The path I will take is now obvious. I will give it a try with the Cronusmax and if I am not satisfied I will switch to my PC laptop momentarily and when I have the money I will build myself a new gaming PC (which I had decided already before learning about Cronusmax).

    What is clear for me :

    - No more Sony gear (and probably no more console)
    - No more Fanatec gear as long my CSW 2 is functionnal.
    - No downgrade so no CSL or whatever.

    If there is something I've learnt, that is licensing gear is a good way to screw customers.

    Sony, you think you will earn from this strategy. Well, let me tell you I think you are wrong, Trading is based upon trust between the seller and the customer. Screw them once, maybe they will forgive you. Screw them twice, you will lose their trust and they will turn to your rivals.
  • I've ordered myself the latest ChronusMax plus. Full FFB support for most Fanatec wheels including CSW. F*** Sony
    very interested how it turns out ... i have csw V2
    i ve been on their site nothing about fanatic ffb support maybe can you send a link 
    I sent them an email to ask if there's FULL ffb output on PS 4 with Fanatec CSW. And he replied: Yes and sent me this link: Notice that it's not only the CSW, but also many Porsche wheels and CSR
  • I also got a reply from Cronusmax. New firmware supports full FFB for Fanatec wheels on PS4.

    The path I will take is now obvious. I will give it a try with the Cronusmax and if I am not satisfied I will switch to my PC laptop momentarily and when I have the money I will build myself a new gaming PC (which I had decided already before learning about Cronusmax).

    What is clear for me :

    - No more Sony gear (and probably no more console)
    - No more Fanatec gear as long my CSW 2 is functionnal.
    - No downgrade so no CSL or whatever.

    If there is something I've learnt, that is licensing gear is a good way to screw customers.

    Sony, you think you will earn from this strategy. Well, let me tell you I think you are wrong, Trading is based upon trust between the seller and the customer. Screw them once, maybe they will forgive you. Screw them twice, you will lose their trust and they will turn to your rivals.
    Not only that...I think that those who wanted to buy a wheel and got their hopes up for the CSL being compatible with the ps4...and waited for it to play AC and F1 2016 with it. Just go running to TM....cause they don't wanna wait no more and don't care about the hassle. So this is a triple loss situation !! And I'm also going to PC in small steps. I'm buying the parts separately each time I got the funds for it. Starting with a MSI 1080 graphics card and work my way up the MSI steps to a i7 Intel processor. At First we were F***** over by M$ and their stupid button protocol to have less buttons/joysticks than a controller has. And now $ony does it all over again.
  • edited August 2016
    Hello Antoine, these news are very good - as I stated above I got the same kinda reply with this link :
    So I am going buy the device.
    Do you think the USB HUB 2.0 is still needed with this new fm and do you think any hub will do ?

    Edit :

    Didn't see your post above and I completely agree with you about the triple-loss situation.
    One thing I will regret about Sony : The Uncharted series (but it doesn't matter anymore since there won't be apparently a number 5) and The Last of us series.
    And maybe The GT series too...
    On the long run PC is the best solution I think. Consoles come and go. The G25/27 was supported by the PS3 and no more by the PS4.
    The G25 is still supported by W10 after almost 10 years of existence and I think it will still be for long ! I gave away my old one to my nephew no more than a week ago and he's having great fun with it on Dirt Rally and Project Cars - On PC of course.
    Good luck for your configuration ! It's more expensive on the moment but it comes cheaper on the long run !
  • edited August 2016
    Yes, Gabriel...somewhere on the CM site you can find how to use the says to use port 1 on front of a hub is still needed...and yeah..any will do. Have a random 5 port USB hub hooked up already for wheel, mouse and keyboard. Yes ofcourse it you say for yourself..consoles come and go. From X360 to X1 people had to buy all new gear....PS3 with PS4 hassle for a new...less smooth base. What will the future bring..we don't know what those GREEDY ********* from M$ and $ony come up with to pick our and Fanatecs pockets. While people that were on pc with a G27 or 25 bought ages ago...still can use m...we're al a bunch of fools ;)
  • Thank you for your reply Antoine.
    I will look into it tomorrow.
    And good night :)
  • Yw and a good night to you to...I already ordered it. Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll report here as soon as I hook it up and tested a couple a hours
  • edited August 2016
    Yw and a good night to you to...I already ordered it. Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll report here as soon as I hook it up and tested a couple a hours
    order it too.... 
    one question because i m not a tech head at all, does this cronus just setup with the pc then you plug it to the hub on the ps 4 then you re good to go or does it have to be permanently hooked to a pc that s running ?
  • Yw and a good night to you to...I already ordered it. Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll report here as soon as I hook it up and tested a couple a hours

    Hello Antoine, you can just let us know.

  • Yw and a good night to you to...I already ordered it. Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll report here as soon as I hook it up and tested a couple a hours
    order it too.... 
    one question because i m not a tech head at all, does this cronus just setup with the pc then you plug it to the hub on the ps 4 then you re good to go or does it have to be permanently hooked to a pc that s running ?
    First you must update the firmware of the CM by plugging it on your PC with a USB cable. You'll find thr new fw on the CM site :

    Then you won't need the PC to use the device with your PC4. You'll just need a PS4 pad and a 4 ports USB hub 2.0 (plus the wheel of course).

    Here is the manual :

    You can find the CM Plus on amazon :

  • Yw and a good night to you to...I already ordered it. Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll report here as soon as I hook it up and tested a couple a hours
    order it too.... 
    one question because i m not a tech head at all, does this cronus just setup with the pc then you plug it to the hub on the ps 4 then you re good to go or does it have to be permanently hooked to a pc that s running ?
    First you must update the firmware of the CM by plugging it on your PC with a USB cable. You'll find thr new fw on the CM site :

    Then you won't need the PC to use the device with your PC4. You'll just need a PS4 pad and a 4 ports USB hub 2.0 (plus the wheel of course).

    Here is the manual :

    You can find the CM Plus on amazon :
    this for some reason is not working for me......i have Both a g27 and a clubsport V2 wheel base, and i can use the G27 but NOT the clubsport wheel base i get an E on the Cronusmax. i am using the same usb hub and following the same steps as with the G27, and the clunbsport base is in Ps3 mode. perhaps i am missing something. Do i need a different hub for the Fanatec?
  • edited August 2016
    have to highlight the text for some reason, but here is what i wrote: this for some reason is not working for me.......I have both a G27 and a Clubsport V2 wheel base, and i CAN use the G27 but NOT the clubsport wheel base, i get an E on the Cronusmax. I am using the same 2.0 hun and following the SAME steps as with the G27, and the Clubsport bas is in PS3 mode, Perhaps i am missing something or do i need to use a different hub for the fanatec?
  • Have you flashed the CM with the new fw , William ?
  • edited August 2016
    yes i have, i actually just bought the Cronusmax yesterday, and tried all of this yesterday. and like i said the G27 works with the Ps4 but Not the Fanatec. i am trying this on the PS4 Wheel Mode, with Firmware V1.21.
  • Well I am afraid I cannot help you with this. I have not acquired the CM yet.
    Maybe you should contact CM support...
  • edited August 2016
    i have contacted support am waiting for a reply, but thank you for listening and trying. i just posted that to see if anyone else had an issue, and if i was doing something wrong. It is very strange to me that the G27 works but the Fanatec doesn't.
  • I hope they will solve your problem at CM support. I feel very concerned because I plan to buy one myself.
    So good luck and please keep us posted :)
  • edited August 2016
    I hope so to, because i really Love the Fanatec wheel, and don't anybody worry i will DEFINITELY keep everyone posted. as i really hope i get this sorted out. as someone who has the Cronusmax and i am really hoping i don;t have to resort to using my G27.
  • edited August 2016
    I think with the cronus you have to use ps3 mode on the wheel page 9 of online manual.
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