PlayStation compatibility UPDATE 2



  • Thomas i dont understand the Higher end wheel Not supported by Sony statement... with TM coming out with a DD wheel im sure its Not going to be cheap... Probably the base alone will cost the price of the CSL Elite bundle.
    Are you sure they are coming with a DD Wheel? I have not seen any official specs and the statement of Kazunori was highly misleading. I saw the wheel at E3 and what I saw was definitely not a DD wheel.  I expect something on par with the CSL Elite or worse and certainly not much more expensive than the T500RS. 

    I can already confirm that our ClubSport steering wheels will be compatible to our upcoming DD wheels.
    Well now that your saying this Tommy, Iam sure that you know the market for a more affordable "Genuine DD Wheel from Fanatec" has been long awaited, and thus your company being bigger than some that have been doing DD Wheel's in the past. 

    Im sure there is a price point that has to be carefully thought out. And hearing that our existing wheels and hub will still be compatible is awesome and a blessing, I know you guys (Fanatec) are working with us the consumer. 
    And from watching your past videos on Youtube is reason enough for me to make the jump from TM to you guys.

    Thank Tommy   
  • Hi Thomas, I recorded the youtube Video with the working V2 and AC before the day one patch going online. By the way, I loved the FFB... for a short time ;). One question I have. A PS4 CSL would be compatible with the PC Version of the Uni Hub? If not, the way away frommen PS4 to PC is signed. Thanks for your feedback. Markus
    We cannot give any technical Features about the PS4 Wheel yet until it is fully approved by Sony but there is a high Chance that all CS wheels incl. the universal hub would work as well.
  • Thomas Jackermeier said:
    yup know matter how hard I try I just can't reason Sony not accepting a custom PlayStation stamped universal hub it's the best looking peripheral that they could ever have with great functionality, why try to destroy this perfect ecosystem. If only Thomas could get the chance to have a logical conversation with a Sony rep and at the very least be given a logical explanation why this could not work its just a few minutes of there time, I'm embarrassed that I have had to vent in this way at times over the futility of the position Sony has put in. On a positive note that was pretty cool for Thomas to mention the DD bases
    This is not how it works. You make proposals by email and then they say yes or no. There usually is no reason given and they don't have to. Is it logic that it takes so long for us to get the license? Perhaps there is some but we never heard about it. We can always speculate but we will also continue to try and convince them.
    Can we as customers help you try to convince Sony that a licensed rim for CSW V2 is good for all parties concerned? If you think there is any hope that Sony will listen to the thousands of Fanatec customers, and more importantly the millions of dollars and euros we have at our disposal to spend on Sony and Sony-licensed Fanatec products, let's try to organize. Policies can change, after all... Sony showed us that. What would be the best way to combine our efforts, instead of scattered posts and tweets here and there which no one will listen to? Forum topic on PS site? Survey to CSW V2 owners about buying a PS4 hub? Pre-orders? ;)

    I'm sure the new PS4 CSL base will be a great product, but that said, I prefer to use my even better CSW V2. I will pay a premium to use this great tech on PS4.

    Sony might be thinking about the licensing money they will bring in for a "PS4 version" of a Fanatec wheelbase, but maybe they aren't seeing the whole picture. I probably won't buy the Playstation VR, Playstation 4 Neo, Grant Turismo Sport, etc., etc. without being able to use the best Fanatec gear on it, but I will turn to Xbox and whatever VR solution they eventually offer since my gear will work there. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Maybe I'm living in dreamland, but if there's a chance, it's worth a try.
  • Natalie BNatalie B Member, Moderator, Betatester
    edited September 2016
    yup know matter how hard I try I just can't reason Sony not accepting a custom PlayStation stamped universal hub it's the best looking peripheral that they could ever have with great functionality, why try to destroy this perfect ecosystem. If only Thomas could get the chance to have a logical conversation with a Sony rep and at the very least be given a logical explanation why this could not work its just a few minutes of there time, I'm embarrassed that I have had to vent in this way at times over the futility of the position Sony has put in. On a positive note that was pretty cool for Thomas to mention the DD bases
    This is not how it works. You make proposals by email and then they say yes or no. There usually is no reason given and they don't have to. Is it logic that it takes so long for us to get the license? Perhaps there is some but we never heard about it. We can always speculate but we will also continue to try and convince them.

    That seems perfectly fair, and I sincerely hope that everyone (community) gets on board ;;)

    Of course for the consumer it would be incredibly convenient (and cost effective) to buy a PS4 branded "RIM" (full electronics self contained) or a PS4 Universal HUB (that is compatible with the the PS4) akin to the UHXBO rather than a second base.

    However, If Sony won't allow this, then of course a second base is the next/only viable option.

    In my opinion, consumers would be more likely to buy a PS4 branded RIM/HUB (that turned their existing base into a PS4 compatible base) than those willing to buy a second base, especially for a console that is 3 years old and going through a hardware revision (neo).

    In these instances, it may more beneficial for current PS4 owners to keep their existing setup, and instead of buying a second base + a neo, to just buy a Scorpio and have full XBOX Support (with their existing hardware) and upgraded hardware, so fingers crossed Sony will realise that Rims/Hubs make the most sense, moving forward.

    Of course, its a very complex situation and i appreciate that, but I do hope Sony will see the huge potential market, just itching to buy PS4 Rims/Hubs etc.

    As you know, I purchased "3" XBO Universal HUBS + Rims (after we completed testing) and would happily buy 3 PS4 Hubs too :)

    And finally,
    Offering CSWv2 owners a discount on a base is an incredible gesture of goodwill. Yet again you have gone a step beyond what any other company would/have done. I sincerely hope those who are upset with the loss of PS4 support can appreciate that :-bd

    Now... Lets just hope that Sony can see sense, and allow you to make a PS4 F1 Rim / PS4 GT RIM / PS4 Drift RIM etc etc etc for "ALL" Fanatec bases :)

    Here's another one of my German F1GP Pics, resized for the web, click for larger preview ;)

    It was an absolutely Fantastic week! Germany (Heidelberg) was stunning. 
    Also there was lots of Fanatec Rigs in the Simulator Zone which was nice to see :-bd


  • James ArmentiJames Armenti Member
    edited September 2016
    you guys can go ahead and blow more on new wheelbases, while I sit back and enjoy my csr elite wheels ps3 mode as full ps4 mode!. feels DAMN good!
  • James ArmentiJames Armenti Member
    edited September 2016
    Did I just launch project cars from ps xmb via  my fanatec wheel?... hmmmm
  • brett morobrett moro Member
    edited September 2016


    So basically you want

    1) a General Coupon Code independend of what you purchase
    2) The possibility to upgrade the electronics of your CSW B V2

    To 1) The big majority of our CSW BV2 customers is using the base on PC or on Xbox. How should we find out who is affected by PS4 compatibility so we can compensate the right ones?
    The only way would be to check if they want to buy a new base for PS4.

    to 2) This is 100% against the rules of Sony or MS. They are quite strict of what we can do with their security chips. Just to give you an idea: They even tell us how we have to store them.

    Thomas a response to question #1 in a photo we could send a pic of our I.D sitting on top of hour PS4, or we could send a pic of hour ps4 next to our CSW BV2/Ps4/I.D (all done through a customer support email perhaps) this might work? Respond Question #2 yup I understand it won't be that easy sadly.

    Thomas you asked me to give you my take on how to implement this it's sounds like this would not be that difficult ? But I am worried you might agree and don't want answer this, it's vary simple doable proposal??
  • Brett,

    it is not that simple. YOu can easily go to your friend and take a Picture. And the Manual workload for our sales Team would be huge. Our orders are fully automatic. If they have to look at thousands of pictures it is a big problem.

    The CSL base is not that far away from the CSW. If you are a die hard PS4 fan and do not want to move to any other platform then I am sure this is the right offer. It is not perfect but certainly the best you can get and therefore I hope that most customers would go for it.


    The best way to convince Sony is to Show them that we can sell wheels. The royalty is per unit and with every Wheel we sell they also earn something. The more we can sell of the CSL for PS4 the better. And if they see that high-end wheels can make Money it is much easier for us to discuss new projects.
  • Thomas,

    first i would say that you have my respect for the communication with us fanatec customers in this situation !

    can you say how far the negotiations with sony about the csl ps4 base are in this moment ? when you hope to announce a release date of that base ?

    can you say something more on that discount for csw v2 buyer who buy a ps4 csl base ? how would you do that ? did you send discount codes on every v2 buyer, or just on them who ask you to get a code ?

    did there are any optical and technical differences from the x1 csl base to the ps4 csl base ?

    i wish that you work on a gt rim like the bmw m3 gt2, but a bit smaller and lighter, about 30 cm, alcantara or lether, in the bmw m3 gt2 price range.
  • Michel

    please give me one or two weeks more to answer all your questions.

  • The CSL Elite was already almost to expensiive for them. They don't see that even more higher end wheels will sell enough and herefore will not license it. At least not for now. If the CSL is selling well then we plan and try again with a more high-end Wheel for PS4.

    But trust me, if you get a CSL base plus ClubSport pedals and some ClubSport steering wheels then this is by far the best you can get for this console. Even though it is still not as good as a CSW B V2 of course.
    Would be also my Range of Budget for a Wheel/Pedals Combo....
    But Thomas, hurry up with getting a contract with Sony...I wanna stay on PS4 WITH Fanatec.....
  • thank you Thomas for all your answers on the situation.
    it was a nightmare for me when i remove my csw v2 from my playseat and replace it by a t300rs , but if i got a voucher for the new csl base it will be a new beginning for my Fanatec experience.

    keep us informed of the situation with Sony.
  • Well, we could make a petition to show Sony that the community would much rather spend 300-400 euro's on a rim then on a base.
  • brett morobrett moro Member
    edited September 2016
    lol the le

    it is not that simple. YOu can easily go to your friend and take a Picture. And the Manual workload for our sales Team would be huge. Our orders are fully automatic. If they have to look at thousands of pictures it is a big problem.

    The CSL base is not that far away from the CSW. If you are a die hard PS4 fan and do not want to move to any other platform then I am sure this is the right offer. It is not perfect but certainly the best you can get and therefore I hope that most customers would go for it.


    The best way to convince Sony is to Show them that we can sell wheels. The royalty is per unit and with every Wheel we sell they also earn something. The more we can sell of the CSL for PS4 the better. And if they see that high-end wheels can make Money it is much easier for us to discuss new projects.

    ( in actuality it doesn't matter wether we own ps4 or not we bought that CSW B V2 for flexibility but nice try ) Thomas a picture says a thousand words, it's easier than reading a thousand emails,and we could take a number, it's not like we all have the disposable cash to jump in and buy the first thing we can think of at any moment. Not to mention I am sorry you think that a majority of your CSW B V2 customers are that hard up that we would go out of our way to scam you with our neighbors ps4 Lol personally i don't need anything at the moment anyway (accept Sony support) and some customer certousy for me it's all about the principal of it all as consumer / consumers who put there money into this for ps4 support. it wouldn't kill you to offer us a deal on your higher tear items rims etc, I am not asking for the world lol, I own a fantastic PC gtx1080/cv1 but I also like the console exclusives and wouldn't mind getting Ps VR but I'm not shelling out for a downgrade CSL and the crazy part is either does anyone else for the most part, I just find it humorous that Sony and Fanatec could of had all the royalties from a uni hub and for the CSL market but unfortunately CSL is competing with thrustmaster and they have a nice well marketed wheel coming out for gtsport and T 300 they could pic up at there local Best Buy and return it if there's any problem the same day. This is a marketing blunder and if we all don't get together somehow and inform Sony as group where going to get screwed for sure as we are now. I still think your a good guy and I support you but I also support me as a consumer. But to be completely honest I really don't care anymore about it so let's just move on lol
  • Hi guys. I update you on CM: It works !!! I'm trying a beta FM and at the moment everything seems to work fine. I keep you updated
  • Vincenzo, do You Need a PC therefore or just the ps4 Pad?
  • This is it : I took the step. I am migrating for PC with no turning back. I will get my new config next Wednesday. Farewell Sony. I'm free !!!!!!!
  • Vincenzo, do You Need a PC therefore or just the ps4 Pad?
    for connection to ps4 only serves the pad. to PC you only need to program the CM and put the CSW ps3 mode
  • Brett,

    it is not that simple. YOu can easily go to your friend and take a Picture. And the Manual workload for our sales Team would be huge. Our orders are fully automatic. If they have to look at thousands of pictures it is a big problem.

    The CSL base is not that far away from the CSW. If you are a die hard PS4 fan and do not want to move to any other platform then I am sure this is the right offer. It is not perfect but certainly the best you can get and therefore I hope that most customers would go for it.


    The best way to convince Sony is to Show them that we can sell wheels. The royalty is per unit and with every Wheel we sell they also earn something. The more we can sell of the CSL for PS4 the better. And if they see that high-end wheels can make Money it is much easier for us to discuss new projects.
    I respect Mr. Thomas to be here to give us explanations. but reading these statements and wanting to be bad, we might even think that it was all planned. on the wheel market it is booming, but you need a license in order to participate, but you have to prove it can sell as much with a dedicated product. the only way is to remove the compatibility over previous products ps4 forcing users to buy a new wheel ... but only if you want to be bad and it is not the case with Fanatec, right? this is marketing!
  • edited September 2016
    Sony's reply to my complaint (for those who speak french) :

    "Bonjour Gabriel,

    Merci pour votre e-mail faisant suite à votre récente prise de contact avec l'assistance PlayStation. 
    Nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous soyez mécontent à propos du manque de compatibilité entre votre matériel et votre console PlayStation.
    Cependant, il semble que la compatibilité de matériel aille au delà d'un manque de volonté de la part de Sony PlayStation à rendre compatible des accessoires.
    Les partenariats entre entre Sony PlayStation et les fabricants d'accessoires tiers vont dans les deux sens, et sont en ce sent bien plus compliqués qu'il n'y parait.
    Les accessoires disposent également d'une couche logiciel qui leur permet d'être compatibles avec les consoles PlayStation.
    Dans le cas de votre matériel, je vous suggère de vous rendre sur le forum de Fanatec, afin de vous renseigner sur une éventuelle manière de l'utiliser sur votre PlayStation.

    Pour toute autre question, n'hésitez pas à appeler l'assistance PlayStation au 01 70 70 07 78 (en citant votre référence dossier *****). L’un de nos conseillers se fera un plaisir de vous aider, où nos conseillers se feront un plaisir de vous aider.


    L'assistance PlayStation"

    They say that hardware compatibility goes beyond a lack of will from Sony.
    Also that partnership between Sony and 3rd party makers go both ways. They suggest it's not entirely their fault and pass the parcel to Fanatec and say partnerships are more complicated than it seems. They talk about a software layer on peripherals which makes them compatible with the PS4.
    In the end they suggest I go to the Fanatec forum to get information on a possible way to use my hardware on PS4.

    So they kick the ball into touch. And so I am definitely done with Sony.
  • I respect Mr. Thomas to be here to give us explanations. but reading these statements and wanting to be bad, we might even think that it was all planned. on the wheel market it is booming, but you need a license in order to participate, but you have to prove it can sell as much with a dedicated product. the only way is to remove the compatibility over previous products ps4 forcing users to buy a new wheel ... but only if you want to be bad and it is not the case with Fanatec, right? this is marketing!
    Vincenzo. You logic makes no sense. If we would only care to sell more wheels why did we make the old Porsche and CSR wheels compatible to PS4 and not just the CSW B V2 which we are selling at the moment.

    We have proven that we were the only Company on the market to even take care about customers of old and discontinued wheels. Nobody else did. It is not marketing it is brute force and we will lose customers rather than getting new ones because of it.
  • This is it : I took the step. I am migrating for PC with no turning back. I will get my new config next Wednesday. Farewell Sony. I'm free !!!!!!!
    You will Not Regret the move!!! I moved to PC 2 weeks ago and its Just sooo Much More than Console can offer... Graphic, Sound quality... my Fanatec gear feels like I'm using it for the first time!!!  I use 2x Buttkickers 1 plays Left other plays right you can clearly feel the diff between L & R on pc... on PS4 they worked but never this Pcars in thunderstorm conditions is Amazing Now you can feel the rumble of the thunder and lighning and never loose the feel of the car or engine through the buttkickers!!!

    any 1 who's interested in racing on PC Look Me up on Steam My tag is   GrimeyDog
  • edited September 2016
    Do you play dirt rally on pc lorrel ?
  • Thank you for your encouragements, Lorrell.
    I'm already using my laptop with my Fanatec gear since last week and I completely agree with you, the feeling is great and even better than on PS4.
    But the laptop is only provisional because it's not powerful enough (got a GTX 660M video card) and I can only run new games like F1 2016 on medium details.
    My new desktop will have a GTX 970 (a 1070 was too expensive and not necessary for now) and I will get a better experience.
    Funny, I had been thinking about buying a buttkicker for my PS4 gear lately but the events with Sony made me change my priorities. The new PC, is a big investment (though I squeezed the budget to a decent enough configuration), knowing I already have a gaming one in my office in addition to the laptop I mentionned above (which makes 3 of them now). But it's only a matter of time before I buy one.
  • This is it : I took the step. I am migrating for PC with no turning back. I will get my new config next Wednesday. Farewell Sony. I'm free !!!!!!!
    You will Not Regret the move!!! I moved to PC 2 weeks ago and its Just sooo Much More than Console can offer... Graphic, Sound quality... my Fanatec gear feels like I'm using it for the first time!!!  I use 2x Buttkickers 1 plays Left other plays right you can clearly feel the diff between L & R on pc... on PS4 they worked but never this Pcars in thunderstorm conditions is Amazing Now you can feel the rumble of the thunder and lighning and never loose the feel of the car or engine through the buttkickers!!!

    any 1 who's interested in racing on PC Look Me up on Steam My tag is   GrimeyDog
    Invite sent Lorrell.... SkyyJuice
  • James ArmentiJames Armenti Member
    edited September 2016
    a little driveclub on a friday night w/ the good ole porsche turbo S rennsport wheel stand w/ G27 pedals of course.. as those plastic fanatec original pedals were the worst pedals ever made, and every set has broke!
  • edited September 2016
    Do you play dirt rally on pc lorrel ?
    I haven't got it yet but its on my Buy list... soon as its on sale from my watch list im going to buy it!!!  I already have it for PS4 so i cant justify buying it 2x at full price... but i will get it for sure.... i made permanent  the switch to PC 2 weeks ago!!!! I'm Loving it!!!  I have Pcars(All car/Track packs),Assetto Corsa, Race room and a few car packs....Oooh yeah its a oldie but Goodie Race 07 with all the packs... You would Really be very surprised how good that game feels with the V2!!!  i went with Z170A M5 mother board,  i5 6600k, GTX 1070FTW SLI build... Had it done at Micro center!!!  Its a console Killer,Slayer,Destroyer,Finsher...LOL you get the point...LOL No looking back from this point on!!!

    Im going to be eating bread and water for a bit after this Build but its worth it!!! Im gonna loose more than a few pounds...LOL

  • a little driveclub on a friday night w/ the good ole porsche turbo S rennsport wheel stand w/ G27 pedals of course.. as those plastic fanatec original pedals were the worst pedals ever made, and every set has broke!
    I got selected for the beta as well and my cronusmax will be here tomorrow i cannot wait to play assetto corsa and driveclub on the ps4 with my cswv2. There is def more than one way to skin a cat.
  • edited September 2016
    I got selected for the beta as well and my cronusmax will be here tomorrow i cannot wait to play assetto corsa and driveclub on the ps4 with my cswv2. There is def more than one way to skin a cat.

    Nope yours is Not going to work... Only yours just because its you its not going to work... That way you can be pissed off some more...CTHU!!!...LOL ...LMAO...
  • I got selected for the beta as well and my cronusmax will be here tomorrow i cannot wait to play assetto corsa and driveclub on the ps4 with my cswv2. There is def more than one way to skin a cat.

    Nope yours is Not going to work... Only your just because its you its not going to work... That way you can be pissed off some more...CTHU!!!...LOL ...LMAO...

    in your dreams grimey lol

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