WRC 9 and CSW 2.0 settings?

Anyone has decent, especially grinding vibration in many cases need adjusting.


  • I have the CSW v2.5 and all i do for WRC 9 is to reduce the overall vibration slider in game to 50% , that's it , i don't change any other FFB settings

    and leave the wheel at it's default settings.

    This feels pretty good to me.

  • edited September 2020

    Just wish my Clubsport 2.5 had a working FFB in WRC 9 rip

  • Check you don't have any background programs conflicting with the FFB in WRC 9 , when i first started with WRC 8 i had no FFB at all and it turned out to be a little program called irffb (used for iracing) , once i uninstalled/disabled this my FFB in WRC 8 was back.

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