SQ 1.5 Shifter U/Butterfly Spring...?

The sequential gear return stopped working on my shifter. Once opening I noticed the return spring is broken in two. It kind of looks like the attached photo. I am not sure of the correct name for this spring so if anyone knows it would be appreciated. Replacing it would be fairly easy and I am guessing I can contact and purchase this through fanatec however the 7 speed gear guide plate that needs to be removed prior has two very small allen key bolts which unfortunately were torqued and because the thin allen key is required to be used vertically it snapped the head clear off and now I can not remove one of the bolts. I probably should have used a socket wrench, an adapter and allen key bit however I did not have one at the time.. If anyone could recommend how to remove this bolt it would be also be appreciated..


  • the name of the spring “type” : torsion spring

    mine is broken right now, it’s been a full 24 hours since i sent the request. currently i am waiting on the initial reply reply to my request. then i’ll have to send a video, wait for someone to verify that what i need a replacement for is in fact broken. and then be sent a link to purchase or pay for shipping? idk but i do have pictures of the exact spring and measurements. the allen keys securing the gate to the riser are: H4 and H3/32..well for whatever reason, i can’t post the pictures. maybe it’s because im posting on a mobile. i will try upload pics to my computer and get on here and post them that way.

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