[Resolved] F1 2020 Wheel not being recognized
Robert Mussi
Hi there.
So I have tried everything from restarting my PC, to Making sure everything is up to date(which it is). But when I load F12020, wheel doesn't work. No inputs are being registered. I haven't played the game in a week or so. So I'm not sure if this on F1 part due to the last update it just did. If anyone has any idea please help! I also tried loading up ACC and same thing, my setup doesn't get recognized.
My setup:
Are the inputs showing correctly in the Fanatec properties page?
Looks like I've experienced the same issue when I received my CSL Elite F1-set.
I did these two following things to fix it, maybe it will help you also;
1). Try to delete file: hardware_settings_config.xml file in folder: C:\Users\%Profile%\Documents\My Games\F1 2020\hardwaresettings and re-lauch the game.
2) Right-click on F1 2020 Steam-application and click Properties, then check if Steam-input Configuration is set to Forced off in the first (General) tab.
They are showing. Thank you.
It was the 2nd one you mentioned. I changed it and it works now. Thank you for your help !