DD2 Wheel Property Settings with DBOX

I own a DD2, R300 Podium with APM which I really love, thank you for that Fanatec. About six months ago I added DBOX-4250i which I also love. At the time Wreckfest was my favorite game, but since getting the DBOX I've played it twice for <minute each time before exiting the game. Going from experiencing FFB around my entire body, back to just the wheel in Wreckfest isn't cutting it for me.

Which kinda got me thinking, about games that support DBOX. With everything going on around me now it seems a bit more difficult to feel movement thru the wheelbase, does the motion from the DBOX simply overwhelm motion from the wheel when using the recommended wheelbase settings for a game? A couple of times I've launched a game and for whatever reason, DBOX didn't engage and you felt nothing thru the wheel, or it least felt like nothing so that's always made me wonder about the link between the two. I have enough of an understanding to know the movement from DBOX and DD2 are totally separate code.

Do others with DBOX or even Fanatec if they read these forums have any recommendations, I realize it's a matter of preference but I almost feel that the intensity settings for the wheelbase should be increased to compensate for the motion from the DBOX.


  • Hi Robert,

    I own a DD1 and a DBOX 4250i Rev3.

    I cannot help you with Wreckfest but I can tell you that with iRacing, Assetto Corsa and Assetto Corsa Competizione DBOX and Fanatec FFB are working totally independent!

    Also when I shutdown DBOX during driving or even starting in the Night complete without DBOX it's always the same FFB on my DD1!

    Does not matter if with or without DBOX.

    But you can try something I read in other Forums, not here, sometimes other Users report strange behaviour with "grounding" of the Rig and all the parts which are mounted on the Rig!

    Means, Fanatec, DBOX are mounted on your Rig and booth are grounded within their Power Supply! The Rig itself is not grounded and there can be some interferences because of that, so I grounded also my Rig just preventive to not getting some strange behaviour.

    Try to ground your Rig or other parts (like pedals if not fanatec because fanatec are connected normally through the Wheelbase) of your simulator correctly, maybe this fixes your strange behaviour!

    good luck


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