Are a bunch of the flag LEDs not available in AC?
Ritzbury Mahaughn
DRS Allowed, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, White flag show up in fanalab as not available in game.
Is this correct, or do I have something set up incorrectly?
That's correct.
Not supported by the Telemetry of that game.
Bummer, thanks
Maurice, I dare to disagree a little. In SimbHub there is a standard expression "[DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.Flag_Color*)]" that works fine for Blue and Yellow flags, where Color* equals to Blue or Yellow. Granted, yellow flag does not work per sector and I agree the game doesn't handle yellow flag too well as you can have the car left after crash and the flag disappears but it's till better than nothing. The blue flag works very well, though.
However, if I remember correctly I wasn't able to force FanaLEDs to blink on flag events in AC either. Is there something specific about AC telemtry that works for some apps like SimHub but not for others like FanaLabs or FanaLEDs?
I have a problem that flag LEDs are not working in ACC. Revs are OK. All set as requested (following the green tabs).
In RRE it is working as should be. ACC not. Any hint?
Which FlagLED settings dont work?
Yellow, blue... Pit red is working
Yellow Flags are not supported by ACC as they use sector based yel,low flags and no general yellow flags but FanaLab only supports general yellows.
Blue Flags should work and I just tested and they work fine when you get lapped.
OK. Thanks for info. I wasnt lapped since I have got new rim :) I will try be worse :))