Gran Turismo DD Pro - Is it working right?

Hi all,

just wondering if the FFB in GT7 with my Gran Turismo DD Wheel is as it should be.

First of all, oftentimes during harder corners I don't get any FFB on the curbs. Driving slowly over them, of if the corner is not that tight, it's working fine.

Furthermore, my more relevant question is, if the wheel is behaving right for example when the car is heavily understeering, or in general during heavy cornering at the edge of the tyre grip. The wheel starts "rattling" hard (not soundwise, only feels like rattling), very notchy or clunky, so to say. More like Anti Lock Braking in a real modern car, when you have to do an emergency brake, if that's understandable.

Understeering in real life doesn't feel anything like that, no matter if older or modern car. I'm just not sure if that simply is state of the art in a modern DD wheel or if something is faulty?

Thanks guys,



  • edited March 2022

    The rattling is absolutely normal and a typical characteristics and feature of the Gran Turismo FFB to indicate understeer, was also available in GT Sport.

  • That rattling during understeer is good isn’t it? You will feel it well and react accordingly.

    In ACC, in a corner you feel the weight on the wheel and when you start to understeer, it lightens, though very realistic, but more difficult to react to I feel.

  • Marc HässigMarc Hässig Member
    edited March 2022

    Same exact experience as Till for me.

    Something is off. There is no detail FFB data in tighter corners with sportcars no matter the torquevalue ingame. 3 or 10, no difference. Peak or linear mode, no difference. Its NOT clipping! There is just no detail ffb data.

    If you hook up the wheel to a PC (ACC) the ffb is much stronger and without clipping.

  • Here is another. Ffb on GT7 is very weak. I have tried all given settings and ffb strenght but not woeking.

    When i go out of GT7 and straight into GT Sport ffb instantly comes to life.

    Playing on PS4 with a DD Pro.

    I hope someone can confirm this is a know issue that will be solved with an update.

  • Same as mr jaspers. Tried the wheel on gt sport and besides the wheel feeling very heavy I had great detailed ffb, curbs etc felt great.

    gt7 just feels dull, lack of detail and what there is feels inconsistent.

    played with settings but little improvement.

    any ideas/suggestions?

  • Its the same in F1 2022 for me. Tighter corners, no ffb data besides constant resistance.

    Looks like a driver issue for PS5. The wheel is working just fine in PC sims.

  • I had the same issue. Guess the ffb-Input from gt7 is just a little lower than in gt sport.

    For the abs-like rattle in understeer try using NDP 60 and above. Also INT is best at 8 and higher. Game-changer for me was a very low FEI like 40. Didn‘t want to lower my FEI but if it feels better and more realistic i acceptet it. 👍

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