Clubsport Formula V2 failing to power up?
Hamish Fitzsimmons
I have a new Clubsport Formula steering wheel on a Podium DD2 Wheelbase and there's no power to the steering wheel. Any suggestions?
No power to the base even with no steering wheel? Are you plugged directly into the wall?
DD2 Base has power.
Using the emergency stop? and maybe the button has been pressed on the emergency stop? Twist it to unlock and it should then power-on again.
Which Firmware/Driver do you have installed and have you updated the wheelbase to the latest firmware?
Yes, I have updated the firmware/driver to the latest.
Emergency bottom is off, the DD2 wheelbase works fine, it doesn't recognise the steering wheel at all.
Same thing just happened to me on my 918 wheel and Formula V2. I was in the middle of a race and after hitting a wall I lost power to the steering wheel. I swapped wheels out and power cycled the DD2 and after two power cycles it started to work again. I tried running into a wall again and it happened once more. I then ran into a wall two more times to see if that was the problem and it hasn't lost power yet. Latest firmware.
Now I have a new Clubsport F1 wheel and the DD2 wheelbase fails to recognise the new steering wheel. I think I have a problem with the DD2 wheelbase not recognising the steering wheel, and the steering wheel might not be faulty. Very, very disappointed with the whole experience.
Have you contacted customer support yet?
So I had the same problem csl dd and found the problem at the base of the shaft not being pushed in all the way and turns out it's just a type c in there so loosen the clamp push it in then tighten it back up.