how to find slot nuts (Nutensteine) for Fanatec Shifter
Björn Rabethge
Hi there,
the slot nuts provided with the shifter are made of aluminium and survived only 2 days on my rig.
which ones can I use as a replacement made of steel and fit in the slots on the sides of the shifter? could someone provide i.e. an amazon link?
thank you!
Here you can search for the right one.
Yes, I already looked mysefl but I could not find any that have the same measurements as the ones from Fanatec. I tried some but they did not really work out.
I was hoping I am not the first one and someone might have allread found some that fit firmly.
Just to be clear: Fantecs nutbolts seem to follow no standard size at all. they have a 5.5mm nut and are very deep. nothing I could find anywhere. Standards are either 6mm nuts or 8mm nuts.