F1 23 PS5 DD PRO 8nm

My current settings but early days.

Formula V2, CSP V3 inverted

SENS auto

FF str 100

FF scale peak





FEI 100

FOR 100

SPR 100

DPR 100

BLI OFF - no ABS on F1 cars



BRF 70

In game  - adjust to your taste, but F1 cars have power steering so this is medium effort

FFB strength 35

On track 40

Rumble strip 40

Off track 40

Wheel damper 0 - I think damping better managed on the wheel, or try 1 and turn NDP off

Rotation 340


  • Updated settings:

    PS5 DD Pro 8NM Formula V2, CSP V3 inverted

    SENS auto - some set to match in game but if you want to drive supercars then it will be off, never had an issue w auto

    FFS 65 - I’m running a bit higher in game so I can adjust overall FFB (combination of FEI & FOR below) from the wheel while on track using the tuning menu rather than going out to the settings menu in game which just requires so many menu clicks

    SCALE peak

    NDP 1 - Natural damper - keep low or loose a lot of detail. 1 is fine IMO

    NFR 1 - natural friction 0-5 for taste

    NIN 1 - natural inerita 0-5 for taset

    INT 1 - interpolation 1 is fine maybe 2 but not 0

    FEI 70 - this governs road, curb, other effects, again higher in game so I can adjust while on track 0-100

    FOR 80 - this governs steering related feedback, higher in game so I can adjust while on track 0-110

    SPR 100 - isn’t used but leave at 100

    DPR 100 isn’t used but leave at 100

    BRF 85 - depends on your pedals - go to calibration in game settings and adjust so that you max foot pressure = 100%

    In game:

    FFB strength 70 - default as I recall but don’t go higher, adjust FOR or FFS overall on the wheel to avoid possible clipping

    On track 50 - default, adjust using FEI for these 3 after making any desired differences between them

    Rumble strip 50

    Off track 50

    Wheel damper 0 - I think damping better managed on the wheel, or try 1 and turn NDP off

    Rotation 340 - like a bit quicker ratio so to taste

    Calibration: no dead zone or sensitivity. Linearity is to taste, adds a more gradual increase at the low end, but I’m not using

  • How do you like the V3 Inverted pedals?

    I have a chance to pick up a used set for a really good price but can’t decide if I should do it or not. I’m running the CSL w load cell and don’t really have any complaints but I’ve also never used a set of the V3 pedals so I don’t know what I’m missing, if anything.

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