Support ticket confirmation?

I am trying to submit a support ticket for my DD wheelbase. I get no confirmation message or email, and when I click submit it just reloads the page with all the fields blanked out again. There's no options under my account that indicate being able to review the status of a support ticket.

Is there something I'm missing on the website? I think I've scoured it and the forums but I can be airheaded and skip over stuff when staring straight at it.

They say don't submit duplicate tickets but I obviously can't avoid this if I receive absolute zero feedback on whether or not my ticket went through. I've either submitted 15 tickets or none at all idk at this point.


  • When you open a ticket you are redirected to a page they send you a confirmation email. You have surely forgotten some forms. In my case it was an invisible little square at the bottom where terms and conditions are written.

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