ONE THREAD - List of all orders / status - please add !



  • Je ne sais pas si c'est grace (ou à cause) de cette réclamation via Paypal mais j'ai ENFIN reçu l'intégralité de ma commande (10 colis) aujourd'hui.

    J'avais passé commande le 14 septembre à destination de la Suisse (pour ma part aucun problème de douane).

    Et pour vous ?

  • Happy for you bro. Seems like they are catching up. People who ordered towards the end of September already have tracking and vat requests. I'm hoping I get mine soon but I only ordered a week ago. Just wish they would answer the people who had there's sent back due to a mistake by scamatec. Enjoy you're bundle, You deserve it after the long wait

  • Bonne nouvelle, enfin vous les avez reçu.

    C'est quand même incroyable j'ai commandé un jour après vous et je n'ai pas encore de numéro de suivis ni informations.

  • Hello Warren, we apologize and we understand your disappointment at having to wait even longer than you already had to for the first delivery. A number of orders placed in September going to the UK and Switzerland were impacted by incomplete export documentation. Where UPS was unable to resolve the matter, they returned the orders to our logistics partner. Here the shipments are registered and processed based on customer feedback. We provide the warehouse with daily updates on this matter, for example whether a customer wants an order reshipped or refunded. As each return has to be handled on a case-by-case basis, the turnaround time is slower than where we'd like it to be. However, it is important to give each case the attention it deserves. If you are affected by a case like this and haven't done so already, please let our Customer Care team know how you would like us to proceed. Currently they’re facing a high number of requests due to the logistical delays that still affect the European market, which means that the response times in some cases will take more than a week: . However they’ll take care of your concern. We would like to sincerely apologize that now you have to wait significantly longer for the delivery of your order. We want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with us!

  • Might as well add mine to the list...

    UK/ 26th Sep/ QR2 bundle/ both packages delivered today to Hamburg!. So I assume missing customs paperwork...

  • warren spencewarren spence Member
    edited October 2023

    No you should get them hopefully. I would expect them to have sorted out the shipping issue to the UK by now.

  • I'm tempted to order a load cell pedal today and see if that arrives before the order I placed on the 15th September

  • So my order finally just arrived! I ordered 16th Sep to the UK so guess I just got VERY lucky with the paper work..

    CSL DD, 8nm, Mclaren V2, Pedals,

    I feel really sorry for you guys still waiting, 5 weeks was bad enough... But stick with it, no one is being ripped off and as bad as Fanatecs customer service has been with communicating with us it will arrive and you will be racing before long..

    I hope to bump into you all at T1 ;)

  • Been 11 days now since my item was marked as completely shipped and it has no tracking number yet.

    Apparently in fanatec world "completely shipped" is slammed onto an order asap as it means it cannot be cancelled therefore you are not entitled to do that and be refunded. So it is not actually shipped.

    I ordered the QR2 Pro bundle and it showed as being in stock for a week after my order but it was never dispatched. It then showed out of stock last Sunday and I contacted support and they apologised for it being out of stock and said it wouldn't be back in stock until 27/10. I sent two follow up emails and have been ignored.

    Two days after being told they were out of stock until 27/10 it showed as being back in stock, but guess what, it still has not been sent.

    I actually think fanatec don't have stock but are still showing it is in stock so people will continue to order and then be in the same holding pattern as us.

    If they don't have the stock then stop people from ordering it. No wonder fanatec is being torn a new one from everyone all over the place. Their business practices are disgraceful and they keep saying it is because of new logistic partners, well not in Australia it ain't and we are having the same issues as our European brethren.


  • je suis d’accord avec vous. Ca fait depuis le 15 septembre que j’attend ma commande sans informations!!

    Fanatec devrait arrêter les commandes jusqu’au jour ou ils auront résolu leurs problèmes.

    C’est scandaleux de la part de FANATEC de traiter leurs clients ainsi!

  • To me it's easy.

    1) who's been waiting longest. Right let's deal with them.

    2) delay all new orders until we have dealt with 1.

    3)answer people's emails and calls. If you sent in an email in weeks ago let's look at ALL the emails from that customer and deal with them. Don't just think right we replied once to give them with a tracking number so we don't need to deal with them again. Hence you now put us to the back of the queue again.

    4)you don't need to wait for customers to contact you to say we still want our order. If we haven't cancelled we want it. You are apparently waiting for us to confirm the order if though you haven't asked us apparently.

    5)customers will reply back within 24hrs in most cases. I'm checking ever hour. you can call we have phones if you need a quick response.


  • Totally agree. It should've been simple enough to just resend all the missing document orders with priority shipping, hell even regular shipping but with individual responses to those affected. I'll keep posting with updates as they happen. Please keep us updated with you're order 🙏

  • Sorry mate., didn't realise I'd already spoke to you before I sent that reply.

  • Toujours aucunes informations ou réponses de fanatec depuis le 15 septembre.

    J'ai contacté PAYPAL pour ouvrir un litige.

    Fanatec vous avez jusqu'au 3 novembre pour faire le nécessaire si non je commande chez la concurrence!

  • Ive opened a dispute with my credit card company. This needs to be sorted.

  • Same here, opened a Visa dispute a week ago, I am fed up that some customers (like me) who ordered late August are still not being delivered this is a COMPLETE JOKE!

    My goods returned to the BS warehouse 2 weeks ago and did not move since, while they continue to ship later orders ? Seriously, what a MESS in this so called 'new warehouse for better customer experience' LOL and a lack of customers respect.

  • Gary MurphyGary Murphy Member
    edited October 2023

    Uk order on the 5th Oct. r2r 8mn. Label created monday the 16th. Tracking number tuesday the 17th. Left the facility on the way to the plane or how ever they ship it to the uk. Been given a delivery date of Friday the 20th. One thing of note is that my order went from label created to collected by ups in less than 24 hours. The majority of people having issues had the lable created for over a week before movement. So maybe they are getting things rolling again. I'll post a update when I have more info .

    Juat waiting for the vat payment to come up....

  • Toujours pas de numéro de suivis depuis plus d’un mois.

    En cherchant avec le numéro de commande et le pays sur ups, je trouve 5 colis, je suppose que c’est les miens.

    Mais ca fait une semaine que rien ne change, comment faire pour être sûr que c’est les miens et avoir le numéro de suivis?

    Ca me marque ''envoie prêt pour UPS'' ''la date de livraison sera communiquée dès que possible''

  • More information to add for my UK order placed on the 26th Spetember for the QR2 bundle. Packages were delivered to Hamburg on the 12th October and haven't moved. I email UPS Germany yesterday to try and find out what's going on and the address they provided, where my packages were delivered, is for Group7 AG, Fanatecs new logistics partner. Going to email them now and see if I can find out more.

  • Gary MurphyGary Murphy Member
    edited October 2023

    Ordered 05th Oct. Label created on the 16th , collected by ups on the 17th. Arrived at the UPS international shipping depot on the 18th, then it Arrived in the UK just before 2am on the 19th. Paid my VAT and handling fee. My items are due to be delivered on Friday the 20th. Exactly 2 weeks and 1 day since I placed the order. Ready2race 8nm, will update once I have the items. One thing to note is after comparing the various steps in my tracking history compared to what other people here and reddit have posted, mine has significantly less stops and clutter on the tracking log. But no hold ups. Straight in and out from each facility.

  • Order placed 4th October. Tracking number and label created 9th October. Nothing since, this is totally unacceptable and has left me wishing I had never heard of Fanatec, let alone donated money to them.

  • maintenant sur ups je vois avec le numéro de référence puisque je n'ai pas de numéro de suivi, retour à l'expéditeur.

    que dois-je faire?

  • La seule chose que tu peux faire est d'envoyer un formulaire de contact et d'attendre....

    Comme tu n'as pas de trackin nr, tu ne peux pas savoir quand les colis sont retournés et livrés au BS warehouse.

    Je te souhaite bonne chance, moi mes colis sont retournés au BS warehouse le 2 octobre et je n'ai toujours pas été livré.

    Ils m'ont dit ce matin qu'après avoir checké avec le BS warehouse, une nouvelle commande sera expédiée, quand?, ils ne me l'ont pas dit.

    J'ai jamais vu une incompétence pareil, même quand enfin ils te répondent, il faut répéter ce que tu as déjà communiqué et à nouveau attendre.....Depuis le 9 octobre, je leur ai dit de renvoyer mes colis et ça n'est toujours pas fait!

  • edited April 8

    FR / 28/03/2024 / CSL DD Ready2Race Bundle for PC (5 Nm) / "Handover to warehouse" since 29/03/2024 / Invoice 29/03/2024 / No tracking number

    But with Order Numer in UPS tracking


    En cours de livraison

    Livraison estimée: Aujourd’hui, avril 08 d’ici 19h00

  • edited April 8

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