Podium DD1 FFB Issue

Hey Everyone,

Was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on how to fix an issue with my new DD1. After going through and setting it up and installing the newest firmware on the wheel and doing all of the calibrations it seems to work fine and the FFB testing is working and showing 11NM or so of torque during the test. However when I go into F123 or ACC I get 0 force feed back from in game. Moving away from a custom setup to using the game I basically get wheel friction but no FFB. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere to enable FFB on this wheel base or any other guidance someone could give me on how to resolve this issue?


  • Have you used the recommended settings, from this forum? or are you just using the default ones?

  • Started with the settings from this forum on both games

  • Hi, I am reaching out to you because I am having trouble getting the wheel base to work. I received my Fanatec wheel (McLaren GT3 V2) with QR1 lite on Sunday. I connected everything to my PC and did all firmware updates. The wheel needed to be updated but everything else was up to date. 

    Then I connected the set up to my PS5. Unfortunately, I am not getting any force feedback when playing any games. I tried F1 24, F1 23, and ACC, nothing came through.

    I understand that the QR1 lite will only provide low torque of 8Nm, but I am not receiving anything. The motor and drive in the wheel base do not show any movement when connected to my PS5, no temperature readings either. I attached photos to message. 

    I am worried because I bought this wheel base second hand and only have few more days to return it. If there is anyway to fix this issue please let me know. I also tried different set up profiles, changed the settings on the wheel and in the game but nothing is working. 

    thank you in advance.

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