QR1 or QR2 for CSL DD (5nm)

I want to buy the CSL DD (5nm) Wheel Base in combination with the CSL steering wheel P1 V2 and the CSL Pedals inclusive Clutch.

While adding the wheel base to the shopping cart it asks me if I want to add a QR2 Base Side, did I understand it right, that by default there will be automatically added a QR1 and I don't need any further adapters for the wheel base?

While adding the steering wheel to the shopping cart it asks me if I want to add a QR1 or QR2 wheel side. In this case I need to take at least one of these right? In my case I would buy the QR1 Wheel Side for €49.95 due the free one is sold out.

Am I right?

Thanks in advance,



  • Hi everyone, as Yannic I want to buy the CSL DD Ready2Race Bundle for PC (5 Nm) which include the QR1 Lite wheel-side that is sold out. the problem is that, also if I choose the QR1 wheel-side, automatically it adds the lite version and I cannot send the order... anyone knows where I wrong?

  • Please consider, in about two years and possibly sooner, there will only be the QR2. Consider this before your purchase and you may be stuck needing to do a lot of upgrading wheels and the base to Qr2

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