Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • ok guys, don't you have any other toys to play with until you get these perfect gifts from Fanatec?

    and "Handover to warehouse" means "let it cool down a bit". translated, you will receive them in 2-3 months. 😋

  • Good idea. Any1 for ACC on keyboard? ppl with Gamepads are not invited...

  • What does it mean if the complete shipped has changed to handover to warehouse. Does anyone know anything about this?

  • Nope. They Just changed it. I have two Orders, i while bf. Both turned from completely shipped to handover to warehouse

  • My order went from processing, to completely shipped, to handover to warehouse. Well, apparently completely shipped doesn't mean it shipped. It would help if they would inform you of that. It sure would save a lot of irritated posts. I assume a tracking number will be added when it actually ships. We'll see.

  • This is getting ridiculous, their 3 topics have gathered around 2000 comments 😂

    Now they change the status for everyone just to "make things clear"

    I prepared a cart to compare this to my orignal order (in which there is a 2.5X) and at the moment everything is in stock except 2.5x supposed to arrive in march ... Just send me my order with a basic 2.5 for the same price I don't mind.

    At least ask your customers if there is a possible solution in order to fulfill the order and clean your so-called backlog !

    Damn, I'm playing on xbox controller 🤣

  • The reason they change the status is probably to avoid people spamming the lines and emails so people with legitimate issues can get contact.

    6th of November I placed my order and I’ve had tracking for a month but hasn’t left the warehouse because there’s been some sort of problem. Fanatec are too busy replying to people who ordered a week or two ago to get to me and others who have been waiting over a month or longer. I’ve been waiting for an email reply (one email ) for two weeks and will probably have to wait another two just to have some information so they can hopefully resolve the issue with my order at the warehouse.

    sure it’s not acceptable and it’s highly frustrating for consumers but (and I can’t believe I’m defending them) at this point there’s nothing that can be done other than deal with the consequences as best as possible. So buckle up! I’ve been waiting nearly 40 days so expect delays 😅

  • "Handover to warehouse"

    today is friday. last working day. it's to calm you down a bit over the weekend.

    and when you all realize next week that your presents won't arrive by Christmas, then you won't care anyway

  • @James we are still waiting for that update. The clock is ticking

  • I also checked my account this morning for my order from the 23rd and it changed from completely shipped to hand over to warehouse. But like someone else mentioned all my orders that have already been delivered months ago also changed to the same status. Doesn’t raise my hope of my order shipping at all.

  • that "handover to warehouse", sounds like "we sold you goods that we didn't have in stock, making you believe that it was available in your homes in 4-7 working days", however, I lost patience with fanatec, on December 11th I ordered a Moza R9 with GS wheel, and today it is already mounted on my playset. As soon as the order from Fanatec arrives, I will sell it to someone even at the cost of losing money but I don't want to deal with Fanatec anymore. not for the waiting times but for the complete lack of care on the part of fanatec for customers who have spent thousands of euros on their products...

  • Since status changed on all of my previous orders (6 or 7), should I expect them to be shipped too? 🤔

  • Same for me. Give me a 2.5 instead of a 2.5 X if it's what's missing for my order...

  • Hi,

    Other week goes away and still in the same situation, ordered on 24/11, CSL DD + CSL pedals with LC brake + V2.5X with QR1 and no shipping information, at least with the update we can confirm the problem of stock the are having to supply the V2.5X. Let’s see who are the lucky ones to receive one of the 400 wheels that they have. I hope (as everyone does) to be one of the lucky orders to be shipped.

    I didn’t receive any email or update about the V2.5X, did someone receive updates?

  • Exactly this. Same as with the update from today, nothing new, just creating some hype to buy more time.

    I mean, why saying new info is coming but not share the info? What could possibly be the reason he could not share now but he can share soon?

  • if(status=="Completely Shipped"){

            status = "Handover to warehouse";


    cout << status;

  • Update Update Update Update PLEASE !!!!!

  • Has anyone received their CS DD order yet (ones who order during Black Friday)? I ordered mine on Nov 25 and no signs of any shipping information yet. It's past the 10 business day delay at this point.

    I'm disappointed with Fanatec to say the least. I can't fathom how a company can produce high quality products and have such horrendous customer service. I hope their management team will set some time reflect on what happened and put the necessary measures in place to ensure this doesn't happen again...

  • Management decisions must be taken swiftly and with the company's good name and customer confidence in mind.

    What's the point of spending thousands of euros on marketing and then letting customers down?

    I was waiting to order for Christmas. I'll have youngsters at home waiting to try out the material that hasn't arrived yet.

    If only they had negotiated an alternative, in order to compensate a customer for bad management. Even if they lose money, it's an investment in Fanatec's good name. They would generate publicity by giving more people the opportunity to get to know their products at Christmas!

    They should learn a little management from Robert Bosch!

  • Yesterday:

    "There will be an update for those who ordered the V2.5 X Steering Wheel and have not yet received news on the shipping status"


  • If i just could reach someone from Fanatec... i would love to take a v2.5 in exchange for 2.5x. If it helps with speed in any manor.

  • Yeah, I would accept 2.5 too. If it's the QR1 missing, then some other solution would be needed for me at least... Would need to get QR2 base side, wheel side and another wheel side 😂

  • for real, even my order from 2018 changed to "Handover to Warehouse".......

  • German

    Hallo Fanatec,

    es ist unmöglich, dass Sie uns nicht über die Lieferverzögerungen im Bereich Clubsport DD+ informieren.

    Gemäß Ihrer Internetseite für EU Kunden schreiben Sie unter Lieferbedingungen:

    „Bei Lieferverzögerungen werden wir Sie umgehend Informieren“

    Bis heute hat wohl niemand eine Email zur Verzögerung bekommen.

    Hat Fanatec Angst vor dem Einbruch der Aktie? Ich vermute, dass es Probleme mit der Lizenz von Sony gibt. Das Video (von einem großen deutschsprachigen Sim Racing Youtuber) beschäftigt sich mit den Lizenzbedingungen. Wahrscheinlich weiß Fanatec selber nicht wie es weiter geht.

    So geht man nicht mit fremdem Geld um. Informieren Sie uns über die entsprechenden Lieferverzögerungen.

    English (my english is very bad, sorry)

    Hello Fanatec,

    It is impossible that you have not informed us about the delivery delays in the Clubsport DD+ range.

    According to your website for EU customers, under delivery conditions, you state: "In case of delivery delays, we will inform you immediately."

    However, until today, nobody has received an email regarding the delay.

    We suspect that Fanatec is afraid of a drop in stock prices. We believe there may be issues with Sony's license. A video by a prominent German-speaking Sim Racing YouTuber discusses the licensing terms. It is likely that Fanatec themselves are unsure about the next steps.

    This is not an appropriate way to handle other people's money. Please provide us with information regarding t

    he relevant delivery delays.

  • You still don't get it mate? Simply, they received way too many orders of F1 wheels, probably thousands. They just don't want to give away that amount of wheels for that price. That is the main reason why they start to canceling orders.

    Or maybe I'm wrong, but there is no one to tell me that 😁

  • So i just logged onto Fedex and i see a label created for what looks like 5 items. I ordered on 11-30 with a sent to warehouse on the same date. Hoping my order will somehow get here before xmas but who knows. I ordered the ready to race kit and a table clamp shipped to the US.

  • yes but by canceling our order he does not respect their conditions of sale so it is not good for them and their reputation

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