Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Douglas OwensDouglas Owens Member
    edited December 2023

    I ordered 9 items on 24.11.2023. I live in the US. Yesterday, 14.12.2023 I received an email from FedEx with tracking numbers for 9 packages. Today my order page from Fanatec has been updated to show tracking and serial numbers for everything except the USB Adapter which I am assuming doesn't have a serial number. All packages are in FedEx's possession and expected delivery is 18.12.2023 even though my order status says "Handover to warehouse". I also received the same email everyone else is getting orders being delayed. I did order the V2.5x wheel, CSL Elite WRC wheel, CSL DD, CSL Elite Pedals V2, Handbrake, Clubsport shifter, QR1 wheel side, QR1 lite wheel side, and USB adapter. I put everything in my cart separately. I didn't add any R2R bundles and then the pedals. I think the email today is going out as a mass mailer even if they are able to fulfill your order.

  • Enes ÜnsalEnes Ünsal Member
    edited December 2023

    Okay, great. Even if I were to cancel my current order and opt for the Ready2Race F1 Bundle, I see that the QR1 is sold out, the QR2 Lite is available but shit cuz its plastic, and both the QR2 Normal and PRO are on pre-order for January/February.

    Even if I decide to cancel my current order, how can I trust Fanatec now to ensure that my new order will be fulfilled earlier than the current situation?

  • Have to give Fanatec credit. Cancelled my order (ordered 15Nov25 CSL DD 5NM R2R with extra clutch pedal and table clamp) yesterday 14Dec23 and this morning received a full refund.

    As I have stated in previous posts after seeing Fanatec change the availability of the R2R bundles to "out of stock" something seemed off. The new email communications by Fanatec prove my suspicion...there are MANY MORE issues than are being addressed publicly.

  • thats why i prefer option 2

  • I did not get time frame in which I need to respond. Did you?

  • To get money back yes, but Moza is not much cheaper and even when I would buy something else I dont have trust in fanatec to get my order earlier and also not with QR1 because its sold out so I pay for QR2 Lite because its the only available and the TypeC and pay in the end with the 25% Coupon more then for my Order right now

  • Congrats on winning the order shipping lottery. 😂 US customer also. I have 6 items on my order that said in stock when I ordered on November 23. Still no shipping notices for me. 😡

  • Wouldn’t you think a company that is this far behind in shipping orders might work over the weekend to try and catch up and maybe not spoil your customers holiday orders??

  • edited December 2023

    And nothing for warranty ?

  • That is not right. You can try but I tell you that you are just wasting your energy. No judge in the world would agree with you. Just because of the sentence that was always included with the BF offers: All ‘Black Friday Week’ deals will continue until the end of ‘Cyber ​​Monday’, November 27th, or until the stock lasts as all offers are limited in quantity." they are legally protected. Mistakes can happen and if Fanatec says that only 1000 2.5x should be offered for €199 then no judge in the world will agree with you. And there are countless other legal reasons for Fanatec. The situation is beyond shitty and you can understand why everyone is angry, and I am angry too, but from a purely legal perspective it's all fine.

  • ScSc Member

    And still no words about DD+ preorders…guess this will be the next episode of this shitshow

  • English Is not my mother tongue, but in this shit also cut copy not work. The short version of my last comment was this: you can put your 25% of discount in your ass, i have 2 option: waiting 4 month or cancel my order. Why?! You wrong, you cancel the order. I had also v3 pedal in my order with 40% discount, Is in stock, but i can't have, only whit your fuck 25%. Refound in 4/7 days? I don't trust you anymore, i prefer to open disput wiht PayPal, and i hope many costumer doing this.

  • I saw this on Facebook and thought “ does she work at Fanatec?” 😂😂

  • I decided to cancel, I don't want to wait close to FOUR MONTHS to get my products lol, heading down to Microcenter this week to grab some Moza stuff instead.

    GG Fanatec, you played yourselves.

  • Ma certo che non è abbastanza! Scusa se ti scrivo in italiano, però visto il nome, penso che mi capisci. Io come molti altri ho ordinato il v2.5x ed ho capito che è quello il problema maggiore. Però, ho anche ordinato la pedaliera v3, la hanno in stock, ma non la possono spedire perché loro non spediscono ordini parziali, però mi offrono il 25% di sconto per una pedaliera che ho pagato al 40 di sconto o aspettare 4 mesi, forse, per ricevere il mio ordine. Secondo me ci marciano, anche perché tutt'oggi hanno disponibilità del 2.5, che da quanto ho capito, è solo più vecchio e non è compatibile con console, ma per me non sarebbe un problema, comunque sia non hanno nemmeno offerto questa come opzione, quindi...per non parlare degli aggiornamenti che davano, che ad oggi si può dire, senza possibilità di smentita, che erano solo bugie.

  • I ordered shifter and handbrake on the 26th of November I have tracking numbers and serials.

    Labels created on the 5th of December

    Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet. 05/12/2023 17:01

    On day 20 now.

    Shifter and handbrake are in stock and supposedly ship within 4 to 7 days.

    Its to late for me to get any other brand delivered on time for Christmas I would have ordered elsewhere if I knew the problems Fanatec are having.

    There didn’t seem to be any option to cancel as my order went to fully shipped. Coincidentally that was supposedly something to do with a problem on the website.

    More than likely done to stop cancelations.

    How hard would it be to send an email to everyone saying sorry for the delays or whatever instead of ignoring mostly everyone and making people paranoid.

  • So I take it you didn’t make it thru Black Friday week orders by today like you thought you would. So I take it update 4 will say we hope to get you your stuff after the second week in January .this is terrible customer service and terrible management.

  • Just got a text from fedex with an expected delievery of next Friday checked and it says they have the package and its on the way.

  • Casey,

    I'm glad for you bro. Any chance can you share your country and what you may have ordered again.

    Thank you and Happy and Safe Holidays.

  • If it were my business I’d be paying my staff overtime to work 24/7 and weekends. You do what it takes to get orders out and keep customers happy.

    However to me it sounds like they have their stock in a logistics hub and it’s not managed by fanatec, I’d expect this is half the problem and why we see such long delays as all orders in theory would have to be held and reissued.

  • "Upon receiving your feedback, we will cancel your order and initiate a refund between 3-7 business days"

    i ordered products With mention 4-7 days.. 3 weeks ago

    Can i trust you Fanatec for quick refund ?

  • Let’s see how much time it takes for the 25% discount code now, I’ve already prepared the new order, whit a full new upgraded setup

  • Io trovo che la situazione sia imbarazzante. Sbagliare è assolutamente lecito, può succedere, ma qui siamo ben oltre. Perché se effettivamente c'è stato questo errore di sistema, te ne saresti dovuto accorgere il 28 novembre, quindi perché ce lo comunichi solo il 15 dicembre?

    Poi dopo aver cancellato random qualche ordine, te ne esci con questa proposta? Ma a che gioco stiamo giocando? Una qualunque azienda seria, creato un disservizio, nei limiti del possibile ovviamente, ti offre qualcosa per scusarsi dell'accaduto. Qui invece ti propone, dopo aver aspettato 3 settimane:

    - di andartene a fare in culo prendendo un voucher del 25% (con il quale non potremo mai fare un acquisto allo stesso prezzo del BF, e per di più non potendo acquistare quello che si vuole visto che non c'è nulla in stock

    - di aspettare altri 2/3 mesi per avere qualcosa che tu hai pagato 3 settimane fa e che sarebbe dovuto arrivare 1 settimane e mezzo fa, e senza offrirti nulla per scusarsi dell'enorme disservizio (a me personalmente non cambia molto, ma c'è gente che ha fatto regali per Natale spendendo pure parecchio e che non potrà dare nulla alla persona voluta)

    Ripeto, a me non cambia molto, ma tutto questo è un enorme mancanza di rispetto verso tutti noi, fine della storia. E io sono molto tentato di aspettare di ricevere tutto per poi vendere e andare da un competitor, per principio

  • So, after canceling, they don't give you the code immediately?

  • edited December 2023

    I ordered the r2r kit 26 november with normal csl pedals and F1 v2 handlebars. To this day, there is no parcel, no information about what is happening with it, etc. I have not ordered anything from BF's offer and the parcel is still in the forest. Until yesterday, the status was pending. What worries me is that people ordering packages on later dates have already received their orders.

  • It seems like they don't give a fuck about customers. Last night mail makes me feel like that

  • I did say I’m willing to cancel the order in the form they sent us by email, let’s see how much time it takes them to check the forms and cancel the orders

  • yes or is marked until stocks last and we know that he had 400 steering wheels and he sold more steering wheels than he had in stock so argument does not work

  • Canceling order and what? Is this the end of this cheating from Fanatec? Do you really think it took Fanatec 3 weeks (21 days!!!!) to find out they sold many times more than they had in stock? How is it that they managed to brag to investors about the financial results for Black Friday but did not know the basic thing about their product? What kind of compensation will we receive if we cancel the order and no longer have confidence in shopping with them? Their reasoning for the error is very very questionable.

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