Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Zeko, I've been staining my eyes for a couple of days to make sure I can see well. Within a week, the biggest defender of Fanatec, the attacker of users who are angry because they do not have information about their orders for weeks, has become the same himself. But again the loudest in attacking Fanatec. Is it possible to know the cause of this sudden change, or should I say plot twist? 😁

    And I'm interested in your age for complete psychoanalysis. If you want to say, of course. 😁

  • All of which can be easily communicated to help subdue the concerns of paying customers. It isn't difficult to properly mark on an order 1. What is in stock, 2. What is not in stock, 3. Provide an ETA of when said out of stock items will be due in to them.

    It also isn't difficult to reflect the above in a proper, more meaningful status. Something like "Awaiting Stock", is much more understandable than "Handover to warehouse" or "Completely shipped" (as it was before). Even if in real terms the order isn't any more advanced then before.

    And, if not actually awaiting stock - then what is the hold up?

    Communication is paramount. A large percentage of posts in here need not have been written if there was just better (some?) communication, with a consistent timeline set out for updates (e.g. twice a week). Again, even if there is no change in circumstances - telling us at least shows there is an acknowledgement of the issue(s) and that they want to engage with their customers.

    Fanatec might not have had these issues during the pandemic, but plenty of retail stores (selling GPUs, for example) did. Many acknowledged the inventory issues, provided statistics on wait times / queue depths (on a per item basis), offered alternatives, quickly refunded cancelled orders, AND were clear on the fulfilment strategy (earliest orders first, as it should be). Fully engaging with customers and potential customers via forums, social media, Discord etc. Again, none of this is groundbreaking, and for a company with the prestige that Fanatec holds in the community, should be the absolute minimum level provided.

    But instead we get absolutely nothing. The odd, again random, response to a post in here. Emails that are said to be sent but aren't received. No response via web form support. No response via email. No availability of phone line support. No visibility of order fulfilment. No clarity of whether orders are being fulfilled on a first come first served basis, or just lottery. Shipment dates on the website for "in stock" items that are so far from reality that it begs the question as to whether Fanatec even know themselves what is going on.

  • He has developed some sort of mental illness over the past few weeks. That said best think we can do is just to igrone his nonsense and leave him be.

  • zeko zekanzeko zekan Member
    edited December 2023

  • you were thought to be on the side of the deceived. looks like we were mistaken. and you are on the side of shit.

  • That's exactly what it means. I bought a set of base/wheel/pedals and the QR2 was backorder for 17th of January. No problem with that, i accepted this on the day of the order. BUT, as they charged my credit card and took my money, this means that the base/wheel/pedals are allocated for me at that time and they will wait the arrival of the QR2 to get in a single shipment and sent to me. That didn't happen. They gave the wheel to other customer and told me that i will get the package at the end of March. And they keep the money until then. That's the definition of scam...

  • gerade ein Update von Paypal bekommen:

    nachdem ich heute nochmal in dem Paypal Fall geschrieben habe, dass das Unternehmen auf hunderte Mails nicht antwortet, habe ich gerade meine Erstattung erhalten.

    ob das jetzt ein Zufall war und die Rückerstattung jetzt sowieso gekommen wäre, keine Ahnung.

    jetzt nur noch die CSL DD Base verkaufen und dann endlich bei einem anderen Hersteller…

  • Hahahhahaha, imbecilni retardu.

    Small minded retard with fake profile, keyboard warrior. 😁

    Imbecile, you defended Fanatec as the biggest fan, attacked others who attacked Fanatec, protruding from Fanatecs anus with every post, what happened to the fanboy? 😁

  • about DD2, that price was so good that i must have this in BF, even moza offer was not that good at they BF for r21


  • I ordered on 19 Nov and my status got updated to sent to warehouse on 5 Dec. Everything I ordered was in stock when I placed my purchase. It’s been over a month now and have seen no meaningful update. What is going on? Am I missing something. Usually this kind of delay is listed by the vendor as a pre order or the item is on back order when making the purchase.

    For a $1650 order I expect a meaningful update. Maybe a willingness to admit you messed up and oversold?

  • You're probably right..

    And to you too! At least we know we are not alone, on this most auspicious day.

  • @James

    When will we get the cancellation, refund and the voucher for the canceled V2.5X orders via the Survey?

  • So thank you fanatec for ruining my world record attempt! 0 answers of my emails where i said that send me those stuff without qr2. I have waited over month that you idiots answer my emails. That is a biggest scam if you really send my other stuff to somebody else. And thats why i need to wait fucking 3 months more. Fucking 50 euro piece that you force sell before chechkout. You can keep the money and qr2 just send my fucking DD2.

  • I've concluded that the website stock status is nothing more than a set of words that have no basis on fact.

  • I am in the US so hopefully they are resolving stuff soon.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator
    edited December 2023

    Hi motoman617, we apologize that you haven’t yet received a shipping update on your order from November 23rd , due to our backlog in the US. We have escalated your case along with others from this thread. Please be aware that currently there’s a delay with Customer Care. However, we will try to inform you on the status of your order a little earlier. 

  • @James what can I do to get an answer from you ? please help with order 1837824

  • I sent a support message weeks ago but guess it's forever lost in the ether now with all the delays. Just wanted to know if I'll have to wait till March before my v2.5x arrives or if I'm earlier in the "queue". Seems like FIFO isn't really a thing.

  • sent an email 2 weeks ago, no answers. They just don't answer

  • edited December 2023


    For those who bought the CS v2.5x formula steering wheels, I understand that you sold too much units and that you probably prefer that people cancel their purchase (tips: allowing to cancel only the wheel and not all the order may have generate more cancellations).

    But blocking the full order (base, pedals, ...) until probably march 2024 and maybe more when we see how the warehouse is under the water since some months ...

    This is not the customer fault, a commercial gesture would have been welcome (partial shipping) :/


  • I have order on November 21. The money where taken from my account but on the site i see that the order is in process and if i click on invoices i don't see anything. Is this normal. Dose this mean that they didn't even saw my order or what? I am confused. Not to mention i tried to contact them in every way possible and nothing.

  • Hey @James is there anyway you can offer individual updates on the status of our orders for the 2.5x? I really don't want to repeat the countless messages on here saying the same thing - but really, any sort of indication would be gratefully appreciated what ever the actual facts are. Many thanks! 🙏

  • edited December 2023

    Anyone who didn’t pay for next day shipping can cancel Christmas, New Year, and at least half of January at this point.

    Your orders will continue to be pushed aside while those who paid their shipping partner more continue getting pulled and shipped. They obviously don’t care about the order in which orders are received (or if the inventory you purchased earlier gets sent to those express shipping customers while you wait for new stock to be manufactured). 🙄

    Heads up to those who processed with PayPal: Last day to inquire, escalate, and dispute if you want your money back and this experience over before next year.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hi Romain, we had already forwarded your request today. Please not that we may not be able to reply to all comments in this thread.


  • So James

    Tell me what is problem in my order. Tell it here that everybody can see and dont lie.

  • @James I understand the duties of forum admin extend beyond this thread and you can’t be expected to devote 100% of your time to answering replies here. I don’t expect a response from CS any time soon; but would you be so kind as to let them know that they can go ahead and respond to my transaction dispute and cancel order #1863014 if they are incapable of shipping it this year.

  • edited December 2023

    Ok, that doesn't mean anything. I give up. Good luck to you all !

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