ClubSport Steering Wheel V 2.5 X - Order Fuflilment Update



  • Hola a todos me llamo Daniel y escribo desde España, escribo en este foro por primera vez y he comprado en Fanatec también por primera vez, mi orden data del BF y como muchos de vosotros llevaba esperando desde esa fecha esperando desde esa fecha el envío de mi pedido, no me he puesto en contacto con nadie solamente me ponía al día de las noticias en este foro, solamente deciros que paciencia ¨mucha, lo sabemos¨ pero que siempre hay luz al final del túnel, confiar en Fanatec y en las personas que allí trabajan porque seguro que están haciendo lo imposible por arreglar este desafortunado suceso, ánimo a todos y tranquilos que seguro está a la vuelta de la esquina. 

    Perdón por escribir en castellano, espero se me entienda, gracias.

    Saludos a todos los miembros y organización.

    Orden Nº 1843....

  • Tried contacting ups about my parcel still on label created since last Wednesday morning and never got a definitive answer fantastic.

  • They told me fanatec hasnt booked a collection slot yet

  • I wonder when they will, surely they are getting overwhelmed with getting orders out.

  • Just doesn't make sense though, people got their tracking numbers etc after yet have deliveries due on the 2nd and 3rd of this month. Very strange.

  • BF order 1843xxx started showing up yesterday in UPS track by reference. Still no email and no tracking number in Fanatec orders page.

  • Hallo Herr Puccio,

    vielen Dank, dass Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung gesetzt haben!

    Wir entschuldigen uns für die Verzögerung und die Unannehmlichkeiten. Wir verstehen, wie frustrierend dies sein kann.

    Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unser Lager bestätigt hat, dass Ihre Bestellung in Kürze versandt wird. Aber bis unser Lieferpartner die Pakete abholt, wird keine Tracking-Nummer vergeben. Bitte seien Sie versichert, dass unser Team hart daran arbeitet, Ihre Bestellung so schnell wie möglich zu Ihnen zu bringen. Sobald Ihre Bestellung unser Lager verlassen hat, wird die Tracking-Nummer zu Ihrer Bestellung in Ihrem Fanatec-Konto hochgeladen.

    Wir wissen Ihre Geduld sehr zu schätzen und danken Ihnen, dass Sie sich für Fanatec entschieden haben!

    Best regards / Freundliche Grüße

    Hello Mr. Puccio,

    Thank you for contacting us!

    We apologize for the delay and inconvenience. We understand how frustrating this can be.

    I am pleased to inform you that our warehouse has confirmed that your order will be shipped soon. But until our delivery partner picks up the packages, no tracking number will be issued.

    Please rest assured that our team is working hard to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Once your order leaves our warehouse, the tracking number for your order will be uploaded to your Fanatec account.

    We greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for choosing Fanatec!

    Best regards / Kind regards

    I received this email yesterday!

    Again no statement that the goods will be shipped this week!

    Nothing has changed in my order status!


    if you are not able to deliver this week!

    then send me the normal V2.5!

    and please stop spouting this rubbish again and again!

    say what's going on and send the goods!

    If you don't keep up then you have to get your... moving and work more!

    work longer too!

    After all, you received money from us and have not yet provided anything in return!

  • did you email them or how did you get this email?

  • I already got mine last week on Thursday order number 1847...

  • when did your payment come through? bc i also have 1847

  • order 1841 after checking every day from last week today i found out that it is on it's way to me (to italy) delivery estimated 8 april, i received the dispatch mail from fanatec and the site is showing serial and tracking number

  • Just to let you guys know, November BF order here 1843***, just received e-mail from Fanatec that the order was dispatched and also have a tracking number, well, 5 tracking numbers for each package, but all of them says "On the way" and 5th of April the estimated delivery date.

  • @ Marvin Broos

    Yes I have sent them, I mean in Dezember an email.


  • yeah i also did, like 2 mails in december and one in february and one in january

  • Anyone from the UK still waiting for their wheels to ship? I had notification of a label created Thursday last week with a serial number in my orders for the wheel, but almost a week later and it hasn't been shipped, confirmed by UPS today in response to an email of concern I sent to them yesterday. The email received from Fanatec said the items had been dispatched and on its way... Clearly not.

  • i am the exact same I have been stuck on label created and been waiting since last Wednesday morning and no updates at all. UPS couldn’t give me answer. From UK.

  • Im same... been waiting since wed last week with label created. Ups told me fanatec havent booked a collection slot

  • at least you all have something ive still got nothing :')

  • Not really marvin... no better off am i until im racing if i can be bothered anymore after 4 months of waiting

  • It’s becoming a joke at this point ups collection for orders made after some other orders and as said it’s been over 4 months now.

  •  BF order n.1840xxx destination Italy still no communication...
  • my order no. 1842 is already on its way, arriving on the 5th, finally the wait is over, thank you! Good luck to everyone who hasn't received it yet, it will be there soon!

  • It is finally here and I love it. Good luck and patience for everyone.

  • Hi, no info for my order 1847xxx in think i will be the last...

  • My UPS Status has changed to "on the way." It was on label created for a week.

  • All UK purchasers. Check your UPS! Mine says it’s on its way so suspect being in the UK yours will be too… 🙏

  • @ Ricardo Oliveira Marques

    Don’t worry my order is 1847xxx too and same shit for me!

    no news….

    no tracking number….

    no Wheel….


    maybe we will be the last receiving the Wheel!

    or they will get Insolvency and they give us a F…

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