ClubSport v3 brake question

Will there ever be an option to purchase a 2 pedal version of these pedals. @fanatec ?

I don't need the clutch so why buy a 3 pedal set


  • is it possible to setup a 2 paddle setup of the V3? Or, should the clutch be mounted and connected at all times?

  • Clutch can be removed/disconnected without issue.

    There are some 3d printed kits to convert to a 2 pedal setup.

    Will require disassembly of pedal set to do so though which is a bit of a pain.

  • I read your reply and thought - does it come fully assembled ? so I went on Youtube and looked up the unboxing of the V3 and yes it comes completely assembled. Ppfff.

  • Aaron125Aaron125 Member

    I’ve converted my CSP V3 pedals to 2 pedals version, just throttle and brakes and it was VERY quick and easy to do. It’s simple, just make sure you have some really high quality hex head sockets as you’ll need about a 3/8” ratchet with a 5mm hex attached, to be able to undo and remove the red alloy screws from the side of the pedals. Absolutely DO NOT use a regular Allen key or similar; you will not be able to get enough leverage and will end up damaging and/or rounding off the red alloy screws as they’re VERY soft aluminium. Not only are they soft alloy, Fanatec also used some thread locking compound which makes them even more difficult to remove, especially if you don’t have a decent sized ratchet.

    As long as you use quality tools, you shouldn’t have any problems whatsoever. It’s super quick and easy to do the mod and if you’re like me, and get sore knees from having the pedals too close together, the 2 pedal mod is fabulous as the brake gets moved all the way over and now it’s SO MUCH more comfortable.

    Plus, you can always put the clutch pedal back at anytime if you want, it’s a completely reversible modification. Something I wish I found out before I modded my pedals is that there’s a fellow in Germany who sells two different versions of the 2 pedal mod. He sells the standard version and also a slightly different version, whereby the brake and throttle pedals are moved inwards slightly, from their factory positions. I think I would prefer that version as I sometimes feel that the pedals are too far apart now, but that is slightly variable, depending on the order you insert the spacers when doing the mod.

    Anyway, give it a go, I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

  • Thank you very much for your elaborate reply. Does the fellow in Germany have a website and if yes, whats the link?

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