I would like to buy a new steering wheel

I would like to buy an additional steering wheel, but I wouldn't like to pay an additional €100. When will steering wheels finally be delivered with QR2? As a DD+ user, I can't do anything with a QR1


  • you assume that the qr2 (lite?) will be free with a wheel....?

  • Yes, look here:


    The previous quick release (QR1) with the round shape and metal balls, which was used on all Fanatec steering wheels and wheel bases, will be gradually withdrawn from the market. All possible Fanatec products from all series (e.g. CSL, ClubSport and Podium) will be converted to the QR2 system. The transition phase will last one to two years.

    QR2 uses a completely new mechanical design. The closure has a square-conical shape with spring-loaded locking pins. The shape of the QR2 is therefore not compatible with that of the QR1, but many Fanatec products with QR1 can be upgraded to QR2

  • Ok, but free?

    They will increase the price by €100 for each wheel. Simply if you buy now, you will have a free QR1, which you can resell at a good price, if you wait for the transition to QR2, you will pay the same price, perhaps higher due to the inevitable annual increases.

  • Bonjour;

    Je souhaiterais acheter un volant gt dd pro de 8nm vers fin juin , sauf que je ne sais pas si il sera équipé d'un système de fixage QR2, car c'est écrit que c'est un QR1 de type c dans les caractéristiques du produit sauf que je ne sais pas si étant donné qu'il y a une phase de transition je pourrais avoir directement le QR2 puisque j'aimerais en payant 800€ avoir au moins le dernier type de fixation.

  • @ Pierre

    English only

  • Hello;

    I would like to buy an 8nm gt dd pro steering wheel around the end of June, except that I don't know if it will be equipped with a QR2 mounting system, because it's written that it's a QR1 type c in the product specifications, except that I don't know if, given that there's a transition phase, I could have the QR2 directly, since I'd like to pay 800€ to have at least the latest type of mounting.

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