Need Help: RMA is Stucked since March…

I created the ticket on 19th February 2024…

Since 18.03.24, an APM (Advanced Paddle Module) and a UHX (Universal Hub Xbox V2) have been at Fanatec for repair.

The APM has been completely intact, the problem was with the UHX.

I was charged 180€ for a new APM and 63€ for the repair.

I received the offer on 16.04.24 in my Fanatec account.

But since I had asked why it was calculated wrongly and in my opinion far too high, I wrote to the support.

Several weeks passed before I received the next answer.

During this time, of course, the offer expired, which of course I had not accepted until then.

So on 15.05.24 I received an answer to a single, out of 3 questions. Namely, only what was defective.

Why it was calculated incorrectly and how I can now get my things back was not answered.

So I had to write another email, which I am still waiting for today.

The Facebook account will currently no longer manage the chat, which is why I now have to flood the comments so that my request is processed faster and other customers and also potential customers know what to expect.

I don't want to fill the third month's waiting time until I receive my parts again.

Until then, I can only warn everyone to buy something from this company. I have never experienced anything like this before and feel absolutely helpless. In addition, my over 3000€ setup has been standing around unused in the corner for months, as I can't use it as intended thanks to Fanatec. It's a shame and I hope that the nightmare will soon come to an end...


  • Fanatec Horror Stories, Season 2024, Episode 141

  • RMA... have one for the first time in 7 years... the timing my god .... guess i can forget about it ...

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