McLaren GT3 V2 Over Sensitive Funky Switch

Not sure if this is a known issue or its a fault with my wheel but when I want to change the wheel SEN from the wheel itself it seems to be stick drifting when I do individual clicks either up or down. It can sometimes jump in increments of hundred instead of the usual increments of 10.

Is there a way to re calibrate the funky switch to stop this issue.

I have made a short video of the issue


  • The steps of 90 starting at 1080, where you are surprised that it jumps that big, are intended, no issue.

    The steps before 1080 however should always be 10. Seems like a hardware issue and you should contact the support.

  • Thanks I will message support.

    Also is there a way to edit my profile name on this forum for some reason it has my email as my username which is not ideal having it on a puplic forum.

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