Replacement Parts/Spares for V3 Pedals

Can someone please tell me how to get holf someone at Fanatec to order a new Load Cell for my V3 brake pedal.

My rig is out of commission and I can't do a damned thing until I get this fixed, which so far has not proved easy.

A simple request, I know, but amazingly difficult to do in reality - not very good Fanatec.


  • AFAIK the support request is the way to get a quote for replacement parts so will still be a wait for the team to clear

  • It's a bit insane that we can't just buy it like normal accessories, but have to show proof that it's broken instead.

    Some of us live in countries far away with very bad customs control, so things take 3-6 weeks to clear and get to us, so our only option is to not sim race for weeks, or buy a different brand of pedals. Ridiculous.

    Why should they care? Even if I buy 4 and make a bathroom scale out of it, why should they care? They're still getting their money.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 28

    not sure if it have same Load Cell inside tho because that is rated for 150 kg

  • I’ve had issues where the problem was obvious and didn’t need a diagnosis. Broken pedal spring, broken cable in the shifter.

    if this is clear in the support request they just acknowledge you need part X and make a quote which you process payment for in the online store. The shipping/handling charge was higher cost than the part which was annoying but otherwise it was pretty easy

    Its when the issue is unclear and diagnosis is needed that the support process takes longer

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited August 29

    this new type moza pedals by default sounds better than load cell technology

    i not have those , i seen only image but i have a idea what they can todo and how they work,

    downside about that specific product is increased electric bill in every month

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