Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel - GT Sport Compatibility - UPDATE



  • So does that mean we are at there mercy?
  • bonjour !!jai le csl elite et jai fait la beta de gtsport!! cest vrai dans le menu on peut ni calibrer pedale ni voulant!!pas de sensation on dirait que la base est meme pas allumer!!! manque de ffb!!!volant mou!!
    This forum is English only.
  • Looks like we need a "G29 Mode" added with the next firmware update :-p
  • edited October 2017

    Thomas Jackermeier said:
    •  Assetto Corsa and Dirt 4 are the first fully compatible titels and many more will follow. This includes F1 2017, Project Cars II and of course GT Sport.

    So the Polyphony crew has to do some homework in order to comply with the licence agreement.

  • There is only one problem... the wheel works fine, all buttons works and are mapped right, pedals work, buttons works also in PS4 OS, so it’s not sonys problem, the problem is with polyphony. They havn’t optimized the fanatec wheel at all, ofcours when you have thrustmaster so far up your ass u dont see things trough, anyways, it’s up to polyphony to fixit, fanatec is a licenced wheel some kind of mandate should fanatec have to get em to make the wheel fully compatible with GTS. Fanatec could fix it with a firmware update but still no support for all mappings and extended force feedback settings
    PD is owned by Sony if I remember right. So it defo IS $ony's fault!
  • Looks like we need a "G29 Mode" added with the next firmware update :-p
    I used the g25/27 mode quite a lot with my fanatec gt3rsv2 sometimes I get better FFB using that mode in certain games
  • I'm not happy about the game itself.
    Other than graphically, nothing has changed. Tire noise is still the same as the previous titles. Dirt races handling feels horrendous. The car doesn't have grip whatsoever. The cars feel very sloppy.
    For the amount of time the game has been in development, I would expect something more refined.
    Don't tell me that it is just a demo and things may change until the game is getting release because i doubt much will change until 10/17/2017.
    Overall I'm not very pleased with the experience and the fact that the wheel is not compatible with the game does not bother me a bit.
    With all the great titles out there, I rather save my money and spend it on other more polished simulation games.

  • I think the situation will remain unchanged at least for some weeks. We definitely won't see the CSL Elite wheel supported by the GT Sport demo. There is no reason for Sony/Polyphony to deliver a patch for the demo at least based on their way of thinking...

    So IMHO the simple question to Thomas is: "Can we expect that the wheel will be fully supported as announced or not?"

  • I know I'm in the same boat as a lot of you guys. I only bought this wheel because of GT Sport. I was quite happy with my CSW V1 for previous GT games and for PCARS 2 that I'm really enjoying on the PC. The new wheel works great for PCARS 2 but I didn't need it. I'm sure they will sort this out for GT Sport but again the question is when? 
  • Other question is... Will Fanatec accept the Return of the CSL set?  I have not even opened the boxes, I have a CSW V2.0 with Porsche wheel etc.. That I am perfectly happy with, as I play most games on my PC specially now that Microsoft releases all games also in PC. This wheel was just to play GT

  • I think the situation will remain unchanged at least for some weeks. We definitely won't see the CSL Elite wheel supported by the GT Sport demo. There is no reason for Sony/Polyphony to deliver a patch for the demo at least based on their way of thinking...

    So IMHO the simple question to Thomas is: "Can we expect that the wheel will be fully supported as announced or not?"

    I see no reason why it will not be supported. But we need to know to what extent (rev lights, shifter, handbrake, force feedback, etc) and a confirmed date. We are on it and Sony Europe is taking this very serious as well.
  • edited October 2017
    Thomas Jackermeier said: What is the status?

    I think the situation will remain unchanged at least for some weeks. We definitely won't see the CSL Elite wheel supported by the GT Sport demo. There is no reason for Sony/Polyphony to deliver a patch for the demo at least based on their way of thinking...

    So IMHO the simple question to Thomas is: "Can we expect that the wheel will be fully supported as announced or not?"

    I see no reason why it will not be supported. But we need to know to what extent (rev lights, shifter, handbrake, force feedback, etc) and a confirmed date. We are on it and Sony Europe is taking this very serious as well.
    Is it fix next week?
  • edited October 2017
    Hi Thomas, thanks for your reply. Based on the original announcement everyones expectation is simply full support for this official licenced wheel. So all your valuable customers who purchased this great wheel and more from your shop (you might want to have a closer look on my profile picture...) would be happy to see how this will be reached soon....
  • Thomas Jackermeier said: What is the status?

    I think the situation will remain unchanged at least for some weeks. We definitely won't see the CSL Elite wheel supported by the GT Sport demo. There is no reason for Sony/Polyphony to deliver a patch for the demo at least based on their way of thinking...

    So IMHO the simple question to Thomas is: "Can we expect that the wheel will be fully supported as announced or not?"

    I see no reason why it will not be supported. But we need to know to what extent (rev lights, shifter, handbrake, force feedback, etc) and a confirmed date. We are on it and Sony Europe is taking this very serious as well.
    Is it fix next week?
    Unfortunately given the context which we're writing in I don't believe it will be which will be a great shame and our only hope especially for those interested in the online mode. Our hope is that we won't be too far behind progression and non Fanatec users and can still enjoy the values and experience the title from day one. (Whenever that will be) 

    However I do live with the hope that Fanatec have bridged this connection between the company and Sony in the pursuit of becoming the industry specialist in wheel bases for console users. We must reflect back on how far things have progressed in the short time which we've been able to use the CSL Base, introduction of FEI and that alone shows that whilst we race on console Fanatec share the same passion for our racing environment as much as the saturated PC market.

    Whilst I've had issues with setup, especially in Assetto Corsa with the BMW rim I have faith that we as a community are in good hands here and Thomas and his team are continuing to innovate and support us to the best of their capabilities within the barriers that come with developing software and products for the console market.

    Fingers crossed for a resolution soon! 

    (Any Assetto Corsa tips are appreciated)
  • Hi Thomas, thanks for your reply. Based on the original announcement everyones expectation is simply full support for this official licenced wheel. So all your valuable customers who purchased this great wheel and more from your shop (you might want to have a closer look on my profile picture...) would be happy to see how this will be reached soon....
    Perfectly stated. Thomas’s reply did not instill any confidence in me. “Should be no reason” and “to what extent” doesn’t come across as very reassuring. I realize there is a process to these things and that they don’t happen overnight, but there has been a lot of time leading up to both the release of the CSL Elite and Gran Turismo Sport where this should have been taken care of or at the very least better communication between Polyphony/Sony and Fanatec so that there wasn’t so much confusion.
  • Hi Thomas, thanks for your reply. Based on the original announcement everyones expectation is simply full support for this official licenced wheel. So all your valuable customers who purchased this great wheel and more from your shop (you might want to have a closer look on my profile picture...) would be happy to see how this will be reached soon....
    Perfectly stated. Thomas’s reply did not instill any confidence in me. “Should be no reason” and “to what extent” doesn’t come across as very reassuring. I realize there is a process to these things and that they don’t happen overnight, but there has been a lot of time leading up to both the release of the CSL Elite and Gran Turismo Sport where this should have been taken care of or at the very least better communication between Polyphony/Sony and Fanatec so that there wasn’t so much confusion.

    I have concerns now that should I need to sell my setup (CSL Base, Formula Rim, BMW Rim LC Pedals) that I wouldn't see a return or perhaps not even a sale given the concerns raised both in compatibility and quality. When it comes to the feedback sensations F1 is okay but I don't have high expectations given where the title sits in the marketplace. But for something like Assetto Corsa asides from using the Formula Carbon Rim it's been very disappointing with the BMW GT2 rim, maybe it's too big for the base but the wheel feels very light little transfer of forces and sensations and I find myself just defaulting to the Formula even if that rim isn't authentic to the car. 

    I think this whole process is one of patience and trust in Fanatec to reach a solution and help tailor our hardware to bring the best out of the software which they've been designed to work with. I think in the initial stages however we're going to see issues both in game and with developers. I say that because prior to Fanatec coming to the market the previous wheels had no tuning only in game so whilst a wheel may feel bad in my case the BMW rim it maybe due to a wheel setting but then you have the issue of changing settings per rim and that's just not pratical on a system where we can't store custom profiles.

    Maybe Fanatec have bitten off more than they can chew, in the pursuit of trying to become a leader in the racing industry for non direct drive wheels prior to the Podium series. That said at present I've questioned on several occasions whether i'm actually seeing upgrades over my T300 package for the price spent. If it was a CSW 2.5 it would be a totally different sensation but an entry level CSL to me is comparable in many ways to the T300 and i'm concerned as to it's longevity given how complex things are vs the performance we get which I feel there's actually better alternatives on the market at present 

    Hope this changes and we've all made good investments with Fanatec and it's team.

  • Some intresting observations, tired project cars 1 with csl e ps4, and put it in csw support mode (purple) played for 4 min the i quit the game and put the wheel back to blue ps4 mode, o felt that the wheel had a different feeling and was draging the wheel back to center, a little different from normal feeling. Started GT sport again went for a simple arcade race and i felt a little vibration from the wheel when i drove over curbs and when i hit a barier, some of the force feedback was where but it was very little
  • I refuse to believe this is some kind of oversight on sonys behalf. They clearly ignored fanatec users with Regard's to driveclub. Even when the licencing agreement was made they didn't bother patching the game even with the new driveclub vr which was only out a few months. Fanatec are definitely on they're radar as there is only 3 or 4 (if you include madcatz)major wheel makers in the world when it comes to console gamers. It's like a Beatles fan forgetting John lennon was part of the band. It smells bad. Fanatec is at the top of this very short list. Cut the crap sony!!!
  • Think how many games they would sell it they stopped alienating there core consumers. I've cancelled my preorder. Thank God for for a 7
  • Forza 7
  • Some intresting observations, tired project cars 1 with csl e ps4, and put it in csw support mode (purple) played for 4 min the i quit the game and put the wheel back to blue ps4 mode, o felt that the wheel had a different feeling and was draging the wheel back to center, a little different from normal feeling. Started GT sport again went for a simple arcade race and i felt a little vibration from the wheel when i drove over curbs and when i hit a barier, some of the force feedback was where but it was very little
    I felt the same with Assetto Corsa with the BMW Rim. I would love to enjoy it as i'm sure it's intended but it feels awful.
  • Ok, so far we have this single statement from Thomas. Thanks for that. But this story becomes interesting when we go back a few weeks. Initially GT Sport was listed on the FAQ page as one of the supported games. Then suddenly it disappeared from exactly that list without any explanation. That was the beginning from what we see now. So it would be great to hear something about that phenomenom as well.
    I'm starting to get more and more concerned.
  • edited October 2017
    Me siento engañado despues de dejarme casi 700 euros(que me costo mucho esfuerzo poder ahorrarlos)cuando se supone que era compatible.
  • Me siento engañado despues de dejarme casi 700 euros(que me costo mucho esfuerzo poder ahorrarlos)cuando se supone que era compatible.
    English only this forum please
  • edited October 2017
    Ok, so far we have this single statement from Thomas. Thanks for that. But this story becomes interesting when we go back a few weeks. Initially GT Sport was listed on the FAQ page as one of the supported games. Then suddenly it disappeared from exactly that list without any explanation. That was the beginning from what we see now. So it would be great to hear something about that phenomenom as well.
    I'm starting to get more and more concerned.
    Thomas, would you please be so kind and give us a post explanation on this phenomenom as well? And please allow me one more comment on one of your statements.
    You wrote: 'But we need to know to what extent (rev lights, shifter, handbrake, force feedback, etc) '

    To what extend???

    That must be a joke. Please do me a favour and compare this comment with your promising word from the past.Those are all quoted in several posts above in this thread.

    As soon as you earn the trust of your customers they will follow you and recommend your products. But the progress we see in this GT Sport topic seems not to be the right direction. So please avoid to trivialise this issue as it's a massive disappointment for your customers who bought the CSL Elite wheel just for this game!

    But assuming that this mess is not the fault of Fanatec. Thomas, then it would make sense to ask Sony/Polyphony to provide us with a clear picture when this will be solved. I mean a statement in addiotn to yours where you say '...and we are working hard with our engineers and partners with the aim of rectifying this for the games launch'.

    Or am I expecting far too much here...?
  • I contacted Sony yesterday who apologised about the issue but could only suggest contacting Polyphony Digital. I'm reminded of how Logitech G25 customers were cast aside.
    Fanatec are I'm sure as dismayed by this as we all are. Sony signed a contract and should ensure that Polyphony hold up there end! GT SPORT disks will already have been printed, packaged and probably distributed ready for launch so unless Polyphony have an update ready
    then I'm not hopeful.
  • I have been investing in fanatec for over a year to be ready for GT Sport. First I got the shifter, then the csp v3 pedals and last month the clubsport csl elite. Please tell me this will be fixed
  • I do want to add that the pedals do feel great on the gtsport demo
  • I refuse to believe this is some kind of oversight on sonys behalf. They clearly ignored fanatec users with Regard's to driveclub. Even when the licencing agreement was made they didn't bother patching the game even with the new driveclub vr which was only out a few months. Fanatec are definitely on they're radar as there is only 3 or 4 (if you include madcatz)major wheel makers in the world when it comes to console gamers. It's like a Beatles fan forgetting John lennon was part of the band. It smells bad. Fanatec is at the top of this very short list. Cut the crap sony!!!
    I've been doing a little digging and it turns out that altough the wheel is licenced polyphony have no obligation to make it work with there game. Looks like another driveclub. Once again we have been shafted.
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