Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel - GT Sport Compatibility - UPDATE



  • just got this from fanatec

    In any base be aware that - as explained on our website - it´s not possible to return a product after 3 months from purchase date. Furthermore I would like to inform you that we have never advertised the CSL Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4™ - - as XBox One compatible on our website but XBox One ready. XBox One ready means that to be able to use the base also on Xbox One consoles a Fanatec XBox One compatible steering wheel is required (ex. the CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3 that you have ordered on the 28th of November).

    Best regards / Freundliche Grüße

    Roberto Zandi

    (Fanatec Support Team)

  • does this link clearly state official licensed for ps4 TM 

  • Andrew HakeAndrew Hake Member
    edited December 2017
    Neither of you will be missed. I use my CSL with GT Sport everyday without issue (or injury..). And I will enjoy using it even more once PD is able to update with full support. As was always made clear by the people at Fanatec providing all he information they are able to.
  • I can understand everyone comments from a consumers point of view, and I'm sorry to hear people aren't happy with the wheels performance. I also feel slighted when it comes to full support. But I guess I got lucky cause I haven't had any issues at all, no matter what mode I'm using. Been playing PC1,dirt rally, nascar heat2, and GT sport. Nascar being the only game I play in blue mode. Coming from a Fanatec Porsche V2, this base has takin my racing experience to the next level. Dirt Rally(Probably most intense game I ever played)  times have decreased more and more with every run.Not sure what everyone was expecting but there is no way a Logitech or thrushmaster can compare to this thing. Nothing happens fast at Fanatec so I'm sure they will eventually work it out. I don't have to many good things to say about their customer support tickets(due to length of time it takes to hear back anything) or their website(constantly locks up) but once you have the products in your hand you forget about the BS pretty quickly. At least I have, I love this base. 

  • The marketplace is good for us. There are choices for those who want to plug in and forget, right through to those who want the best possible immersive experience they can get. However, in my limited experience, it's just like that classic car - if you want that level of immersive experience you also need to bring along patience, understanding and time.

    Finally I have one piece of advice for new owners - I see no point is asking anyone else for their Force Feedback settings. It is a very, very personal thing and one size definitely does not fit all. What one racer will think is great, another will try and think - awful- thats why there are so many adjustment sliders to play with! In conjunction with your Fanatec manual, my advice - read as much as you can about the game developers explanations of their FFB tuning tools and go your own way.

    Keep up the good work Fanatec.
    This is such a good post that I feel I have to comment. I couldn't have said it better myself. if you want a realistic experience go with Fanatec. if you want a toy buy something else. ill continue to buy Fanatec and deal with these small issues so I can race with top of the line equipment on console. good work fanatec, there are some appreciative loyal users out here, at least I'm one.
  • When Thomas said that Kazunori Yamauchi will add full support for the CSL Elite in GT Sport by the end of year I was happy about that but at the same time it didn't sound right either...

    Gran Turismo has a partnership / contract with Thrustmaster and they've launched a new wheel specifically for GT Sport which is very expensive. Fanatec have a CSL Elite which is nearly as good (and even way better if you consider all the ecosystem) but really less expensive !

    My opinion about that is simply that Thrustmaster doesn't want the CSL to be compatible with GT Sport and Polyphony Digital is stuck between the two. I really hope something will happen but I'm not really confident :( 
  • Its the silence that kills me, no statement regarding why the wheel wasn't implemented in today's update, no apology, nada ????

    Whats going on Fanatec ??  give us an update at least
  • a date will be the best option.
  • I really dont want to talk the Fanatec Gear down because the wheel and the pedals are great. End of the line! Its a great product! I see it in iRacing where im having tons of fun everyday! But when it comes to GT Sport its just a very sad story. I dont even need a "full implementation" - i just dont want the oscilation on the start and the shaking on straights. I need to turn the force down extremly. Im sad because before 1.05 (GTS) everything worked well. Not perfect, but well! And i understand all the other guys that are disapointed with the combination (!) of the Wheel and GT:Sport.

    And again: It has nothing to do with the product itself - all my PC Sims are working great with it! And that makes it even more sad for me because i know what the wheel can do...

    Still i just installed the update for GTS and i give it another try with the settings. You never know.

    Stay safe guys and have a nice christmas!
  • You are so right !!!!!!!
  • Announcement on Page 1 has been edited! Somebody silently removed the hint on PD having assured to implement the wheel within the end of year...
  • Announcement on Page 1 has been edited! Somebody silently removed the hint on PD having assured to implement the wheel within the end of year...

    "GT Sports works well in compatibility mode so please go ahead and enjoy this game. No need to wait for anything. They are working on the implementation of advanced features which are not needed to play the game but will add to the experience. Kazunori Yamauchi himself assured me that this implementation will happen within this year."
  • Come on. Seriously what kind of fucker in the world take that arrogant attitude after making their customers wait for months outta nothing? Just being honest is Fanatec's only work ethic? What about apologies to your customers for not keeping the word even if it is all because of PD? Is all german manufacturer that unkind and irresponsible? Or is it just Fanatec's code of conduct? It would have been 180 degrees different if Fanatec was a Japanese company. Very shame on your customer service.
  • edited December 2017
    Announcement on Page 1 has been edited! Somebody silently removed the hint on PD having assured to implement the wheel within the end of year...
    I had to check that for myself , unfortunately it's true and feels deceiving somewhat because that comment was the exact reason i switched to fanatec.
    Come on. Seriously what kind of fucker in the world take that arrogant attitude after making their customers wait for months outta nothing? Just being honest is Fanatec's only work ethic? What about apologies to your customers for not keeping the word even if it is all because of PD? Is all german manufacturer that unkind and irresponsible? Or is it just Fanatec's code of conduct? It would have been 180 degrees different if Fanatec was a Japanese company. Very shame on your customer service.

    I work in a german company and can assure you that is not the case, customer policy/feedback is a very important factor.
    Maybe this is taking more that anticipated and dragging Kazunori Y.'s name into it is not the best ideea. If we are talking about PD we know how they delay things.

    To whoever else bought Fanatec gear for a game that is not compatible with yet, but did it on a promise that it will. Remember : never pay for promises :).
  • how will they be able to delete there own website. below is what i got back from fanatec a roberto zandi . I open the link and  quess what it clearly states officially licensed for ps4. TM.  so anyone waiting for a GTSport update forget it as Fanatec endor ag are indicating its  not there problem and they have never advertised as officially licensed for ps4..  Thomas please enlighten us we need  some clarification as you have it advertised all over your website.

    In any base be aware that - as explained on our website - it´s not possible to return a product after 3 months from purchase date. Furthermore I would like to inform you that we have never advertised the CSL Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4™ - -Furthermore I would like to inform you that we have d for 
  • Announcement on Page 1 has been edited! Somebody silently removed the hint on PD having assured to implement the wheel within the end of year...
    Wow, then I would say it's getting serious now! I can't wait to see a reply on that form Fanatec here.
  • Zhuo ChenZhuo Chen Member
    edited December 2017

    I have to say that silence only makes things look bad. No matter how many times before you stated that PD will give full support, it is now near the end of the year, and our customers deserve an explanation why it has not been properly implemented. I understand that the main responsibility goes to PD, but we're buying Fanatec's products! Speak for your customers!


    I've been using my CSL Elite PS4 quite happily in the past three months, but not fully satisfactorily! With the best efforts I put into tuning, the wheel feels OK but still tends to deviate from the center position while in straight line or go crazy randomly. I'm "enjoying" GT Sport with your wheel, but you should not really tell your customers that "GT Sports works well in compatibility mode so please go ahead and enjoy this game. No need to wait for anything". YOUR CUSTOMERS BEING NICE TO YOU DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CAN IGNORE THE FACT AND RESPOND IGNORANTLY.


    Thank you. I will keep all my compliments of your products to my heart, and wait for the improvements in the future.

  • I can only echo what others here have said. First time I've bought a racing wheel. I initially ordered a Thustmaster T-GT only to cancel and get the Fanatec for PS4 because of the quality of the product and promise of support by Christmas. I was hoping the recent update for Gran Turismo Sport would support the wheel, but it hasn't. I truly love the wheel. Using it to play games like F1 2017 and Driveclub feel amazing, but I haven't really touched GT:S due to the issues others are experiencing with the wheel.

    Purchasing this wheel was a considerable investment, and I think as customers, we should be given an update on when we can expect this wheel to be properly supported by GT:S.

    I get it. These things can take time. However, I feel an update on when we can expect that update to come, would be better than the silence we are getting from both camps.
  • Jörg ZieglerJörg Ziegler Member
    edited December 2017
    That the wheel is still NOT implemented by the end of the year now and downloading the last GTS update was just a big dissapointment.
    Shame on PD that they don't care for the FANATEC company and us customers, I don't care for shitty Nissan road cars or any other road cars, a racing game needs "race cars" and the implementation of ALL OFFICIALLY LICENSED W H E E L S by SONY and nothing else.  
  • edited December 2017
    Dear Thomas,
    don't you think it's time for a statement here? I'm sure we do not need to remind you on your promisses beeing made in the past. I'm pretty sure you are totally aware of them. So let me please ask you again and many thanks in advance for your highly appreciated reply.
    1. Do you expect that your wheel will be fully supported by PD and SMS?
    2. If so what do you think when it will happen finally?
    3. How about sharing the state of play in terms of your discussion with PD and SMS with your customers which are actually 'somehow involved in' your sallary?
  • Have mine now since 3 Days, I came from a G29, CSL Elite is amazing, but I understand that people complaining about the shaking wheel while standing. I was thinking my is not working well. Maybe it would be amazing if Fanatec told us there Settings at the Wheel and game, because Fanatec is the Only one who knows how the wheel have to feel. 

    FAST-BECAUSE I want the best for my bucks..... but fall in love with the wheel

  • just bought. gt sport isn't too bad after putting drift on -5. can't wait for full compatibility but it's decent right now and I'm confident Fanatec will get this done!
  • The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
  • The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
    Crazy comment...
    Don't blame Fanatec, blame Kaz and PD! Fanatec NEVER!!! promised it would be implemented before Xmas... Fanatec just said that Kaz him self said that it would be implemented before the end of the year. You notice something? Kaz is not Fanatec and Xmas is not the end of the year... So again, don't blame Fanatec for something they have never promised and blame instead Kaz and PD if the wheel is not implemented till December 31.
    You just have to look at the problems PD is having since a while. GTS is full of bugs, and since yesterday having even huge server problems with the now famous "NE-21194400" error.
    Btw, not only Fanatec wheels are having issues with GTS, but also official wheels like the T-GT, T300 and G29. And believe it or not, the CSL PS4 is still the best wheel even for GTS, better than the official wheels and even not being fully implemented.
    You can contact Sony or/and PD if you like. But I don't think this will make things go faster since they have to solve first problems with the  game itself, and they are many problems...

  • The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.

    That’s the Xmas spirit Stephan, you tell’m son.. While you are annoyed I will drive a few rounds of GTS, nicely with the CSL in purple settings.. Merry you know what..

  • The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
    Crazy comment...
    Don't blame Fanatec, blame Kaz and PD! Fanatec NEVER!!! promised it would be implemented before Xmas... Fanatec just said that Kaz him self said that it would be implemented before the end of the year. You notice something? Kaz is not Fanatec and Xmas is not the end of the year... So again, don't blame Fanatec for something they have never promised and blame instead Kaz and PD if the wheel is not implemented till December 31.
    You just have to look at the problems PD is having since a while. GTS is full of bugs, and since yesterday having even huge server problems with the now famous "NE-21194400" error.
    Btw, not only Fanatec wheels are having issues with GTS, but also official wheels like the T-GT, T300 and G29. And believe it or not, the CSL PS4 is still the best wheel even for GTS, better than the official wheels and even not being fully implemented.
    You can contact Sony or/and PD if you like. But I don't think this will make things go faster since they have to solve first problems with the  game itself, and they are many problems...

    The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
    Crazy comment...
    Don't blame Fanatec, blame Kaz and PD! Fanatec NEVER!!! promised it would be implemented before Xmas... Fanatec just said that Kaz him self said that it would be implemented before the end of the year. You notice something? Kaz is not Fanatec and Xmas is not the end of the year... So again, don't blame Fanatec for something they have never promised and blame instead Kaz and PD if the wheel is not implemented till December 31.
    You just have to look at the problems PD is having since a while. GTS is full of bugs, and since yesterday having even huge server problems with the now famous "NE-21194400" error.
    Btw, not only Fanatec wheels are having issues with GTS, but also official wheels like the T-GT, T300 and G29. And believe it or not, the CSL PS4 is still the best wheel even for GTS, better than the official wheels and even not being fully implemented.
    You can contact Sony or/and PD if you like. But I don't think this will make things go faster since they have to solve first problems with the  game itself, and they are many problems...

    The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
    Crazy comment...
    Don't blame Fanatec, blame Kaz and PD! Fanatec NEVER!!! promised it would be implemented before Xmas... Fanatec just said that Kaz him self said that it would be implemented before the end of the year. You notice something? Kaz is not Fanatec and Xmas is not the end of the year... So again, don't blame Fanatec for something they have never promised and blame instead Kaz and PD if the wheel is not implemented till December 31.
    You just have to look at the problems PD is having since a while. GTS is full of bugs, and since yesterday having even huge server problems with the now famous "NE-21194400" error.
    Btw, not only Fanatec wheels are having issues with GTS, but also official wheels like the T-GT, T300 and G29. And believe it or not, the CSL PS4 is still the best wheel even for GTS, better than the official wheels and even not being fully implemented.
    You can contact Sony or/and PD if you like. But I don't think this will make things go faster since they have to solve first problems with the  game itself, and they are many problems...

    So why delete the comment ?  Maybe its misleading ? damn right it was, hence the frustration.

    lewis Hamiltons PS4 set up was going round twitter yesterday, how true it was I am unsure but why on earth would he not have a Fanatec Steering Wheel ? hmm maybe he cant afford one no ?   lol, Thrustmaster would have given him that.

    If I was Head of Marketing at Fanatec, I would have sent free kit to Rosberg and asked him for the footage of him beating Hamilton's time on a Fanatec wheel.  That woulda made PD sit up a bit.

  • Merry Christmas All,

    It is a disappointing, sad situation, no denying that and it was all down to GT that I got into sim racing in the first place. However, PD took 5 years to create and release a new GT after the PS4 launched and now it has landed, its a shadow of its former self imo.

    If anyone's dishing out refunds then Sony/PD cough up and you can have your effort back, I won't be missing it, but I'll be keeping my Fanatec thanks, to make the most of the excellent titles that are out there.
  • Stephen, you really believe the set on Hamilton's twitter is Hamilton's choice? Because it would be pretty naive to believe that, specially knowing that Hamilton gets played for promoting GTS, PlayStation and Thrustmaster... Welcome to the world of big business and even bigger marketing, the world where the truth dies first.
    Fortunately for Fanatec an for many happy Fanatec customers, you are not head of marketing at Fanatec, with such a behaviour as yours that would not go well for sure.

    Btw, merry Xmas 
  • The CSL wheel wont be implemented in GT at all, thrustmaster are in bed with PD and that's that. 

    Thanks for all the lies and bullshit to trick us into buying your product for GT Sport, utterly disgraceful.

    Im not denying your product is far superior to any other wheel. i have tried it on Forza 7 and is indeed the nuts.

    However i bought it to play GT SPORT, not Forza 7, all based on the fact that the wheel was endorsed by Sony and that Fanatec promised it would be implimented before Xmas.  A comment which has now been retracted ???  wtf, that just says we are lying cnuts !!!!!!

    Ill contact Sony for for some clarification regarding whats going on, I will hopefully get an answer from them cnuts.
    You are an absolutely ridiculous human being..
  • Crazy comment...
    Don't blame Fanatec, blame Kaz and PD! Fanatec NEVER!!! promised it would be implemented before Xmas... Fanatec just said that Kaz him self said that it would be implemented before the end of the year. You notice something? Kaz is not Fanatec and Xmas is not the end of the year... So again, don't blame Fanatec for something they have never promised and blame instead Kaz and PD if the wheel is not implemented till December 31.
    Yes but why take down that comment meanwhile ? Seems you have an explanation for everything, please, do try and explain that.
    You just have to look at the problems PD is having since a while. GTS is full of bugs, and since yesterday having even huge server problems with the now famous "NE-21194400" error.
    Btw, not only Fanatec wheels are having issues with GTS, but also official wheels like the T-GT, T300 and G29. 
      GTS is full of bugs ? name a few because i've been playing it a bit and close to S driver class now but havent found bugs in the game. Some unbalance in cars BoP maybe but bugs ?
       Also recently switched to fanatec from thrustmaster and no, a CSL is not better than a T300 ,T-GT on Logitech drivers, it's actually crap with the clipping and the deadzone of the logitech wheel.
     The server connectivity issue was annoying and lasted for 2 days but thats not a in game related issue, its a server issue, no patch was done client wise to be fixed, now it;s back online.
     Again what issues are there with the Thrustmaster wheels on GT sport ? the feedback they have is quite decent .
     Me as many others switched from Thrustmaster to Fanatec on the promise that the wheel will have native support .
     What Thomas said was "It will be implemented" and he said it based on being assured by Kaz, do you follow? And now that comment was deleted.
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