Lets help Fanatec out

I know, you are desperate to know either when are you going to get your order or if you are going to get your order. The latter; then what?

I am in the same boat. Lashing out at a company that is turmoils will not help you nor them. The person answering your email(s) is not at fault here.

Maybe it will help Fanatec and for you to do they following when contacting them by email:

  • send only 1 email and do not bombard them with several emails stating the same issue
  • get to the point; do not state a whole story saying how disappointed or pissed *ff you are at Fanatec
  • make sure you mention your order number so they are able to trace your order quicker.

The more concise and to the point your mail is the quicker they will be able to go through the bulk of emails. If we keep hitting them with a stick while being down, they will never get back up.


  • Doesn't matter, Fanatec are not spending on customer service, they're spending on marketing. Like their new Formula One sponsorship.

  • I could go along with this attitude if there was a single communication from the company acknowledging that there is a problem and that problem is being worked on and there was some time frame for resolution. We wouldn't feel the need to "bombard" them with eMails if there was some general semblance of communication. They may not have the staff to deal with the deluge of problems they have created but how much effort does it take for ONE person to leave a news update to set expectations and periodically update that?

  • I see what you are saying Michael, and I do agree with you. At the other hand we do not know the real reason why they are not issuing an official communication to the public / clients.

  • Good morning all,

    I just received an email from UPS that my order has been dispatched today. I placed an order of a Clubsport DD on April 10th, and today it was shipped. In my case this would be a delay of 13 days ; from the 10th + 7 days of shipping (only counting workdays) + 6 more workdays till today that it was shipped.

    Maybe this is the timeframe that you will need to consider when placing an order in Europe.

  • Guys, it would be nice if you'll update spreadsheet:


    We are publishing many information about shipping analysis.


  • This is new to me, how does it work? do I need to complete the spreadsheet or do I have to look for my order on the spreadsheet and update the status. Something else I received an email of Fanatec that my order has been loaded on the delivery truck. This is new.

  • As subredit community. We created that spreadsheet to make analysis of shippment etc. Look what other people did.

    You've got guys on information about.

    You don't need to, but it helps someone to make decision to BUY or NOT BUY. According the current days of shipment.

  • PS.

    It's worth to check everyday after 17:00, cause UPS is updating the labels after 5 PM CET

  • Ok guys,

    This is very weird. My Clubsport DD was just delivered 5 min ago. I got the email from Fanatec around 8.00 this morning. I thought this will last about 2 days to reach the Netherlands.

    I believe that Fanatec is doing it's best to solve this issue.

  • amazing, a guy puts out what should be common knowledge but he is right to do so. and you wankers still carry on winging. no wonder your stuff gets messed up. no friggen idea

  • well it seems that you have received your order, and it seems that is not only a matter of Sales Support but also Tech Support.

    I would say that, they could easily take a step into the matter with a simple 30min brainstorm session inside their house and ONE MS Outlook rule. at least everyone would be aware of what is happening and that they are working on it. and no, it's not with

  • We do not know what is going on within Fanatec. It easy to assume the worse. Out here we, the customer, are in the same boat.

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