Pre-orders be aware

Thought I would post here just to make people aware…

twice now I have had pre-orders for products that remain in processed when stock shows as in stock on the shop.

In both cases I then placed a new order for exactly the same items. The new order gets processed straight away (which is great) but the pre-order, that should have priority remains in processed.

what I want to warn is that pre-orders do not get priority and seem to take longer than waiting and ordering once they show in stock,

hope this info is useful.


  • Yest that is true!

    Placed pre-order month ago and now when it´s back on stock nothing happens!

    Maby I should cancel and also place new order.

    Another example how disorganized company Fanatec is, hope Corsair take lead fast.

  • Actually now order changed to "Handover to warehouse" status so all good 😎

  • Bruce JohnsonBruce Johnson Member
    edited July 2024

    Pre ordered a handbrake on 6 June. Was expected 11 June, but was put back to 21 June. In the end came in stock on 19 June, Mine was handed over to warehouse the next day and delivered 28 June (should have been 27 June, but usual customs delay). I'm in the UK.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I had my M3 GT2 V2 wheel stuck at "Handover to warehouse" status for 5 months..... I agree pre orders does not have priority..... and they are usually stuck whenever there are "Some part of the order out of stock", you can't even pay for them to split the order... so be aware......

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